Paramonih salad for the winter - an interesting snack with a funny name

Those who want to not only preserve their own harvest of delicious bright vegetables, but prefer to create a ready-made dish out of them, will surely like Paramonikha salad. For the winter it is harvested traditionally, sterilized in liter jars. Despite the unusual, even funny name, the appetizer turns out to be beautiful in appearance and wonderful in taste. The recipe will appeal to both those who constantly preserve salads for the winter from vegetables, and novice housewives who have not previously encountered such dishes. Its main ingredients are carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers. The rest can be added, depending on your own taste.

paramonih salad for winter
Paramonih Salad, recipe

Even in the basic version of the appetizer, the dish turns out to be surprisingly aromatic and incredibly tasty. To prepare Paramonikh salad for the winter, you need to take a kilogram of onions, bell pepper and carrots, 2 kg of ripe tomatoes. This number of products is more likely to be sampled, so the rate for global procurement is increased at least 5 times. 300 ml of sugar and vegetable oil, half a glass of table vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt are also useful.

Before preparing Paramonikh salad for the winter, you need to take the appropriate number of sterile jars with lids. About 2 liters of snacks will come out of the given amount of ingredients. That is, you will need 2 liter or 4 half-liter cans.

paramonih salad
Tomatoes and peppers should be washed well, onions and carrots - peeled. Then the seeds and stalk are removed from the pepper, cut into strips. Carrots are usually rubbed on a coarse grater. Onions are cut in half rings, and tomatoes are cut into slices.

Then all vegetables should be mixed in a bowl of the appropriate volume, which can be set on fire. Salt, add sugar, vinegar and butter, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 20 minutes. Next, the finished salad is laid out in sterile jars, closed and left to cool. It is better to transfer them to storage in a cellar or other cool place.

Paramonih salad for the winter with zucchini

For a change, you can make a small departure from the classic recipe and cook this dish by adding additional ingredients. It can be zucchini, which at the end of summer grow in any garden and are sold at an affordable price. Moreover, these vegetables are very useful and will add a spicy flavor to the dish.

salads for the winter from vegetables
All products are taken according to the previous recipe. Additionally, you need a bunch of greens and a kilogram of zucchini (preferably young). Sugar should be taken more (about 400 grams) or to taste.

Chopping all the vegetables, they are sent to zucchini, cut into cubes or straws. If they are not too young and sufficiently thick-skinned, they are pre-cleaned. Finely chopped greens. All mix, add spices and boil for 20-25 minutes (so that the zucchini boil). Ready salad is also closed in sterile jars and stored in a cool place.

In the first and second versions of the dish, you can additionally put allspice peas, bay leaves or other favorite spices to taste. Those who prefer savory foods sometimes use chili peppers. But still in the original Paramonikha salad should have a fairly mild, sweetish taste.

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