How to choose a gift for February 23 classmates?

Since relatively recently, February 23 is considered not only the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, but also the holiday of all men without exception. In anticipation of this celebration, women are trying to come up with an interesting gift that will appeal to a representative of the stronger sex. Shops and supermarkets offer a wide selection of souvenirs and special gift sets. But do not limit yourself to unnecessary trinkets, it’s better to energize your imagination and come up with something worthwhile. The implementation of an interesting idea can be quite inexpensive.

At school

Of course, Defender of the Fatherland Day is also celebrated at school. On this day, you need to present gifts to all the boys in the class. But how to choose what really will be a suitable present? A gift for February 23 classmates should be selected depending on their age and related interests. Now consider the list of recommended options.

1 class

gift for February 23 to classmates

How to choose a gift for February 23 classmates? It seems that there is nothing easier than choosing a present for a 6-7 year old boy. At this age, absolutely everything is interesting, and the value of the presentation does not depend on its value. However, the gift for February 23 to classmates, even if this age should be chosen deliberately. Today, almost every student has a mobile phone and many other modern gadgets. Therefore, a symbolic gift in the form of a notebook, magnet and similar trifles will bring more trouble when buying than joy at the time of delivery. The best option for first-graders is a sweet table in honor of the holiday. Moreover, gentlemen will definitely invite ladies to join.

February 23 is a great occasion for schoolchildren to relax and have fun. During the festive feast, the whole team can play fun games, and the winner is entitled to a special gift. For example, an additional bag of juice or chocolate. At the end of the fun, be sure to take the whole class a few pictures for memory. At graduation there will be something to remember!

2-4 classes

Defender of the Fatherland Day at school

February 23 at the school is often celebrated with thematic concerts. You can organize a collective congratulation of the entire class, and then hold several fun contests.

Boys from the 2nd to the 5th grade are already starting to compete with each other for the championship, and no matter what. Therefore, in the case of the presentation of gifts personally, everyone needs to choose the most similar or even the same. A good option is commemorative name shirts or caps. By the way, they can be worn in any time at any school competition. You can also do it yourself on February 23rd. It can be souvenir key rings or men's butterflies for a suit. The main thing is to show ingenuity. In this case, of course, the mothers of the girls will help.

5-8 grades

In grades 5-8, children become teenagers. How to choose a gift for February 23 to classmates in this period? You can give circles with photographs of boys or comic greetings.

Frames are also useful, including those made or decorated with your own hands. They can insert photos of memorable moments from the life of the class.

A great option is a thematic tour or a trip to the cinema. The film should be selected taking into account age restrictions. A good idea for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day is a trip to a pizzeria. You can go the whole class or give the boys the opportunity to spend a day in their men's company.

February 23 at school

Grades 9-11

In high school, young men, as a rule, each have their own hobby. By this time, everyone knew each other well. Therefore, a common gift for February 23 will not suit classmates - it is better to select a present individually for each.

Many girls in this period are actively engaged in creativity. For this reason, it’s good to make DIY gifts on February 23rd. There are many options, for example, using a variety of application techniques, you can make an intricate drawing. You can put an image on a t-shirt. For those who wear bracelets, handmade leather weaving is suitable. If there are no suitable options from the sea, there is still a way out.

February 23 for schoolchildren

What gift for February 23 classmates will definitely like? You can order a bowling alley and have fun with the whole class. Moreover, the competitive spirit will not leave indifferent any young man. You can also go to the ice rink as a friendly company. Modern complexes offer all kinds of options, including a disco on ice. An exciting option will be the game in the laser club. Imitation of your favorite boyish childhood fun will give you a sea of positive emotions and adrenaline. All safety measures should only be followed so that the celebration of February 23 at school is remembered only with fun and joy.


In the process of choosing a present for boys, you can show your imagination. Do not be afraid that your idea will be ridiculed or not understood at all. Before the holiday, it is better to get together the entire female half of the class and discuss all the options of gifts and surprises that come to mind. You can connect moms - perhaps the older generation will give practical advice on what is more in demand at a given age.

February 23 do-it-yourself gifts

Fortunately, teachers are now trying to keep up with current trends and trends, therefore, most likely, they will happily support any fun idea regarding the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, all options for gifts or events should be agreed with the class teacher.

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