The width of the roadway according to GOST. Two-lane road

Probably, everyone was faced with flashy violations of traffic rules. It is especially dangerous when the driver does not know the rules well. Perhaps the secrets of street marking and design features of the roadway will be useful to the reader.

What about the road

The road as a linear object in construction, invented to move vehicles and pedestrians, consists of the following components:

  • sidewalks;
  • roadsides;
  • carriageway;
  • tram rails;
  • dividing stripes.

Sidewalks were given to pedestrians, carriageways to wheeled vehicles. Of all these points, the roadway is invariably present on the roads. Sidewalks are often not even in the city. Instead, there is a roadside. Tram lines are also not always present.

Dividing strips in the form of flower beds, lawns, reinforced concrete slabs are found on highways, roads, on avenues, where several streams of cars pass. The dividing strip isolates cars racing at high speed most often from the oncoming current.

Dividing strip

Transport "artery"

Roadway - a lane on the surface of the earth with a hard or dirt surface, built for the passage of 2, 3 and 4-wheeled vehicles. The width of the roadway according to GOST depends on its congestion (number of lanes). As well as the composition of the traffic flow and the planned speed of movement on it.

A lane is a pavement tape along a roadway, the width of which forces cars to line up one after another. Lanes on the road are usually delimited by markings or traffic signs inform about their type and quantity.

Road signs.

Road categories

Roads are usually divided into categories according to their technical characteristics.

Road classCategoryTotal number of stripesStrip width, mRoadway width, mPassenger car speed, km / hThe intensity of traffic flows, units / h
MotorwayIfour; 6; 83.752 × 7.5; 2 × 11.25; 2 × 15110-130> 2400
four3,52 × 7.5
II2 or 33.757.5; 11.251600-2400
PlainIV23.0660 — in, 90 — out of NP<800

As can be seen from the table, the width of the carriageway by category of roads differs due to the different number and size of its lanes. The width of the lane is formed from the calculation of the dimensions of vehicles, mainly traveling on this highway. And also the lateral interval between cars, which should not be less than 0.5 m. The distance from the mirror to the mirror of a passenger car is on average a little less than 2 m. If there is no road marking, the width of the carriageway is divided evenly between the participants in the opposite directions .

In some places, there may be broadening for acceleration and braking. But the division into bands does not depend on them. Inexperienced drivers sometimes perceive the width of the carriageway as a sign of the priority of the road where there are no corresponding traffic signs. This opinion is incorrect. Such roads are equivalent even with large differences in size.

Public transport lane.

Not like everyone (stripes)

It is known that during the day the preferred directions of urban transport change. In the morning, a large stream of public and personal transport tends to the center, in the evening on the outskirts. Multi-lane roads make it possible to facilitate traffic by serving at different times the opposite directions of moving vehicles. This function is implemented by a reverse strip, which has a special markup, which can be seen by watching the video.

It is often supplemented by reversing traffic lights and informative signs. The lane allocated for trackless public transport also has special marking. There is a road sign to indicate it. The rules for handling it are special and are known to all drivers who have received rights. They are described in more detail in the next video.

If the middle lane on a two-lane three-lane road is not described in any way, it is used by all road users to perform maneuvers.

There is a strip, here is a strip

There are more and more cars in the country, but two-lane roads are common. On them, the width of the roadway varies in a large interval. In the residential area, it reaches 8 m, on the roads of regional significance - 6 m. In rural areas, where there are many trucks, tractors and special vehicles, it makes no sense to make the bandwidth less than 3.75 m.

Two-lane roads show flaws on steep, long ascents and descents, where a large number of low-speed vehicles can take a lot of time from drivers of mobile vehicles. For this purpose, it is planned to build an additional strip for part of the rise or its entire length. On steep mountain descents, exits are arranged in the form of dead ends, leading vehicles with failed brakes to the side of the roadway, without forcing the driver to change direction.

Road safety

Sizes and types of strips

Moving along a two-lane road with two-way traffic, a driver traveling at a speed relatively low in relation to the stream is obliged to facilitate the overtaking transport to complete the maneuver as quickly as possible. This is necessary to provide him a place in front of him.

The minimum width of the lane of the carriageway is 2.75 m. It is permissible during the repair and construction work with additional signs. It is also possible in cases of already existing unsuccessful development of the residential area or on short sections of reconstructed roads with the installation of restrictive signs.

Top bandwidth is not limited. Although there is a whole trend of supporters of narrowing lanes to European standards, justifying their position by the fact that in narrow lanes the driver does not lose concentration. Consequently, collisions are less likely.

In addition (even a pedestrian can easily believe this), a wide lane provokes an increase in the speed of movement, which is not safe in urban conditions with high traffic loads by ordinary people with different experiences and reactions (plus impatient pedestrians).


A small analysis of the road structure carried out in this article shows that road patrol officers, who certainly give their recommendations in this matter, are doing, if not all, then a lot for traffic safety. Therefore, in communicating with the draftsmen, one must not prejudice to try to understand what has been done wrong and to show respect for their even physically very difficult work. After all, they protect the lives of citizens no less than the police.

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