Cake based on the cartoon "Luntik" from mastic

The animated series about the unknown hero from the moon has long since melted the hearts of not only small viewers, but also their parents. Its plot is understandable, it has a semantic meaning imposed, and instructive stories help kids to navigate in such situations in real life. Luntik is a central character who helps everyone free of charge, tries to reconcile those who are in a quarrel, and also to judge the dispute that has arisen. It is such a character that the child will be happy to see on his sweet holiday table, especially if the Luntik is prepared from mastic and looks like a real little animal.

combined cake decoration

What to choose: cream or mastic?

Moms always try to cook a children's cake so that it is both beautiful, tasty, healthy, and desirable for the child. The design is perhaps the most superficial, but the most crucial moment, since at first all the children β€œeat” with their eyes, and then they pay attention to taste. So, what is the best way to decorate the Luntik cake, to make figures from the mastic, or to decorate everything with cream? In fact, you can do two in one, the main thing is to decide whether you want believable figures from mastic, or if your child likes the picture of a cartoon hero from a cream that you painted more.

luntica is simply dazzle

We work with mastic

Many people compare mastic molding to a similar process from salt dough, polymer clay or cold home porcelain. Initially, you need to have an idea what exactly you want, what kind of idea you will lay, whether you will sculpt Luntik from mastic, how many cartoon characters you plan to make, what colors the cake will play. The simplest thing is to turn on the cartoon, and once again watch your favorite series with the child as your inspiration.

do-it-yourself luntik

When the idea is formed in the head, you should start preparing the mastic. One of the options for the future mastic is the marshmallow, you can also melt the so-called marshmallows or use the most reliable way - to get ready-made mastic in different colors. We roll one ball for the head, another more oblong ball for the body, and 4 balls for future hands and feet. The smallest details and accessories are made of their black mastic. Having prepared enough blanks, it will be much faster to move on the assembly process. It is recommended to work with gloves so that fingerprints do not remain.

sculpt luntika

The formation of Luntik from mastic begins: two balls are pressed by fingers, two thick sausages are rolling from them - future handles. Further from the ball, which is smaller than the β€œfuture body”, the head rolls, ears are molded and attached to it, after which the whole character is assembled, and then work is on to decorate it, attention is paid to small details: eyes, fingers, facial features. It would be a great idea to place Luntik friends from the mastic in the clearing, a photo of the example is posted below.

Cream alternative

In the case when the soul lies more with painting, and you want to cook a biscuit cake with cream, but on a specific topic, a protein or custard cream for decoration will be a great option.

cream cake decoration

Proteins are beaten with sugar at the rate of 25 g of sugar per 1 egg, after which they continue to be beaten in a water bath for 7 minutes, cooled, lemon juice and dyes are added to the mass, after which everything is whipped again. You can also draw cartoon characters with such a multi-colored cream, or you can combine the creamy overall design and Luntik from mastic, they become a master of such cakes after the first attempt of self-cooking.

Mastic - universal material

Such confectionery material embodies any fantasy that moves in an instant on the surface of the cake. There are 5 types of mastic, the types of which differ depending on their composition:

  • from marshmallows;
  • from chocolate;
  • based on protein;
  • milk mastic;
  • gelatin composition.

The simplest may seem to be mastic from marshmallows, it can be easily bought at the store. To prepare it, you will need 60 ml of water, 200 g of marshmallows of the same name, any pigment, powdered sugar. Candies are melted in a water bath, the rest of the ingredients are added there, everything is mixed, after the mass ceases to stick to the fingers, you can safely begin the formation of figures.

luntik with friends

From each represented species, you can do it yourself at home to make Luntik from mastic, thereby making your child happy on a holiday. This is easy enough to do.

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