A scientific school is a special branch of human activity. In today's understanding, it is an organization that deals with certain theories, looking for answers to questions.
In any country, there are modern scientific schools that are the driving force of technological progress.
It is customary to distinguish three options for scientific communities:
- academic science, providing the development of fundamental directions;
- branch science, contributing to the advancement of the country's technical base;
- University science engaged in training personnel for various sectors of the economy
Origin and Significance
A characteristic feature of our century is the achievement by many branches of science of substantial heights. In order to advance further, the further development of a scientific school is necessary. In our country, Peter the Great became the founder of scientific work. He recognized the importance of research in various fields, and therefore, through his works, the intellectual elite of Russia was formed.
In discussing which scientific school made a greater contribution to the development of the country's economy, the teams of A.F. Ioffe, P.L. Kapitsa, L.D. Landau cannot be ignored. There are many other eminent Russian scientists whose students continue their ideas.
Thanks to outstanding physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists, geneticists, the main scientific schools in our country have appeared, which are informal groups. In fact, they can be considered the core necessary for the development of civil society.
Specific features
A scientific school is an effective model for the transfer of cultural values ​​and norms, substantive content to the younger generation from the older. It is based on informal, creative communication, the exchange of new ideas, a discussion of the results.
A scientific school is initiative, determination, independence, the desire to obtain new results. Research people strive for self-development and self-improvement.
Forms of existence
Currently emit:
- research team, which includes a group of scientists working together on a specific project;
- a research school promotes the development of talented young researchers;
- directions in science that appear when establishing a certain tradition for a group of researchers;
- scientists who prepared dissertations under the guidance of an eminent mentor
M. G. Yaroshevsky proposes to include the school, considers it an important element in research. The aspiration of the younger generation directly depends on the attitude to research in general educational organizations
What categories distinguish using the term “scientific schools”? Education in the modern world is of particular importance.
There are three categories of “scientific schools”:
- organization of different status (department, university, laboratory, research institute);
- creative team, which may not belong to the research institute;
- direction in science, which united a group of experimenters
Classification of O. Grezneva
The author offers his own interpretation. The main scientific schools of O. Greznev are divided according to certain criteria:
- according to the status of the idea: theoretical, experimental;
- according to the depth of the analyzed area: wide-profile, narrow-profile;
- in the form of organization of work: individual, collective;
- intergenerational: multilevel, single-level
Teams that claim to be “leading research centers” most often intern around a generator of ideas. He has specific abilities, as well as leadership qualities. In this case, a scientific school is represented as a group of students and associates who fully share his idea, as well as methods and techniques for conducting research.
Companions jointly implement the plans, implement the program of action. There are no rivals among them, since all work is aimed at solving a joint scientific problem.
A science school is a team of like-minded people, within which a creative atmosphere reigns.
Their activity consists not only in research, but also in the dissemination and reproduction of knowledge, ideas of the community.
Representatives of the scientific school collaborate with other scientists, exchange basic ideas with them in the framework of practical conferences, seminars, symposia.
Science School Indicators
It is the versatility of research by representatives of the scientific team. Significance is the internal situation, the range of problems analyzed. Their creation is a necessity of our time. Society needs systematic contacts, the exchange of scientific information, and innovative approaches that contribute to the growth of the country's economy. Only if the scientific and practical school is fully operational can we count on obtaining the desired result.
Recognizing how important it is to involve schoolchildren in research, as part of the modernization of the Russian school, federal and educational standards include project and research activities at all levels of education.
Main types
Currently, there are different approaches to the classification and determination of the types of scientific schools. Among the most common ideas about this phenomenon can be distinguished: a direction in science, which appeared due to some kind of scientific tradition. Such a tradition can belong both to individual scientists and to entire research teams.
As an example, in psychology - a school of introspection, in management - an administrative school, in economics - an institutional school.
The ability to form and train researchers in scientific and educational schools has demonstrated its viability and effectiveness.
Examples include the Austrian (Vienna) School of Economics _ marginalism, MSTU named after Bauman - rocket science, MEPhI - nuclear energy.
Of interest are research and production schools, in which global research problems are solved by joint research teams.
In domestic science, vivid examples are:
- in physiology, school to them. I.M.Sechenova;
- in aircraft industry, the school of A. N. Tupolev;
- in rocket science school of S.P. Korolev;
- in physics school L.D. Landau
Research organizations that have proved their ability to provide conditions for the work of scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of world science cannot be ignored. Among the striking examples, we will highlight the Frankfurt School on the basis of the Institute for Social Research (G. Marcuse, T. Adorno, F. Pollack); Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory (J. Thompson, J. Maxwell, N. Bora, E. Rutherford).
Summing up the intermediate results, we note that the concept of “scientific school” can be limited to four major areas:
- school - a specific scientific direction (formed through the general paradigm of research);
- school - educational system (determined through general preparation for research);
- school - production system (joint activity of science and production);
- school - incubator (characterizes a common worldview, norms, values, traditions)
Important aspects
It may include research teams, individual scientists, who share a common scientific tradition.
The concept of "team" does not mean a fixed personal composition. A core is created inside the school that defines the direction of activity.
Between the individual schools, communication is carried out in full-time through seminars, congresses, conferences, as well as in absentia through correspondence, publications in research journals.
Scientific trends gather scientists who adhere to the scientific position developed by their predecessors.
In such cases, the regulatory and unifying function is performed by the paradigm laid down by the founders of the current.
School of Direction
Scientific life is a constant change of theories, models, hypotheses.
A school - an invisible college - is an intermediate link between a scientific movement that needs a leader and a creative association of scientists who adhere to one scientific idea.
Among their distinguishing features can be mentioned the presence of a clear core. It is composed of a group of scientists who occupy the “top of the pyramid” in the scientific community.
An example of such a device is the Tartu-Moscow semiotic school, headed by Yu. M. Lotman.
She combined at once two cultural traditions, the directions of literary scholars and linguists. Its representatives gathered at conferences in Tartu and Kääriku, beginning in 1964.
The basis of the school was a research program (paradigm), which allows you to generate new knowledge, look for new facts, solve specific problems.
Among its essential elements, we distinguish metaphysical paradigms, symbolic generalizations, a common scientific language, similar methods for solving a specific problem, and research methods.
For a scientific school - directions, the routine of creating, applying, transferring knowledge is not typical. It has collective creativity, mutual enrichment with new scientific facts and knowledge.
Scientific and educational school
It, as a combination of methodological tools and techniques, values ​​and norms, is usually identified with the educational organization itself. In reality, it can be the place where there is already a unique methodology for training scientific personnel, but the initial system is the training system, which is implemented by individual teachers (scientists). For example, the scientific and educational schools of Sechenov and Zhukovsky include several large educational institutions, in which they taught not only themselves, but also their students.
What are the hallmarks of such schools? They are characterized by the unfolding of the picture of the achievements of world science in front of students in a specific field of knowledge, the use of ideological and theoretical traditions, creative motivation, and educating students in a research style of thinking.
A vivid example of a scientific and educational school can be considered Vienna University (Vienna School of Economics).
Among her famous students, the founders of the Austrian economic school can be distinguished: F. Wieser, K. Menger. Having received a specialization in economics, they became teachers at the University of Vienna. The baton was picked up by their students.
Another excellent example is the Russian school of aircraft engineering, the founder of which was a graduate of Moscow State University N.E. Zhukovsky. Those ideas that were laid down by the "father of the Russian aircraft industry", and now professors pass on to students.
To summarize
A science school is an important concept in the modern education system. Despite some differences in the methodological and technical base, all of their types perform one task - to form a new generation of researchers for a specific scientific field of activity.
In order to “forge cadres” of the research institute, compulsory design and research work has been introduced into Russian schools.