Acne and black spots on the face can completely ruin your life! People’s self-esteem decreases, irritability, self-doubt appear on this background, lack of attention of the opposite sex. How to deal with this? Stop running around the shops in search of the best acne remedy, spend huge amounts on expensive advertised funds. Many of them dry the skin and produce a short-lasting effect. We offer you a list of inexpensive, but the best acne remedies, according to consumer reviews. And also learn how to independently, at home, make mixtures for masks.
Where to start?
Before you look for the best acne remedy, it is worth considering why you have them. If it’s in adolescence, then everything is clear - hormones are raging. And if you are no longer a young man or a young girl, then where could such an attack come from? There are many reasons:
- sun exposure;
- the appearance of excess sebum;
- unsuitable cosmetics;
- polluted environment;
- harmful working conditions;
- hormonal disbalance;
- taking certain medications;
- stress
- endocrine diseases;
- bowel and stomach diseases;
- impaired immunity;
- increased cleanliness;
- inadequate skin care;
- menstrual cycle;
- malnutrition.
All these factors contribute to the appearance of acne. Therefore, the first thing to do is to take tests, visit a doctor to rule out illness. After all, none, even the best remedy for acne on the face or on other parts of the body, will help to get rid of adversity forever, if the root cause is not eliminated.
So, we try to exclude diseases. If something is found, you need to start treatment from the inside, and simultaneously get rid of acne.
We suggest considering the best acne remedies. You can find many similar drugs in the pharmacy, but not all of them, as practice shows, are coping with their task. Therefore, in addition to pharmacy, we will also consider those that can be created from improvised products.
This is a good tool that, judging by the reviews, has helped many people in the fight against acne. He has one drawback - it dries the skin very much, so the drug is suitable only for those people who have oily skin, it is contraindicated for dry skin.
It is "Differin" inexpensive. It is available in the form of a gel and ointment, which you like best - only you choose. So, this product can be called the best acne remedy, but only for people with oily skin. We go further.
This is a great skin cleanser. If your skin is prone to acne and black spots, it will help a lot. Do not plague your epidermis with overdrying with water and various detergents, just apply “Chlorhexidine” on a cotton pad as it becomes dirty and wipe your face or other problem areas. This tool will not only free you from an unpleasant problem, but also prevent the emergence of a new one!
"Chlorhexidine" can be safely called one of the best acne and blackheads.
Some mistakenly believe that this tool can destroy the microflora of the skin. This is not true. There is no scientific evidence for this fact. Just don’t get too carried away, cleanse your face with Chlorhexidine as needed, but no more than twice a day.
Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol
It happens that the pimple still does not open up, it hurts and continues to remain under the skin, causing redness and inflammation. Do not use a needle to squeeze an unfortunate pimple, you just need to use one of these ointments.
They work like this: getting on the skin, they begin to warm it, improving blood circulation. And this, in turn, contributes to the release of pus. An infection can be introduced with a needle, which will aggravate the situation, and instead of one acne, ten will appear. Do not take risks, buy one of these inexpensive ointments.
Judging by the reviews, Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment are the best acne remedies for adolescents and adults, if immature abscesses "flaunt" on the skin. They have been used by more than one generation, the result in most cases is noticeable very soon.
Salicylic acid
This is an excellent tool specifically for teenagers. She will not allow a strong spread of acne, and acne scars will not remain, because she will burn acne well at an early stage of development.
Some will be skeptical of such a tool, thinking that it is already obsolete, and in its place more upscale drugs. This is not true. Our good old salicylic acid holds fast. For today, there is simply no way to find an analog product (in terms of quality and price)!
Gel "Skinoren"
According to many people, this is one of the best acne remedies. It helps especially when you have already tried a lot of tools, and they did not help. Bottom line: the skin is running, inflammation more and more. Buy Skinoren Gel, it definitely should help.
The product helps against acne, which appeared as a result of stress in adults.
A disadvantage can be considered that is not suitable for frequent use by people with dry and prone to peeling skin.
Another minus is not suitable for the treatment of teenage acne, as it is addictive and ceases to help with prolonged use. Teenagers for several years may suffer from such defects in appearance, which means this tool is not for them.
Baziron AS
Excellent quality inexpensive ointment! Baziron AS will help if you have an acne, and a party or important meeting is scheduled in a few days. Starting to use this tool, you will notice the result after five days. Among other things, comedones and acne spots that last for so long when using less powerful drugs will disappear.
Again, the product dries the skin, like all that are created to combat acne. If even moisturizing the epidermis after using the ointment does not help you, then it is best to refuse it and choose a less powerful remedy that will relieve acne not so quickly, but the skin will not dry so much.
An excellent, ideal, incredibly effective tool is the opinion of many consumers and the statement of the manufacturer. But! The product is based on antibiotics, so it can often not be used. Get rid of acne? Use products to prevent them from reappearing. Only after a certain interval can the Zenerit treatment be repeated. No, it will not cause harm, just the bacteria get used to one type of antibiotic and eventually stop responding to it, which is why with long-term treatment of acne it is worth alternating means.
This is the novelty of the summer of the previous, 2017. Although the drug was released relatively recently, many fakes began to appear on the shelves of pharmacies. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and buy medicine from trusted distributors. This tool is not cheap, but many people who have already used it are recognized as the best of all that can be purchased today. Of course, if you have the original in your hands.
Reviews of people say that you can completely get rid of acne, blackheads, black spots and traces of post-acne in a month using this tool. It was recognized as the best from acne and acne due to the fact that it practically does not dry the skin. Suitable for any type of epidermis!
This is a long known drug to everyone. Today there is a whole complex of skin care and getting rid of acne - cleansing lotion, creams, ointments, gels. The series is endowed with a wonderful aroma, which is rarely seen in similar products. There is no smell of alcohol at all, the skin, of course, dries, but in moderation.
The drug is suitable for getting rid of teenage acne and those that are caused by various causes (only with complex treatment - eliminating the cause and getting rid of acne).
The cost of the product is quite acceptable, but it is recommended to purchase it only in pharmacies, since today there are a lot of fakes.
What is the best acne remedy you can buy at a pharmacy? The answer to this question definitely will not work, because there are several types of skin, and each consumer has his own preferences for aroma and texture, cost.
Next, we offer to learn how to independently prepare mixtures of various products and herbs that will help cleanse the skin and defeat acne.
Benefits of Home Remedies
The cost of such funds will be quite low. All components are sold in the pharmacy, and some do not even have to be bought, they can be found in your home.
Using self-made drugs will minimize the likelihood of side effects, since all products are familiar to you and you will not put down what could cause you allergies.
All the components used to make the home remedy are natural, made without preservatives, dyes, or fragrances that are so harmful to damaged and sensitive skin.
The Best Home Acne Remedy
Today we will cook acne talkers. These funds were used by our grandmothers to deal with such an unpleasant problem. Do not be skeptical about these recipes. They really help!
Here are a few options:
- Acne Chatterbox for oily skin. You need to mix 50 ml of alcohol (90%, sold in a pharmacy) and boric acid. Add 5 grams of tablets of chloramphenicol and sulfuric acid (2%). On cleansed skin (only on problem areas), apply this composition with rubbing movements, after five minutes it is necessary to apply a greasy cream.
- Chatterbox from subcutaneous and large red acne, as well as from small pustules. We mix 50 ml of boric alcohol and salicylic acid, add 7 grams of sulfur and streptocide. Wipe problem areas overnight, after cleansing the skin. Five minutes later, cream.
- Chatterbox from acne that appeared on the background of stress, as well as during menstruation. We combine 50 ml of boric alcohol and salicylic acid, add 4 grams of erythromycin and zinc oxide / oxide. Wipe the problem areas at night after cleansing the skin, after five minutes we use a cream.
- Chatterbox to dry pimples and prevent them from appearing again. We mix 50 grams of ethyl alcohol and boric acid, add 2 tablets of chloramphenicol and 4.5 grams of sulfur. Use as above.
- Chatterbox to relieve inflammation and dry acne. For cooking, only two components are used - 250 ml of 90% alcohol and 4 tablets of Trichopolum. We cook like this: tablets need to be crushed into powder, pour alcohol. Shake well and put in a dark place to insist for three days. Every day, the talker must be shaken so that the tablets dissolve. After three days, you can use the prepared mixture. Wipe only problem areas, you do not need to wash off, but only use the cream five minutes after the mixture dries on the skin.
We considered the best acne remedies, which cost differently, but preferred cheaper ones. As follows from the reviews, they are no worse than the more expensive ones.