DIY Cheshire Cat Makeup from Alice in Wonderland for Halloween

Want to creatively celebrate the most terrible and controversial holiday? Then you need to choose a hero for Halloween. How do you like Cheshire cat? This is a really interesting character. He is very wise, but completely crazy at the same time. He is polite, but slightly cynical. In the end, he is the only cat in the world who can disappear in the opposite direction. To transform into this weirdo, you have to master the makeup of the Cheshire Cat. It would be nice to bring Alice, or at least the Hatter, with you on holiday!

cheshire cat makeup

The holiday comes to us

Many people do not understand Halloween and in every possible way disown this holiday. Indeed, what good can bring to our culture the day when you can change into a serial killer or a walking corpse, and then go home, picking up sweets ?! But after all, the Russian Kolyada for some reason do not bother such antagonists! So is the antipathy to the holiday due only to its western origin? But this is real discrimination!

This holiday is by no means an American. He came from the Celts! And this is not a satanic day at all, but only a time when you can smile, looking in the face of your fears. If the child is afraid of the dark, then make him a costume of the Black Cloak or Count Dracula. Will he be afraid when he himself will stay all day in the role of the one whom everyone is afraid of? Most likely, he will understand that the existence of such characters is a fantasy!

cheshire cat makeup for halloween

The most harmless crazy

If you still don’t want to dress up in a blood-stained corpse, you can try the makeup of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. This hero, of course, is unlikely to scare anyone, but certainly attracts you!

Cheshire cat is an undoubted philosopher, always calm and very interesting. Remember, in a fairy tale, he seemed to be Alice's only friend, her faithful companion, prompting in difficult situations. At the same time, the Cheshire Cat is very lenient towards the other inhabitants of Wonderland, rightly recognizing that they are all crazy here.

Is Cheshire Cat's makeup suitable for you? Still, in this way you can’t do with a simple growl, which would be enough for the role of a zombie! Cheshire cat is wayward and beautiful, so try to make him a bright character of the holiday!

how to make cheshire cat makeup

Decide on the type

Before stopping your choice on one image, it is worth examining at least the lists of the most popular. Now vampire themes are definitely in trend, and images inspired by Twilight and Vampire Diaries will surely fill any party. Realizing the image is not so difficult: a glamorous make-up, fangs and a somewhat absent look with a thirst for blood in the eyes.

The Living Dead do not lose relevance. This is the most popular, but not so interesting costume. It must be remembered that zombies do not follow clothes, they can walk with a nail in their head or with a bloody flat cake instead of an eye. "Zombies" do not differ in social activity, so this image does not quite suit sociable people.

But the variation on the theme of cartoon zombies will be interesting. In the trend, almost all the characters of Tim Burton are from Edward Scissorhands to Willy Wonka. The corpse of the bride requires complex makeup and blue skin, but this image will leave the girl feminine and very pretty! Cheshire Cat’s make-up is also suitable if you embody the image from a Burton movie!

Animal color options are also popular. Halloween is likely to be full of tiger cubs, panthers, cats and even monkeys. In principle, the makeup of the Cheshire cat can also be attributed to it, although it has already been said that this is not such an unambiguous hero.

"A man with two faces" is an image from the category of complex. If you are not the genius of visage, then it’s better not to take it, otherwise you will get an ordinary clown, which, by the way, will also scare many.

Halloween makeup cheshire cat step by step

How to do?

Apparently, if you want to be in trend, then choose the makeup of the Cheshire Cat for Halloween. It is not so complicated, but interesting and allows variations on the proposed topic. Do not be afraid that your cat will turn out to be good, because the party does not necessarily imply the presence of horror. For example, often on Halloween they make coloring for a deer Bambi or a Barbie doll.

So how to make cheshire cat makeup? Stock up on paint and false mustache. Remember that you don’t need to turn into a painted doll. With a wardrobe selected, a couple of strokes in the makeup are enough. The cat does not have a blush and generally not enough warm tones on the face, so the blush is to the side. But the powder will be out of place. Especially if you have freckles or acne. Let the face of the cat be clean. The predatory smile of a cat is the main emphasis in makeup, so you need to start work with it.

Take a simple black pencil and outline the outline of a smile from ear to ear. Draw the lines below and above the lips. Further along the borders, walk in black paint. Fill the inner area with white paint, including lips. The cat must constantly smile, and therefore, from the corners of the lips to the drawn ones, a line is also needed. To draw teeth, you can use a pencil or even henna, but in the second case, the makeup of the Cheshire Cat for Halloween will have to be carried into ordinary life!

DIY cheshire cat makeup

Bonuses and nuances

Remember that Halloween Cheshire Cat makeup step by step is not so difficult if you initially sketch the image. The cat is a bright character and even crazy, so colored cat lenses will come in handy. Let them be the color of azure or turquoise. Yellow eyes (or amber) may be more suitable for a cat, but it looks really creepy. To the green eyes, you can add the same flowers of the eyebrows and strokes on the mustache. Make the shape of the eyes almond-shaped, because you still portray a kitty. By the way, the character does not have to be a guy. You can make a Cheshire cat - add curls and even a bow to the neck!

The dangers

Make-up of a Cheshire cat with your own hands is simple, and for this there is no need to use complex dyes. It is enough to focus on the type of your own skin and the level of sweating. Still, the party can be long and pencils can "float". To avoid this, it is worth powdering the finished makeup in order to fix it.

makeup of cheshire cat from alice in wonderland

To a feast and to the world!

Spectacular manicure, hair crayons and massive jewelry resembling a collar will complement the image of a wild cat. Do not forget about the false eyelashes, because the cat they are beautiful by nature. The hairstyle should be neat or completely crazy. There can be no intermediate option, as "wild" makeup requires appropriate framing.

Clothing at a party should not distract from makeup, because the Cheshire cat is famous for being able to attract only a smile and soar without its body. So the outfit can be dark and modest, but still not completely girlish and tender. A dark-colored jumpsuit or jeans with a spotted sweater will do. A minimum of jewelry - only massive accessories that emphasize the cat's essence. If desired, you can buy "cat's legs" with pads to stretch languidly and purr at the sight of friends.

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