Snowboard is ... Description, history, rules, types, equipment

The popularity of snowboarding in recent years is only growing. This sport is not only fashionable, but also exciting, good for health - although quite expensive. More and more resorts are opening their doors to snowboarders from around the world. I can’t even believe that in 1985 snowboarding was allowed, for example, in America, only at 7% of resorts. Today, almost anyone knows about snowboarding. This hobby united youth from different powers.

general information

Snowboard is a sports equipment designed for skiing on mountain slopes. Snowboarding is a type of winter sport. The athlete's task is to descend from the snowy peaks along the slope. A special board is used for this. Distinctive design features of the subject - the presence of several layers, increased length, easy bending of the ends. Cross fasteners are installed so that the shoes used by the athlete are held steady at the set point. A kind of sport is quite complex, there is a high probability of injury. This forces all interested to use specialized protective items. Equipment has been developed that makes sports activities more efficient and safer.

how to choose a snowboard weight

How it all began

Snowboard is a board invented relatively recently. First invented surfboards and came up with equipment for skiing on the ground - long, skateboards. By the way, as historians found out, even five centuries BC people were already able to ride boards. Pioneers in this area are considered the natives of the Hawaiian Islands.

At first, surfboards, longboards were available only to the elite. Equipment cost a long time, and training took a lot of time. Then the craftsmen involved in such a sport, in the eyes of others, were to some extent the highest caste. Subsequently, the same halo surrounded the skiers.

In 1964, Poppen made the first official snurf, patented his invention and launched it into mass production in 1965. At that time, alpine skiing was a sport, and snurf became a toy that attracted the attention of primarily young people. The situation was similar to how the directions of skiing on the earth split: if the longboard was the property of the “higher caste”, then the skateboarders, having separated from this direction, created their own culture, to some extent anarchist. Similarly, the fate of snowboarding.

Theme development

In 1968, the creators of the surf organized a large-scale competition designed to advertise the product. Burton took part in it, who in the future will become one of the most famous persons in snowboarding. However, the hobby, which quickly came to the peak of fame, soon began to fade. The situation has changed with the advent of Tom Sims. He is the pioneer of modern snowboarding. With his efforts, snowboarding is a popular modern type of sports equipment known to the whole world. However, some believe that the palm belongs to Burton, and it was he who created the first snowboard.

At 23, Burton, who had already given up his studies by this time, was trying to find himself in life. He became interested in surfing and tried to change this projectile for the better, so that instead of a toy he became a full-fledged apparatus for sports. He was fond of surfing, but did not have money to buy a board, and his parents did not approve of such a hobby and refused to sponsor equipment. Burton's second passion was snow. The first snurf in his life appeared in 68th. The idea to improve the subject came to the mind of a young athlete when he broke his finger while riding. Burton created his model, called it a snowboard and put it on sale. Today, the company named after him is the most important among all manufacturers of snowboards.

snowboard size by height

Historical moments

In the early years, no one could have imagined that snowboarding is one of the most sought-after shells for snow sports in the near future. In 1977, Sims and Webber created a plastic board. Webber invented a skibord, patented the invention, and soon sold the rights to Burton. In 1979, the first halfpipe appeared near Lake Tahoe. Journalists and photographers are interested in the new product. In the early 80s, European manufacturers also “tested” the boards. To better slide the boards, they began to use technologies previously applicable only to skiing.

The rider community was gradually becoming larger. In 81, a championship dedicated to snowboarding was opened in Ledville. As part of the event, the speed of athletes was recorded, reaching 60 km / h. In 1982, Six Ski Resort offered its slopes for snowboarders. By the end of this decade, there have been many more such resorts - their owners have realized what a significant benefit they are losing by denying snowboard lovers. In 1983, they came up with fasteners with excessive support.

In 1985, the first snowboarding magazine was published. At the same time, Sims and Burton decided to make boards with steel edging. The market simultaneously saw two such models of two different manufacturers. Soon, the designers of the Sims brand created a board, which was named after one of the members of their own team. This board is the first nameplate in history.

Who would have thought!

It was such a remark that could be heard from those who had recently condemned and banned snowboards. If at first this sport seemed only a wonderful hobby of strange people, then gradually its popularity became the reason for inclusion in the list of Olympic sports. The variety of equipment has greatly expanded. If at first the description of the snowboard did not present any particular problems - the boards were fairly uniform, then over the years it is becoming increasingly difficult to characterize the entire model range. Creative models are available to buyers, and trends are constantly updated. Today, snowboarding is a mass phenomenon.

Large-scale events dedicated to snowboarding are regularly held. Some time ago, studies were conducted that showed that among lovers of winter sports 80% among minors are fans of snowboarding. A board is one of the most typical Christmas presents for your child.

snowboard features

Ah, what a choice!

If you ask an experienced athlete what is the name of the snowboard on which they ride most often, it is hardly possible to hear a clear answer. There are many models with certain names, but everyone chooses at their discretion, and general recommendations regarding a single variety simply do not exist. To ride in joy, you need to choose the right board. Take into account the width, length, degree of rigidity. When choosing, you need to remember that the board is not the only thing you need from the equipment. It is equally important to pick up shoes and bindings responsibly, otherwise it will be inconvenient to ride, it is almost impossible to control the board.

When choosing, you need to focus on the area where skiing is planned. A hard elongated item is suitable for high speed, special slope. The board is used complete with a hard mount, professional shoes. For the general public, universal models are more applicable, which are good both on a specialized slope and when driving freely. These items are not so tough, have a narrower waist, easy to manage. For beginners, such is the best choice.

If you look at the rating of snowboards, you can see recommendations for choosing models:

  • "Termite Helios."
  • Termite Chance.
  • "Burton After School, SPE."

The latter is more expensive, but different in quality.


This style of skiing involves descent along slopes that do not have special training for this. Models are made to be comfortable to ride on if the snow is deep. These are relatively wide, long objects with a nose larger than a tail. According to some, the rating of snowboards of this type should start with the following models:

  • Head The Day.
  • Burton Day Trader.
snowboard manufacturers


Boards created for this style of riding are short, soft, which stand out against the background of universal models. The classic geometry of the model is a “twin trip”. The ends of the subject are the same. This allows the rider to jump and continue to move forward and with his back. Among the most popular models in this category, it is worth noting the Head Architect and Burton Talant Scout, as well as Salomon Craft.

About geometry

So that the product does not disappoint, you need to responsibly select the length and width of the item. Length, according to people experienced in this matter, is a key parameter. To choose the right product, take into account the growth of a person, type of riding. If you need a universal model, if you choose a carving type, you need to measure growth. The length is less than this value by 15 cm. It is not difficult to select an instance by eye. In order to determine the appropriate size of the snowboard by height, simply put the object next to the rider. The top should reach the level of the chin, nose.

To make the freeride safe and enjoyable, the board is chosen 10 cm less than the height of the rider. For freestyle, the optimal difference is 8-10 cm.

If the rider's weight is small, the optimal length is shortened by 5 cm from the above parameters. If the body weight is large, you need to add 5 cm to the length of the product. If a person is just learning to ride, he should choose a slightly longer board (2-3 cm) than recommended by experienced people. Most manufacturers make their own tables reflecting the parameters of the produced models, the height, weight and level of the athlete's riding. Focusing on them, choosing the perfect model is the easiest.

snowboard is

About the width

All products are divided into four types. Narrow are those with a waist that does not exceed a quarter meter, standard ones are those that vary about 25-26 cm at the waist, expand by another 5 cm at the tails. The middle boards at the waist correspond to the standard, at the ends in width - from 30 cm and more. Finally, a wide type is one with a waist greater than 26 cm.

When selecting a specific product, they are repelled from the dimensions of the legs. If the size is 44+, you need to take a medium or wide model.

Design Features

Studying the characteristics of snowboards, you can see that all modern models are divided into two types: sandwiches and caps. Caps have a monolithic cap covering the core. A surface with a good level of sliding is provided below. In production, the model is quite simple, it will not be difficult to repair it. These are relatively cheap. In the event of a fall, there is a risk of splitting; the cover may separate from the sliding surface.

Sandwiches are distinguished by production features: a lid designed to decorate the product, and a sliding surface are processed under a press. Due to the high pressure, the structure has great strength. If a rider breaks a similar model, repairing it will be problematic. On average, products of this type cost more.

Also, manufacturers of snowboards offer combined items. These are models in the manufacture of which both of the described technologies are applied. The tails of the models are puff sandwiches. This greatly increases the strength of the product. In the center, the item is made as a cap. This ensures lightness of the product.

snowboard equipment

About the core

When choosing a suitable item, it is important to consider not only the width of the snowboard (described above), but also the features of the materials of which the board is made. Most commonly used are ash, beech, pine wood, Christmas tree and poplar. The wooden core copes well with vibration and impact load. The manufacturer "Mervin" offers its customers several models of specialized wood, genetically modified - it has no rings. Such material is considered especially successful for the production of "snowboard", because its strength is higher, the elasticity is better.

Some products are made of foam and wood. Foam facilitates weight and reduces the cost of production. The elasticity of the model will be slightly less, the resistance to vibration loads also decreases.

There are combined options for the manufacture of which wood, carbon, and aluminum are used. They weigh a little, mostly quite tough. There are a lot of combinations, regularly the market gets acquainted with fundamentally new models.

About weight

Understanding how to choose a snowboard by weight, take into account the gender of the rider. For men freestyle, with a weight of 55 to 70 kg, the optimal length is up to 153 cm. Weighing up to 85 kg should consider boards 159 cm long. Boards longer than 163 cm are suitable for body weight over 90 kg. For women whose weight is up to 60 kg, it is worth considering products reaching 146 cm in length, with a body weight of up to 75 kg, boards up to 152 cm are suitable, and with a weight of more than 90 kg, it is worth choosing among models longer than 156 cm. For freeride, these lengths need to be increased by five centimeters (for men) and four centimeters (for women). Choosing a universal board, add to the optimal length for freestyle from three to ten centimeters.

what is the name of the snowboard


When choosing, you need to determine the appropriate type of snowboard. There are several types that differ in deflection. A classic is a board with a slightly elevated center. During use, the weight of the skater is evenly distributed along the length. These are difficult to use items that are not very suitable for learning.

If the equipment has not been worked out yet, it is better to choose a snowboard from among the rockers. The center of the product touches the surface, the tails are curved. The shape of the arc simplifies the development of the product. The fulcrum is only one, the board is obedient, it is easy to control, each movement of the case forces it to turn as it is necessary for a person.

An option suitable for freestyle as a technique is a zero deflection snowboard. The center is horizontal, the tails are raised. The model is quite easy to learn, suitable for beginners. Freestyle lovers choose these products because they are good for performing tricks.


To learn from your own experience how to ride a snowboard, you need to pick up all the equipment. Mounts are very important. There are options with two fasteners. They are wider than others. Ryder unfastens the straps, puts his foot in position, fastens the clasps in place. An alternative is the bottom step. The mount fixes the boot in front and on top, thereby increasing reliability.

Step-in fastenings are popular. The rider steps on the mount, the automation is triggered, the system latches. This simplifies fastening, but there is a chance of snow falling, which will make it difficult to fasten the product.

About the rules

There is no universal rack, so there is no single and generally accepted system for customizing the snowboard. The novice must determine which leg is leading. If the front is right, the stand is called a goofy, the opposite is the regular. The first is right handed, the second is left handed. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth asking a friend to unpredictably slightly push him in the back, and pay attention to which foot will be supported. It is she - the leading, the front.

The next step in setting up the snowboard is to determine the angle. The marking of the degrees is usually directly on the mount. You can change the value by unscrewing the fasteners and unrolling them. Conventionally, all types of angles are divided into alpine, "duck" and directional. "Duck" differs from two other mounts: they are directed against each other. Determining the appropriate option, they control that the body occupies a natural position. The angle of fastening of the leading leg should not concede to the back.

Experienced athletes say the hardest thing to determine is whether the duck-foot or directional stance is more convenient. The second option is recognized as relatively safe, it is easier for a rider to control movements, you do not need to turn your head in order to navigate where the board is going. The use of a duck stand carries a risk of knee damage.

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