Krasnodar Territory, universities: addresses, reviews, specialties

The city of Krasnodar can be safely called the student capital of the Kuban. There are about forty higher education institutions that are accredited and respected by both students and parents. We offer you an overview of the best universities in the Krasnodar Territory located in Krasnodar!

Kuban State Agrarian University

The leader of higher agricultural education, a university recognized by the center of science and innovation. Do you already understand what kind of educational institution you are talking about? Of course, about the Kuban State Agrarian University!

Kuban State Agrarian University

Its history begins in 1918. It was then that under the Kuban Polytechnic, an agricultural department was formed. After 4 years, by decision of the Kuban workers' council and deputies, the department received legal independence. In the same 1922, the first specialists graduated - 12 people. A year later, the number of graduates was 68, and already in 1924 there were 120 specialists!

From the very beginning, the educational institution was distinguished by a unique teaching staff, which included about 12-15 professors. In the 60s of the last century, economic specialties appeared at the institute, which allowed to significantly increase the number of students.

Over its 95-year history, this university of the Krasnodar Territory has managed to become one of the largest educational institutions throughout Russia. Here, the use of innovation is combined with the careful preservation of traditions. It is worth noting that the modern KubSAU is:

  • 20 buildings - laboratory and training;
  • 21 hostels for students with 9.5 thousand places;
  • artificial climate center;
  • volunteer center;
  • library with a total fund of 1 million publications;
  • experimental station;
  • two research institutes;
  • 13 buffets and 2 dining rooms;
  • large modern sports complex.

Krasnodar region universities

In addition, the Kuban State Agrarian University includes the Botanical Garden named after Kosenko, a center for business education, training and experimental farms "Kuban" and "Krasnodar", a recreation camp on the Black Sea called "Krynitsa".


The list of specialties is extensive:

  • agronomy;
  • agricultural soil science and agrochemistry;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • environmental management;
  • cadastres and land management;
  • economy;
  • standardization;
  • gardening;
  • construction;
  • management;
  • ecology;
  • Informatics;
  • law.

In their reviews, students and graduates of KubSAU note the high level of teacher training, diplomacy and humanity. Students say that, in addition to studying at this university in the Krasnodar Territory, you can realize yourself in creativity and sports: students are offered journalism courses, dance clubs, participation in musical groups, and various sports. And in the summer you can go to the sea.

The admission committee of the university is located in the building of the Faculty of Zoo Engineering on ul. Kalinina, 13.


Southern Institute of Management appeared in Krasnodar in the fall of 1993. It can be considered one of the first private universities in the south of our country. Over the entire period of its existence, the institution has released more than 10 thousand specialists for all professional fields: for the economy, law enforcement agencies, legislative and executive authorities.

southern institute of management

What is the Southern Institute of Management? These are 3 educational buildings, a large modern scientific library, a sports hall, a dining room. Students are trained at four faculties:

  • Faculty of Law;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management;
  • Higher School of International Business;
  • Faculty of distance learning.

To date, 2.5 thousand students are studying at this university in the Krasnodar Territory. The student council and the scientific community are actively working. The educational institution is located at: st. Stavropol, 216.


Another non-profit university in Krasnodar is IMSIT. The Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies appeared in the Kuban in 1994 and immediately became one of the most popular educational institutions in the region. Today, about 5 thousand students study here. The university includes:

  • 5 faculties;
  • Center for Continuing Education;
  • 6 departments;
  • driving school.

Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies

The university is located on Zipovskaya street, 5. In their reviews, students note: IMSIT provides excellent knowledge that helps in finding jobs in prestigious positions. In addition, there is a decent cafe. The only drawback, according to students, is the non-modern sports hall.


In this educational institution, you can choose one of 19 specialties in 7 areas:

  • computer science and computer engineering;
  • fine and applied arts;
  • Information Security;
  • social work;
  • tourism and service;
  • Media and librarianship;
  • economics and Management.

Kuban State Medical University

Kuban State Medical University ( Kuban State Medical University ) is one of the five Russian universities working with biological material.

An educational institution appeared in 1920. The building where the diocesan school for women was located at the beginning of the 20th century was chosen as a training room. The appearance of this university in the Krasnodar Territory was the impetus for the emergence of a talented medical community. A medical society appeared in the city, which brought together practicing doctors and teachers of KubSMU. The journal "Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin" was founded.

Kuban State Medical University

The credibility of this university in the Krasnodar Territory grew due to the fact that regular teaching staff was replenished with highly qualified teachers. The year 1925 was marked by the first graduation of specialists - more than 100 doctors graduated from the institute. In the same year, KubSMU was included in the network of state universities of the RSFSR. In 1928, the institution was named after the Red Army. This name was lost only in 1994, when the institute was renamed the Academy. Until 1930, a significant proportion of graduates began medical practice in villages and villages. Those who were involved in work at the university remained in the city.

Immediately after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, courses were launched at the university, which trained nurses, medical officers, and sandwiches. In 1941, additional classes were organized for senior students, which allowed to accelerate the educational process. Thanks to this, in the first year of the war, about 850 doctors graduated from the walls of the institute. During the war, the educational institution was evacuated twice - in Yerevan and Tyumen. However, already in 1943, the university returned to its hometown. Today, the university is located at ul. Sedina, 4.

In their reviews of KubSMU, students and graduates note: the learning process at the university is exciting, teachers are highly qualified. They also respond positively to the level of research work.

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