How to draw an elf in stages with a pencil?

Fairy fairies with wings and sharp ears really like children, and adults too. Of course, each presents in its own way how this mythical character should look. Starting to draw, you need to familiarize yourself with the technique of how to draw an elf, because the aesthetic appearance of the work will depend on the complexity of the drawing.

Drawing technique

There are many options for drawing an elf. The technique of drawing with a pencil is quite complicated. But the image is almost alive. The main thing is to correctly combine shadow and light in such a picture.

Work should be done carefully without wiping the drawn image with your hands. Otherwise, the work will be sloppy.

If there is no great practice in performing the work with such a technique, some difficulties may arise. In this case, you can repeat all the steps again. And then you will surely succeed!

Who are the elves?

In search of an answer to the question of how to draw an elf in stages with a pencil, you need to figure out what kind of character.

Outwardly, this fairy-tale hero looks different in the understanding of different people. However, their character traits are very similar. These are carefree, sociable creatures who love parties and friends. Their life is longer than ordinary people.

Each elf is endowed with some features, superpower. Due to their long life spans, these tiny magical characters are endowed with wisdom and some special refinement, even if it is an image of a warrior.

Scrap material

If you want to learn how to draw an elf in stages with a pencil, you will first need to prepare the materials necessary for the work. The first thing to take is a piece of paper. Better if it has a medium grain structure. Then you need to prepare a few pencils of different hardness and sharpen them well. You will also need an eraser and a stick to grind the hatch. It is important that before you start drawing an elf, step by step with a pencil, be patient and, of course, in a good mood.

First stage of work

Initially, page layout is performed. It is necessary to determine the position of the character, for example, in the center of the sheet. All auxiliary lines of work are carried out very thinly and with a harder tool.

How to draw an elf

To decide how to draw an elf in stages with a pencil, they outline the main position of his body, head, arms and legs. Given how the head is turned, sketches of the eyes and facial features are performed .

How to draw an elf in stages with a pencil

Drawn objects in the hands, if such is supposed to endow the image. It is also necessary to outline all the contours of his clothes, fabric folds, shoes.

All lines of the face and hair are drawn more clearly. Elf eyes require special attention. The larger their size, the closer to the anime image will be the character himself. Drawing the beautiful, magical eyes of a fairy-tale hero, it will be more effective to take into account the reflection of light in them and add depth to them with shadow. There are many options for eye design.

Character drawing

Moving forward in studying the issue of how to draw an elf in stages, you should begin to strengthen the character's tones and shadows.

How to draw an elf in stages

A softer, saturated pencil colors the details of the clothes. When drawing an elf in stages, the auxiliary lines should be removed with an eraser. Then the shadow of the folds of clothes is hatched, taking into account the location of the light source in the figure. All main contours are amplified. If the question is raised, how to draw an elf with wings, it is necessary at this stage to indicate the details of this mythical attribute.

How to draw an elf with wings

When drawing an elf with a pencil, they also pay attention to all the details of his clothes, hairstyles, strengthening, where necessary, the shadow.

Using imagination, everyone can decide how to draw an elf in the best way. To depict a fairy-tale character is necessary in the following sequence:

  1. Face, clothes.
  2. Items in the hands, shoes.
  3. Hair, hairstyle elements.
  4. Wings.

The last point is applicable in the case of drawing an elf with wings.

Final stage

You almost already know how to draw an elf with a pencil. Performing the last stage of such an idea, you should proceed to the elaboration of the background. Here you should include fantasy to the maximum. Landscapes of nature or the interiors of the premises are chosen at the personal discretion of the artist.

How to draw an elf with a pencil

It is better that the background of the picture in style coincides with the design of the character. All work should look harmonious. If you choose a more modern type of fairy-tale character, you can work out the interior of the same modern room, finish the secondary characters. To highlight the main character, he can add more details, place it in the center or simply put in the foreground. How to draw an elf in a secondary role can be determined at your discretion, but the drawing technology remains the same as for the main character. In the case when, for example, a forest elf is selected, the background may be a forest landscape, natural motifs.

At the final stage, the shading of the pencil strokes with a special tool is also made, which gives a more realistic image. To add more volume to the picture after shading, you can add light and glare to the picture. Eraser wipes areas where the bright light of the sun or lamp can fall. Moreover, such manipulations can be carried out both for the character and for the background. If desired, this technique is used to decorate the details of clothing, hairstyles, weapons or other items that the character possesses. Highlighting light and shadow will help create a deep image of the picture and add complexity to the overall look.

To draw inspiration for the image of an elf, you can pay attention to already existing drawings. However, it will be better to look at the original, self-invented image.

After reading the step-by-step instructions on how to draw an elf, you can create the correct drawing. The technique of using a simple pencil allows you to use all your imagination and inspiration, which only the power of human creativity is capable of.

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