Hair is not just the vegetation on our heads, but also the object of undisguised pride or the obvious grief of many representatives of both sexes.
According to many esotericists, they can be considered as certain antennas that attract positive energy from space. This is why you should be careful about your hair. Moreover, people who understand magic, argue that by cutting hair, a person changes his life path, his fate. Therefore, it is necessary to do this, observing certain rules and rituals.
Moon phases for haircuts
Best time for a haircut:
- If you want your hair to grow faster and have strong roots, then cut and nourish it during the growing moon.
- If you want to slow down hair growth and strengthen hair, cut it during a waning moon.
You can not cut hair categorically:
- During the new moon (the most critical period).
- On the 9th lunar day.
- On the 15th lunar day (look at your health and the lunar phase for your zodiac sign when choosing this day).
- During the 23rd lunar day.
- During a lunar and solar eclipse, it is categorically not advised by specialists to do various haircuts and styling. Also check the influence of the planets, whether it is positive or not.
The effect of the zodiac signs on a haircut on the moon
The zodiac sign is the most important factor in choosing the right time to decide on a change of image:
1) A moonlight in Aries can accelerate hair growth, but their quality is lost. In general, these days are not recommended for going to stylists, because immunity is quite low, and the likelihood of diseases increases.
2) The moon in Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo is a favorable period for hair growth. Hair practically does not split and does not fall out. The period is favorable for the use of non-natural substances and the creation of an exquisite hairstyle (waving, painting, etc.). The best time is when the Moon is located in the gentle and wise Virgo. Nature itself asks you to change the style.
3) The moon in Gemini makes hair unruly, but if you want to make curls, it can be useful and favorable for you.
4) The moon in Gemini and Libra. Favorable time for voluminous and complex haircuts. Excellent hair growth after going to the master is provided to you. The condition of the hair remains stable.
5) The moon in Aquarius. A good period for novelty, but do not try to make the hairstyle standard or classic. Hair quality will not be worse. However, if possible, avoid a haircut.
6) The moon in Cancer and Pisces makes hair growth slow. A good period for those who have brittle and dry hair. The hairstyle will usually not have a shape, so you should not do styling. Shampoo in this period is not recommended.
7) The moon in Leo is favorable for hair coloring and decoration. Hair health remains unchanged. Hair cutting is particularly successful in this lunar phase. If you have thick hair, curling may be unfavorable.
8) The moon in Sagittarius is not suitable for styling and hairstyles. The hairstyle will not have a shape, so do not style it. But these days may be suitable for those who care for their hair, and even a career can go uphill.
9) The moon in Scorpio does not affect the health of the hair. Hair can become naughty and voluminous. This is a very difficult phase of the moon to cut hair, because it can improve or destroy relationships with a sexual partner.
Best haircut phase
Which moon for haircuts is optimal, many women ask. A long observation of the moon cycles and their relationship with the health of your hair suggests that the best time for a haircut is a full moon. This is due to the fact that our body as a biological structure is highly dependent on natural rhythms. The full moon period is the point when everything is filled with lunar energy. While the night luminary is weakening, this energy is removed from our body. Otherwise, if we do not help this process, it stagnates. Therefore, it is recommended to cleanse your energy by cutting your hair (a light haircut is enough). The moon for hair cutting in January is in the best phase from the third day of the month.
However, you should not forget to follow your personal rhythms and monitor your health. For some people, full moon time can be critical, so it’s best to choose a different day for hair care. The growing moon in January for a haircut is a very positive period for going to the hairdresser.
The ideal time for hair renewal is the time of the full moon in Leo or Virgo. These are rare periods, so don't miss them for a haircut.
February is the last winter month
For a visit to the hairdresser to be successful, you need not only to choose a qualified master, but also pay attention to the lunar date. The lunar cycle is full of favorable days for haircuts, but there are also time periods in which it is better not to experiment with hair. It is important to correlate the haircuts according to the lunar calendar in 2018 with the correct date in order to successfully update your appearance with hairdressing scissors in your hands. Spring is coming, and every woman wants to be irresistible.
Haircuts according to the lunar calendar
On favorable days, the moon affects the growth and life of all living things and organisms on our planet. Nails and hair are also no exception to the rule. Being in the growth phase, the Earth satellite strengthens the growth and quality of hair, respectively, hair cut in the first half of the cycle will grow faster and become thicker. A haircut made after the full moon will long remain attractive because the hair will grow slowly. The growing moon in February for hair cutting is very favorable.
What can knowledge of the lunar phases give?
February 2018 begins exactly after the full moon. We have chosen favorable dates for this month for haircuts with various tasks: to trim the tips “for beauty” and model haircuts. In addition, below you will find a list of dates that are absolutely not suitable for visiting a hairdresser.
Each favorable day for visiting a stylist has its own specific positive consequences. Thus, a haircut on one lunar day will bring you significant profit in the business, and on the other hand, will help to build and maintain a truly trusting relationship in the family
Haircuts for February 2018
The moon in February for haircuts will be favorable depending on the phase of the satellite.
- It is possible to cut hair: 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28 numbers.
- Haircuts that keep their shape: February 10, 11, 12, 14.
- Positive days for a haircut (in general): February 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
- Adverse days for haircuts: 9, 18, 19, 20, 23.
- Neutral days for haircuts: 1, 13, 26, 27.
The best days for hairstyles on the lunar calendar
Many people wonder which days are best for haircuts. The answer to this question may depend on your plans and the final outcome that you want to see. Cutting off the ends, you hope that the hair will grow quickly and will be healthier. But, creating a new look with the help of an extreme hairstyle, you expect that it will retain a presentable appearance and length for a long time. And here simple rules apply. As you know, the growing moon (1-15 lunar days), especially in spring and summer, gives growth and development to living organisms on our green planet.
The same applies to our hair. Haircuts to the growing moon allow hair to grow quickly, and this is the best time to cut sore ends. The waning moon (16-30th lunar days), gradually disappearing from the night sky, is constantly depleted and decreases, which can help slow growth. Cold seasons are the best periods for haircuts, if you hope to keep your hair in excellent condition for quite some time. Naturally, a lot depends on the experience and professionalism of the master stylist.
Worst Hairdresser Periods
In addition to hair growth, there are other features and indicators that affect the selection of the best day for a haircut. Do not forget that every day corresponds to a specific department of the human body and activates certain processes in the body. Thus, a haircut according to the lunar calendar excludes days corresponding to such a part of the body as the head and skin. Thus, the 5th and 22nd days of the lunar cycle are unfavorable for cutting hair.
In addition, there are several days of lunar phase changes in this cycle. As a rule, such days are considered negative and even devilish in some astrological movements. In fact, these are the next days of the lunar cycle - 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th. They are characterized by a very strong stream of energy of the night luminary, with which not everyone can cope. Therefore, do not forget that the stylist is just a person. It is better not to visit it on negative lunar days.
Feature of some lunar days
Moreover, do not forget about the essence of each lunar day and its specific effect on all areas of human life. Of course, this effect extends to actions with hair. The best days for haircuts are periods that help hair grow quickly or, conversely, slow down growth, preserving the zest and novelty of your image. A haircut on a special day can perfectly affect your financial condition or relationships with your lover - and it all depends on the mood and phase of the moonlight. For example, the third lunar day, with its active energy and business acumen, will increase the income of the person who will make the haircut. A haircut on the 13th lunar day will allow a person to radically change his existence for the better, saturating him with positive deeds and innovative ideas.
Haircut Calendar: Basic Rules
Be careful and do not forget that various actions with curls - hair, dyeing, curling, treatment - often have exactly the opposite essence in terms of lunar energy. Choosing a period when to get a haircut in the lunar phase, do not try to plan other things these days. Remember that for painting a decreasing cycle is a bad solution. Color can fade quickly. Today, the moon is a great adviser for haircuts.
Well and the most important thing. If you decide on the arrangement of life events according to the lunar calendar, keep in mind that there are several special days that you can use to plan something, including a visit to the hairdresser.
So, the first lunar day of the cycle is created to find and determine plans and desires, thinking using strategies in any area of your life. If you create your new style, the future type of haircut and a favorable date for it on the first lunar day, you are likely to be happy with the result.
The seventh lunar day activates the power of the word. Therefore, keep in mind that everything you say on this day will come true. Use the power of this day by saying out loud that your trip to the hairdresser will be successful. Thus, you can turn any date into the best lunar day for haircuts.
The 11th lunar day fills us with energy and confidence. The desires conceived on this day will certainly come true if you really believe in it and clearly know what you want. It is very good to work with visualization of your desires on the 11th lunar day. It's time to take magazines to the hairdresser and make a collage of trendy images for your wish card. Today, cutting hair on the moon is extremely popular with both hairdressers and astrologers.
The esoteric essence of the moon
From an esoteric point of view, the moon has no essential life value. This is a repository for the past, especially one that is characterized by the rejection of astral images and desires. Although our harmonization with the essential integrity of life is growing steadily, many of us are still struggling with the relationship between soul awareness and our participation in physical, mental and emotional life. It should be remembered that the moon in its essence is a purely feminine magical and esoteric energy that carries a deep sacred meaning.
The moon is not just a pale companion of interest to romantics and astrologers. Its influence goes beyond simply creating ocean tides or moving biological cycles. More importantly, the moon has a huge impact on the physiological, emotional and psychological state of man. Myths about werewolves and superstitions regarding the full moon are not far from the truth. Certain lunar phases enhance the possibility of emotional exhaustion of situations and stimulate activity and sensitivity in vulnerable individuals. As numerous esoteric sources explain, we are food for the moon. It has a huge impact on the human race, but the vast majority of people are not aware of this. During any new / full moon (and in particular during periods of eclipse), portals and dimensions open that affect the lives of people and all living things. This is the influence of this astral satellite.
The dark luminary acts on the unconscious, on the human heart, intuition, on his mood, nervous system. The moon is one of the basic forces in our world. And the magic that works with this force is one of the most beautiful, colorful and powerful. The magic of the moon is the use of its power for the strength of the spirit of man. The moon is changing its strength, and its forces are changing in our world. The rituals associated with the lunar phases are different. This is the inclusion of herbs, cleaning, harmonization of workplaces and offices. The moon is reflected in all nature. The dark luminary leads the hidden natural forces. Her influence depends on her phases, since she is connected with the main body. There are four phases, and in any of them it has a specific strength, and its power is associated with the distance from the sun; it is the position of the moon relative to the sun that is reflected in the lunar phases.