Sun protection products: a beautiful tan without harm to health

At the beginning of the last century, tanned skin was one of the main signs of low social status. Nowadays, the trend is completely opposite. Tanned beauties look at us from the pages of glossy magazines, advertising a bronze skin tone.

Despite the beauty of the tan, it is difficult to call it absolutely safe. In essence, this is a real burn. In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun or under tanning lamps can cause skin cancer, and this is a serious disease that is almost incurable. That is why you should not forget about sunscreens when you are going to sunbathe.

Creams for tanning. Difficulties of choice and rules of use

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying tanning products is the SPF index. It shows the degree and time of protection of a particular cream or lotion. The higher the indicator, the stronger the substance that protects against ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to select sunscreens based on the characteristics of your skin. For those who are thin and pale by nature, creams with a high SPF are suitable. Also, means with a high level of protection should be used in the first days of stay in the sun.

Apply a thin tanning agent about 20 minutes before sunbathing. If you go to the beach, then you just need a waterproof cream. It will protect the skin while swimming in water. However, this does not save you from having to update the cream after going ashore.

Sun tanning cosmetics

We have already talked about tanning creams, however, the range of sunscreen cosmetics is not limited to these products. In addition to lotions and creams that prevent a strong tan, there are also funds that activate it. The particles contained in this cosmetics are able to attract solar

tanning cosmetics in the sun
learn and enhance the bronze skin tone. If you have planned a vacation in the southern resorts, then such a cream can seriously damage the skin, because it is suitable only for use in regions with low solar activity.

Also pay attention to funds after sunburn. For the most part, these are soothing and moisturizing plant-based lotions and tonics. They help relieve irritation, reduce pain and give the skin tenderness and velvety.

Let's talk a little about makeup. Before leaving your home on a sunny day, use a foundation with a protective filter. Sunscreens blend perfectly with your regular makeup. You can apply them under a layer of powder or regular day cream.

Features of tanning in the solarium

If there is no way to visit the beach, then tanning is easy and under tanning lamps. The sunscreens mentioned above are also suitable for tanning beds. To get an even tan, you may need activators, prolongators, and fixatives. Trust in the choice of these tools to professionals working in the tanning studio.

tanning oil in the solarium

Separately, mention should be made of tanning oil in the solarium. Some girls try to replace the special oil with olive or even sunflower. This is a rather gross mistake, because suntan oil is a whole set of various components (olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, cocoa and others). The composition of this tool also includes UV filters, vitamins, antioxidants. Buy oil from well-known manufacturers and you will get a great tan.

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