It's no secret that people like to create definitions not only for visible objects, but also for very abstract and ephemeral things that exist only in the figurative world. In this post we will discuss what extreme is. This is one of the qualities inherent in almost every person. It can not be felt or measured, it is a subjective and very relative assessment of behavior. Why are we so arranged that we can go to extremes, who decides what is extreme and what leads behavior to the edge? We will discuss the topic in this post.
What is extreme?
It is not a secret that people are arranged quite peculiarly. Few of us are characterized by calm and consistent behavior, easy perception of life, openness to the new and unknown. We are also not easy to relate to ourselves, as well as to other people.
Society has long secretly determined that there is a certain norm. However, why behind the scenes? Let’s take any religion - there must be precepts in it that give an orientation to what is right. Violation of these laws is considered a deviation from the norm. Ignoring certain commandments is punishable by law, such as theft or murder. Violation of others is simply not welcomed, condemned and called society "extremes".
Extreme examples
For example, it is believed that you need to work five days a week. A person who exceeds the “norm” will be considered a workaholic, the one who does not work at all is a parasite.
In the Orthodox world, it is considered the norm to have a family, to marry a woman, and to marry a man. If a person does not want to follow this “plan”, leads a hectic life and has many partners, then he can be convicted of profligacy. Anyone who does not want to have connections with the opposite sex will be considered a puritan.
There should be enough money to have enough for “bread and butter” - an apartment, a car and paying off a loan. If a person refuses material wealth, this is not normal. Just as it is considered abnormal rampant pursuit of money.
There should be two or three children. The abandonment of children, the now fashionable concept of “childfree” is one extreme, and the desire to have a huge family is another.
Consequently, extreme is what is considered wrong, excessive on the part of society. And that’s all. What did you think?
How is life for those who “rush to extremes”?
You need to live in a way that is comfortable, and so that it does not interfere with others. Blindly following religious dogmas, society forgets about this simple rule and does not give many people freedom of choice. The "Man of Extremes" can be convicted and condemned for desires that are completely natural to him. You will not go to extremes if you provide comfort for yourself and for others. The condemnation by society of those who do not violate these rules is extreme. These are the realities of life in society.
How to live right?
No one, including your parents, your spouse, boss, priests, can tell you about the right life.
Everything is very subjective and varies from person to person, from religion to religion. Extremeness and norm are different not so much on different continents, and sometimes even within the same street.
You yourself sometimes feel discomfort, right? When do you eat too much or refuse to eat because of a diet? Or if, for example, spend all your money on shopping?
People are arranged in such a way that they realize when they cross the boundaries of the norm - and this should not be measured by the opinion of society, but by an internal feeling of peace and harmony with oneself. The norm is calmness in the heart, emotional spirit, the absence of remorse due to actions. Nature and divine providence (whoever stands behind it) provided us with a barometer of correctness. Listen to your inner voice, not your neighbor, and you will do the right thing.