Every marketer knows the exact definition of a concept like a flyer. But the simple person who is far from the advertising business, will not hurt the information below. The word "flyer" most often means leaflets that are advertising in nature. This method of advertising can attract a large number of new customers. However, in order for this method to help you earn money, you must clearly understand what a flyer is. Its key features are as follows:
- The flyer should attract attention.
- She necessarily expresses the main idea and slogan of the advertising campaign.
- Bright design and beautiful images will help to attract attention to the company.
What should they be?
So, we offer a closer look at the concept of flyers. It must be small and contain advertising or overview information about the company or event. Sometimes such leaflets can bring their owner small discounts on goods or services.
Distribution of flyers is used by company owners to inform potential customers about any event. It can be a seasonal sale, a store opening, a party and so on. If you decorate the flyer with thematic images and suitable text, this will help to inform and interest the person in more detail. Any entrepreneur should clearly understand for himself what a flyer is, how it is best used for advertising purposes.
In what areas are they used?
A well-made flyer can be used as an invitation card. His style must be carefully thought out in advance. Such leaflets are most often used in cinemas, restaurants, bars, discos and during mass cultural and entertainment events. In addition, brochures are often used for advertising purposes. This is due to the fact that the production and printing of flyers do not require large financial investments, and attract a huge flow of new visitors and customers. Think for yourself: who would be unpleasant to get a small, but a discount?
The most interesting thing is that this type of advertising really works, and today it is one of the most effective. Often a person takes several leaflets to present a small present at a discount to a friend or neighbor. That is, an advertising campaign can be distributed at an incredible speed, almost without the direct participation of company representatives.
Recently, such leaflets have become very common. Nearly every large store or hypermagret you can meet people who are engaged in their distribution. Therefore, today you rarely meet a person who does not yet know what a flyer is.
Custom solutions
Most often, leaflets are used for informational and advertising purposes. But some creative managers got the hang of using them as passes or entry tickets to events. This allows you to make flyers more colorful and beautiful. Any guest will be pleased to receive a personal invitation, especially if it is printed on quality paper. A beautiful slogan or phrase can increase the rating of the event, therefore, more guests will visit it.
Most often you can find flyers with a standard size of 90x190 mm. But the customer is free to choose the format and size of the flyer. It is always worth remembering what a flyer is. This is, above all, a compact flyer. That is why the distribution of flyers in A5 format may be unprofitable and illogical. It is better to adhere to standard sizes, but come up with some kind of zest.