You think to write love letters to a man, but are afraid to do this? Make up your mind. It is always worth remembering that our life is one and the second chance to make a declaration of love or just to please a person you may not even introduce yourself. So get your thoughts together, read the article and go for it.
Why write letters?
Some girls are very shy. They cannot tell men how they feel. The stronger sex does not like to solve puzzles. Men will not give hidden meaning to your languid looks and gentle sighs. If you do not directly tell the guy that you like him, he may not understand this. But declaring love is very difficult. At this point, you can write a love letter. A man, having received such a sign of attention, certainly will not doubt your feelings. After all, you clearly state them on paper. After such a romantic gesture, any representative of the stronger sex will want to do something pleasant for you. Therefore, if your young man has long declared his love to you, and you still do not dare to take such a bold act, sit down at the table and start writing the text.
What to write on?
In the age of modern technology, it is easiest to write an electronic love letter. But few people think about the consequences of such an action. Remember the story. Previously, prudent girls were in no hurry to write love letters to men, because they were afraid that the scribbled sheet could compromise them. Yes, today the times have changed a bit, and the papers are too easy to falsify. But still you should not trust the Internet.
A girl should understand that today's beloved can drive her into the paint tomorrow if she does rash acts. For example, by sending an e-mail, you can cause a lot of trouble to a man. He can open his mailbox in the presence of colleagues, who will then tell the whole office that you write passionate letters. And also a person who likes to flaunt his relationship can post your essay on his wall in a social network. To prevent this, you should write by hand. You can send such a letter by mail or hand it to the addressee personally.
What to write
What should a love letter contain in a man? You need to write sincerely and on business. Do not pour water and think extensively about love. If you have already begun to commit a bold act, then bring it to the end. Tell us how you feel when love has settled in your heart and how long it has been living there. If you are writing not a declaration of love, but simply a love letter to add some piquancy to a relationship, then you can write about why you love the chosen one. But do not write anything obscene. Trusting paper that falls into the hands of another person is totally impossible. And even if you are completely confident in the man, there is always a chance that someone can read the letter from the outside, and then you have to blush for your words, because you can also quote them. Therefore, it is possible to throw out on paper only tenderness, but nothing more. Everything else should be said in person.
We recall pleasant moments
But what you can remember in the letter is about your successful past dates. Any couple, even if it is just being formed, always has those touching moments that are later remembered with a smile. This may be the first dance, kiss or a walk under the moonlight. There is always something personal that you have not mentioned to anyone. Here you can write about this moment in a letter.
Moreover, this part with memories can be inserted into any part of the message. But it is most appropriate to write about a pleasant moment at the beginning of the letter - then it will immediately create the desired mood for the reader - or at the end of the letter - then the person will put down the paper with pleasant thoughts, and he will have the opportunity to once again lose the memory of the moment just described.
Writing a love letter to a man in his own words is simply a must. No need to try to pile up other people's inappropriate phrases. It should be remembered that you are not composing a novel, but expressing your thoughts.
Canvas for writing
It will be easier for you to write if before your eyes there are pre-prepared points. You can use our option or slightly upgrade it to your needs.
A love letter to a beloved man should begin with the appeal and your goal. What is so straight from the spot and into the quarry? Yes, right away. Agree, the fact of receiving a letter will surprise a man. He can think of a lot for himself if he does not immediately understand the semantic message. You need to turn to a man the same way you used to call him. If you call him Pasha and have not yet switched to the adjective darling, then you need to turn to Pasha, and not to the cat, bunny or the sun.
Then you should express your feelings. This can be done with the phrase: "I have long been partial to you, but could not find the words and the right moment to tell you about this."
Now you can proceed to listing the merits of men. Tell us why he likes you. But do not flatter. Express yourself very honestly. You may have been captivated by his sense of humor, perhaps you like his train of thought or philosophical reasoning.
Now you can move on to some pleasant memory. Be sure to summarize and hint at the feedback. You can write that you are not waiting for a letter, but would like to know what the chosen one thinks of your message.
Declaration of love
Can't you tell a guy about your feelings? Write a beautiful love letter to a man. Here is one example for inspiration:
"Styopa! We have been friends with you since first grade, and you have been like a brother to me for a long time. But now everything has changed. My heart skips a beat when I look at you. Sometimes it’s even difficult for me to keep up the conversation. You’re sparklingly joking, and I’m even I can’t find the strength in me to laugh, I know that you treat me very well, but I can no longer hide from you that I love you.
We have grown, we are no longer children. But I still remember our walks along the deserted beach, our long nightly conversations. How I miss this time! But the best is yet to come. Therefore, I hope that we will be able more than once to be together on the river bank and, as before, to talk about everything in the world. Believe me, there’s a lot more to tell you. "
Love letter to a guy
You met a man, and then he was sent on a business trip to another city? This is your first separation and you do not know how to survive it? Write a love letter to a man in your own words. At a distance, such a beautiful gesture will definitely be appreciated. Here is a sample for inspiration.
"Vasya, we recently met you, but I already managed to love you. And how, in general, you can not love? You are smart, gallant, beautiful and very interesting. I sometimes don’t even believe that the prince from my dreams is finally He found me. It’s interesting to spend time with you, you always have something to tell me about, and you, like no one else, know how to surprise.
I hope that my letter will also be a pleasant surprise for you. I already miss you and remember our walks in the park and boating. You still explained to me how to row correctly, and then we ran aground. It’s fun to remember how you were not taken aback and managed to bring the boat to the middle of the river. I miss you and hope to see you soon. All that remains for me now is to count the days before your arrival. "
Love letter to husband
Preserving love is a difficult task. Family relationships are built on trust, understanding and romantic actions. One of such actions can be writing a love letter to a man. At a distance, getting such tokens is especially nice. What can you write?
“Darling, I miss you very much. I don’t know how you can live even one day without your smile. When you are not around, it seems that the world is dimming. But I understand that separation is necessary, and you didn’t leave of your own free will Therefore, I want to believe that your business trip will end quickly. I miss you and your son asks daily when your dad will return. We are preparing a pleasant surprise for you. Which one? Do you know when you arrive. It surprises me that we’ve been married with you for 10 years and it’s still hard for me to live without you. I love you very much, come back soon. "
Should I use poetry?
Thinking about the question, in what form to write a love letter to a man? In prose or in poetry? Give preference to the first option. Men do not like intricate phrases, and it does not give them much pleasure to wade through a veil of beautiful expressions in order to get to the meaning of the sayings. Moreover, it should be remembered that men's logic and women's work differently. Therefore, even approaching the writing of a love letter in verses with the best intentions, you may be a loser if your man misinterprets the meaning of rhyming lines. Do not complicate your life. Yes, a girl should be a mystery, but believe me, female nature is mysterious in itself, and in you there is so much that is incomprehensible to your chosen one. Do not complicate his life even more, write a letter in prose.
Why not write
You decided on a bold act. But do not replay. Be natural. Do not try to flatter. A love letter to a beloved man in his own words should be written in simple language. Do not insert complex hyperbolas, do not make comparisons, do not focus on who thinks about love and what. You must express your opinion in your own words.
No need to insert a lot of diminutive words. From this letter will not be more romantic. And you do not need to call a man kitty or sweetie, these nicknames are unpleasant for the male. Tenderness can be shown in the subtext, but not in words.
No need to rewrite quotes from great people. This will not show your mind, but only make the letter longer. Write clearly and to the point. Observe the structure, and do not spread your thoughts on paper. If you avoid the above mistakes, your man will not only appreciate your bold gesture, but will also admire your logic and structured thinking.