How to make love spells in the cemetery and their consequences

Novice wizards and sorcerers argue enthusiastically about what love spells in a cemetery are. Opinions were divided dramatically, and comments on the Web cause a lot of emotional feedback from readers. But the main thing is impossible to understand: is the love spell safe, will it bring more troubles than happiness? Let's get it right. Love spells in the cemetery - a rather serious and dangerous business. Without preparation, it is not recommended to take them.

love spells in the cemetery

Graveyard Power

Start with the story. Love spells at the cemetery have been held since ancient times. And, by the way, nothing bad before, in past centuries, was seen in this. But just the prevailing ideology was different. The deceased, resting on a graveyard, were considered guardians of the clan. People believed that there you can contact your personal guide to the subtle world and ask him for help. And there is nothing supernatural in this, an ordinary story, like a conversation with mom or grandmother. Unfortunately, only pieces of that picture of the world have survived to our times. Now we are more afraid of the dead than we respect and hope for their support. Nevertheless, a love spell through a cemetery is a popular rite. So to speak, genetic memory works . In the collective subconscious, there was confidence that in a hopeless situation, you can turn to the guardians of the clan. They are powerful and kind - they will certainly tell you how to turn the situation in the direction necessary for joy and happiness. Everything described is extremely important to remember, if you want to have a love spell. You need to tune in not to talk to the unknown "dark forces" that the beginning sorceresses are so afraid of, but to your dead relatives, who are now watching over you from heaven.

love spell at the cemetery in the afternoon

Preparatory work

Experts insist that without this part of the general plan, it is dangerous to carry out love spells in a cemetery. You need to “make friends” with the guards you are going to contact. You should first go to the churchyard several times, take the gifts there. This will allow you to create an energy channel of communication with the spirits. If it is simpler, a person during preliminary visits gets used to the idea of ​​communicating with the dead, and even these forces understand that his intentions are serious. A mention should be made to the churchyard. As a rule, these are sweets, fruits, alcohol. Of course, the spirits of the dead do not need food and drink. These products will be taken away by living people, tearing themselves from graves. Events will be built on their energy. Go to the churchyard several times, sit there, talk with the departed ancestors, tell us about your problem. Such work will strengthen the future ceremony at times. Yes, and your soul will benefit. This can not be done when you are going to do a black love spell in the cemetery. It involves other energy, which does not require prior activation.

love spell through the cemetery

What are cemetery love spells

There are white and black rites. We talked more and more about turning to the forces of the gens. These love spells are considered white. They are practically safe if you do not change the fate of another person, which is actually quite difficult to do. Black love spells are carried out at night, with the obligatory use of biological materials of the victim. For example, there are ceremonies with blood, saliva, human hair, which is affected. Their consequences are unpredictable. After all, the ceremony deprives the victim of free will, enslaves. And this breaks the personality, makes it suffer, languish in the energy dungeon. Mages do not recommend doing black spells on their own. An inexperienced home magician can harm himself and his family by releasing a terrible, uncontrolled force.

Rules of the rites

For everything to work out, you need to know how to carry out a love spell at the cemetery day or night. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem. You must carefully monitor your own reaction. If something causes distrust or fear, do not perform the ceremony. It will not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, it will hurt. Everyone has intuition, but not everyone uses it. It is necessary to maintain a good mood and optimism. If a conspiracy is used, it should be memorized in order not to be confused in words. Remember that you cannot take anything at the grave and carry it home. So you open the way for dark entities in your life. And do not leave your personal things on the churchyard. They can take advantage of the black forces that live in this place. Do everything according to the instructions, believing in success. Light in the soul is your most important defense. It is forbidden to conduct a ceremony for those who suffer greatly from unrequited feelings. First you should calm down, come to an equilibrium state.

love spell in the cemetery who did

Love spell at the cemetery in the afternoon

We proceed to the description of the rites. For this ritual, you must have a photo of the victim, a needle, an envelope and a wax candle. Go to the churchyard by noon, bearing a mention. There, place a treat at the head of the head, and place a photo in the center of the grave. By the way, the image is needed in full growth. The victim on him should be alone, preferably in a good mood. Light a candle. Hold her, pray for help. Mentally ask the spirits to participate in solving your problem. Put a little wax on the photo in the area of ​​the heart. Immediately pierce this place with a needle, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. They are as follows: “I burn with fire, I stab with iron, your soul (the name of the victim) I will forever rest. Amen". The candle needs to be burned completely. Place the photo with the needle in an envelope and hide it in a secret place, but not at home.

The consequences of a love spell

Every wizard who wants to get the love of a victim wants to know when to expect results. Indeed, for their sake, a love spell at the cemetery is carried out. Whoever did such a ritual says that he felt the change the very next day. The victim begins to look more favorably, communicate with obvious interest, and so on. Of course, that is still not love, but the situation is changing dramatically. The fact is that the ceremony affects the customer-performer himself. He becomes more confident, therefore more attractive. This effect is often simply not thought of. On the other hand, one can often read: “I made a love spell at the cemetery, and did not feel any result.” This is because there is no connection with the patrimonial guardians. As they say, see point one - preparation.

strong love spell in the cemetery

Spell on the thing of the victim

The previous ritual has one significant drawback. His energy flows to the victim without a physical carrier, then slowly. An obstacle to it is the natural defense of man. You can overcome it if you use any item belonging to the victim. It must be taken to the churchyard, and then returned to the beloved. At the grave, this thing is charged with the power of your intention, enhanced by the help of the guards of the clan. You need to do the following. At noon, go to the grave, having with you the mercy - mention. Place the gift at the cross. Opposite put the chosen thing. Tell me clearly and precisely what you want. Then say these words: “Spirit, I ask you, to bind the fate of the Lord of slaves (names) forever with love and a common share!”. It is important to have a clear idea in your head of how life should develop after a love spell, so that the guard understands exactly what you want from him. Throw the thing to the victim.

Strong love spell in the cemetery

For this rite, biological material is used, for example, the hair of a person who is exposed to. The ritual is held only at night, until dawn. You should have paper and matches with you, in addition to buying out. Go to the pre-selected grave. Put a mention at the cross. In the center should be placed hair wrapped in paper. Next, go around the grave six times counterclockwise, saying your request clearly and loudly. As you finish the movement, set fire to the package, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. They are: “Fire of my soul, spirit, in the heart of the Lord a slave (name), bear it. Let his body glow with passion, does not know peace, does not drink, does not eat, only suffers. Amen!". Be sure to make sure that your hair and paper are completely burnt. Develop ashes downwind. Go around the grave again, thanks for the support, and then go home. Do not get in touch with anyone until dawn.

black love spell in the cemetery

Consequences of the ritual

People often fear such rites. But while we met only with bright rituals, from which you should not expect tricks. The most unpleasant will be the absence of any changes. This happens if it is unlawful, from the point of view of the Higher Forces, to carry out a love spell at the cemetery. Who did, reviews leave both negative and positive. Some have succeeded, and now he is happy, while others have not waited for positive changes. The latter should check whether everything was done correctly. Often, the ritual is not effective due to distrust of the forces, lack of redemption, and other mistakes. If you find this, then repeat. But there is another side to the issue. Not every person can be made a victim of a love spell. Some have their own fate, prescribed above. It is impossible to influence such people with the usual ritual; the protection is too great. It allows you to break through the black rite, but the reckoning for it will not please anyone. Change of fate - confrontation with the Higher powers. And they are obviously more powerful and fairer.

The negative consequences of the cemetery love spell

It should immediately be noted that everything that is written below concerns only exceptional options. Not every love spell leads to trouble. Only the desire to change the fate of man, which is written above, will lead to a reversal. That is, stubbornness in magic is not a positive quality. When working with forces, you should trust them as a wiser entity, knowing and understanding much more than yours. Otherwise, the consequences are standard. You:

  • you won’t get anything; a love spell will fail;
  • problems will go according to fate;
  • health will be affected;
  • money will disappear;
  • mutual love will become unattainable.

We will not talk about other "minor" troubles, such as difficulties in the service, quarrels with friends, theft and the like. More importantly, fate will break. And this means that your destiny will not be fulfilled, which will burden karma. In this life one cannot see happiness, and then one will have to work through sins. Therefore, looking for a valid love spell in the cemetery, be careful. Trust in guards is an important guarantee of success. Let them decide what is more important now, then the troubles will pass by.

active love spell in the cemetery

About Thanks

Describing the philosophy of love spells in the cemetery, you and I did not touch on one important thing. Guards are not required to help. They are already constantly looking after us, and may have their own opinion about the problem. So, sometimes unrequited love is just a test of unearthly happiness. Higher powers check whether a person is worthy of such pleasure. Therefore, the guards act in their own way, proceeding from a different logic, in which it is more important to lead you along the right path, rather than realize momentary whims. Feel gratitude to them for their work and support. Remember to end any rite with the appropriate words. Feel free to say thanks even for the lack of results. The guards see the past and the future, they know better what is important right now and what is an empty whim. Trust your patrons, then you will find true happiness and harmony in your personal life. Good luck

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