Stretch ceilings: bypassing pipes and communications, execution techniques, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step instructions and expert advice

How to create beautiful stretch ceilings? The bypass of the pipe, done beautifully and accurately, guarantees the creation of an aesthetic appearance of the ceiling. Beautiful and even ceilings make the room cozy and tidy. If the ceiling is decorated with textured or colored material, multi-level, equipped with built-in lighting, this will create an additional atmosphere of comfort and luxury.

pipe circumference

Fixation Features

In order to understand how to get around the pipe with a stretch ceiling, we first analyze the features of such a coating. A stretch ceiling is a fabric made of durable fabric or vinyl film, which is stretched parallel to the main floor slabs.

To make beautiful stretch ceilings, craftsmen think through the pipe bypass in advance. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a smooth and even surface, devoid of drops and irregularities.

Source materials

What materials do stretch ceilings currently equip? It is convenient to bypass the pipe in PVC film, which is why many craftsmen choose it for their work.

The pulling of this material is carried out "on hot", which allows you to get a flat and smooth surface.

engineering communications

Coating Benefits

Among the advantages of choosing this type of ceiling coatings, we note the speed of their arrangement, as well as an acceptable cost. Installation lasts only a few hours, in addition, you can gently make a bypass pipe on suspended ceilings. The arrangement process is clean enough; furniture can simply be covered with plastic wrap for the installation of the metal profile so that dust does not get on it.

Important aspects

How much will stretch ceilings reduce the height of the room? An additional frame can be made around the pipe so that the film stretched over it does not spoil the overall image created in the room. The loss in height is 3-5 centimeters, so the arrangement of a stretch ceiling is suitable for standard rooms.

Among the advantages allocated to stretch ceilings, ease of care is noted. Such ceiling structures are not afraid of detergents, increased moisture. They are treated with a special composition that does not allow dust to accumulate on the ceiling.

If you plan additional installation in the stretch ceiling of recessed fixtures, it must be borne in mind that they will require an additional 5 to 15 centimeters in height.

Features of installing a stretch ceiling


It is difficult enough to independently make a suspended ceiling; a heating pipe can cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner of the property who has planned repairs.

Despite the fact that the PVC film can withstand significant loads, the canvas is afraid of any mechanical damage. Any awkward touch of the film with a hard or sharp object will tear it.

That is why it is so important to carefully bypass the pipe. The stretch ceiling must first be “calculated” so that the film is enough for work. Otherwise, the appearance of the created structure will be hopelessly spoiled, and the money spent in vain.

Features of installing a stretch ceiling

Room measurement

This action is necessary when decorating the ceiling. You will need to take measurements of width, length and find out the diagonal of the surface. Each side must be measured separately, despite the fact that the room has a rectangular shape, because during construction, most likely, small errors were made.

Be sure to check all the corners in the room, as well as niches, ledges, areas that support the columns to create beautiful stretch ceilings. Bypassing a pipe is a complex action that professionals must perform. The slightest inaccuracy will lead to loss of aesthetics of appearance.

materials for the ceiling

Installation algorithm

First, the wall is leveled, works that are associated with the appearance of dust and dirt are completed. Then they take measurements, make a diagram of the future PVC ceiling. On the ceiling mark the places in which the lighting fixtures will be fixed. Next, they find the lowest point of the main ceiling, make the necessary indentation for the lamps, apply markings around the entire perimeter of the room. Ceiling baguettes are placed on the ceiling itself. Profiles are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, the ends are treated with a file. Next, a film coating is mounted. First, the canvas is pulled along one diagonal, fixed with clamps, then along the second.

Thanks to the heating of the film to 70 degrees, the elasticity of the material increases, you can install it in a special baguette. Fixing the material in the corners of the room is carried out at the very end of the work. When additional folds appear, the fabric is reheated with a building hair dryer, straightened. If after stretching the polymer web there are excess material on the ceiling, they must be cut off.

original stretch ceilings


There are many different options for arranging the ceiling in city apartments, country houses. When choosing one of the options, one should take into account a lot of different features, from taking into account the material chosen for decorating the apartment, ending with the personal preferences of the owner, as well as his material capabilities.

Among the most popular methods of decorating ceilings, it is necessary to note stretch fabrics, as well as surfaces made of drywall. It is believed that the first stretch ceilings appeared in France.

Despite the fact that stretch ceilings were invented in Switzerland, the technology of their manufacture itself developed precisely in France. In the Russian Federation, the first stretch ceilings appeared only at the end of the last century. They are a special film that is stretched between the profiles.

The modern stretch ceiling has a number of advantages in comparison with plasterboard, as well as suspended ceilings. Such a surface is much easier to wash, in addition, there is no dust left on the stretch ceiling, since it is not able to attract static electricity to itself.

In addition, it is important to note that the stretch ceiling has a very reasonable cost and allows for a long time to make the living room beautiful and modern.

Before proceeding with the process of direct installation of the canvas, you must make sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials.

Of the tools, a screwdriver, perforator, heat gun, special building hair dryer, as well as polyvinyl chloride film, tape measure, metal profiles will be needed for mounting the suspended ceiling.

Currently, there are three profile options: wall, ceiling, universal. There are two options produced by manufacturers of profiles: aluminum and plastic. Aluminum profile should be preferred, since it is more durable, designed to create multi-level stretch ceilings.

Currently, designers use different versions of the ceilings, which differ in the type of fastening of the ceiling film. In the case of a film ceiling, the harpoon method is used, and in the fabric version, a clip method is required.

At the first stage, a metal profile is mounted, then a polymer film, which, using a heat gun, is neatly stretched around the entire perimeter of the ceiling, and then its edges are removed with a decorative strip. You can choose the stretch ceiling of the desired color, make photo printing on it, and also install a matte or glossy stretch ceiling.

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