Dynamic Contrast - Technology for Better Image Clarity

Almost the most important parameter that determines the quality of a monitor or screen is contrast. This term refers to the maximum difference between the darkest color (ideally absolute black) that the screen can display and the lightest (white).

dynamic contrast
There is no exact technique by which contrast is measured. For this reason, manufacturers use any existing today, and the results are given as real monitor parameters, although this is not entirely true. Such checks create ideal conditions for each mode, which simply cannot exist with daily use of a monitor or screen. As a result, the parameters get overstated tens of times. Therefore, when choosing a monitor or screen, focus on your own perception, and not on the passport parameters, although they need to be known, but they should not become determining when choosing.

dynamic contrast monitor
There are two types of contrast: natural static (native) and dynamic. Under the natural understand the difference between black and white, which the monitor is able to give out without additional processing of the image by service programs. Dynamic contrast is the name of the technology that improves the initial screen settings. This parameter is provided by software that analyzes the current picture and changes the brightness of the monitor at certain points.

liquid crystal monitor
The liquid crystal monitor itself does not emit light; special micro-lamps or LEDs, which are located behind the screen, are used to illuminate the image. To achieve the greatest contrast in the image on the screen with a dark color, the backlight turns off, thereby achieving a deeper black color. To ensure the brightest white - the intensity of the glow of the elements is enhanced. This technology is called dynamic contrast. Using this image processing, you can many times increase the actual characteristics of the screen.

Dynamic contrast can only be realized on a moving picture. If the image is static (for example, text processing in a text editor), only natural contrast acts, which is the main technical characteristic of the monitor. It is she who in this mode determines the image parameters.

When watching movies or while playing, dynamic contrast greatly improves the perception and clarity of the picture. So you can’t completely call this technology unnecessary or redundant, but this is exactly the technology, not the screen parameter. A display with high natural contrast will always show deep colors and provide high definition images, and the dynamic contrast of the monitor only improves the moving picture, while the text on the screen remains gray, not black. For this reason, choose those screens or monitors that make you feel most comfortable when working β€” we are different and the same parameters will be perceived differently by different people. Focus on personal perceptions and sensations, but do not forget about the technical parameters.

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