Compatibility of a Leo woman and a Cancer man: is union possible?

If Cancer converge with Leo, it will become an alliance that contradicts all known laws of nature. In it, Fire and Water never converge. But in life everything is possible. But what kind of union it will be - beyond love and tenderness or constant and indefatigable war, depends only on how much they are in love with each other.

compatibility of a female lion and male cancer

A little bit about them

In order for the compatibility of the Leo woman and the Cancer man to be complete and ideal, they will have to make many concessions. So, in particular, she will have to moderate her pride and become more docile. And he - stop hiding in his sink from the complexities of life and unexpected gifts of fate. Their union can become unique. A lioness is able to simultaneously attract and frighten men. Which is understandable, gallant and smart, beautiful and tender, she can be truly domineering. And this is quite scary for many.

lion sign cancer

And with a modest Cancer, their relationship is quite simple, although a little not clear to herself. Indeed, at the beginning of the novel it was the Lioness who let him into her kingdom, and he, instead of obeying his laws, took and began to rule himself. The fact that a man is sensitive and kind makes her be touched and not notice many shortcomings. But his manner of hiding in a shell from problems and becoming locked in himself can infuriate.

But in general, the compatibility of the Leo woman and the Cancer man can be called quite peaceful if it goes without quarrels. Otherwise, it is a devastating existence of two opposite, but so necessary to each other people.

Language of love

A couple can communicate with each other only in a language understood by both of them. There are a lot of them, but the most effective is sex. It is he who binds the couple for many years. This is a rush of passion, tenderness, fire and warmth. And if their daily life is filled with a misunderstanding of each other's actions, then here these signs ideally coincide. The compatibility of the Leo woman and the Cancer man in bed is so complete that they completely forget about all the unsaidness of the day and remain only alone with each other.

lion cancer

Is marriage possible? The horoscope will tell

He is prone to mood swings, and she, realizing this, extinguishes her sunny raging nature and tries to support him. But this is not always the case, some women cannot restrain their fiery character - such is the sign of Leo. Cancer, seeing this, blames everything on neglect or the desire to humiliate him, which also causes many quarrels. But the man fully feels the power of the Sun in the Lioness only in marriage. He may well come to terms with it, if pride allows. Otherwise, endless conflicts are possible that result in a divorce. And then the classic picture becomes a reality: he is alone in an empty room with a bottle, and she is in the circle of friends, but he does not understand what he is doing here. But in general, both of them can very well use their union, or rather its spiritual side. If a woman understands that it is her man, then she will completely change for him and become the one about whom he dreamed all his life. The compatibility of the Leo woman and the Cancer man in this case will be not only complete, but also undivided.

lion cancer

To summarize

If we talk about what kind of pair it is, then the answer suggests itself: opposites attract. And in this case, it is so. The compatibility of the Leo woman and the Cancer man seems so impossible that, seeing them together, people begin to think, is everything all right in heaven? After all, the stars say that they should not be together. But that’s why we and people are in contradiction with everything and everyone.

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