“An interesting situation” is a truly happy period of a woman’s life, and especially he begins to delight from the moment of the first movements of a baby in his tummy. But there are exceptional cases when these sensations cannot be called mesmerizing, but rather painful. This means that an urgent visit to the doctor and the passage of the necessary studies are required. If, as a result of the analyzes, it turns out that the amniotic fluid volume is only half a liter or less, pregnant women are diagnosed with oligohydramnios.
Low water refers to a reduced amount of amniotic fluid, the volume of which depends on the duration of the "interesting situation". If for a period of ten weeks the amount of water is only 30-40 ml, then by the 38th week their volume should be at least 600-1500 ml. Otherwise, the diagnosis is "low water in pregnant women." Such a pathology is much less common than polyhydramnios, but its danger is no less. To determine the disease, as well as to determine the amount and condition of amniotic fluid, you can do an ultrasound. There are also additional symptoms, in addition to fetal movements of the fetus that are painful for the mother, - weakness and dry mouth.
As you know, the baby is in the amniotic fluid, or rather, swims. This amniotic fluid performs several functions, such as supporting the development of the digestive system and fetal lungs, preventing the penetration of infection and protecting against a variety of injuries. Therefore, if there are few such waters, some complications during pregnancy or during childbirth may occur. Low water in pregnant women is accompanied by painful fetal movements, as well as abdominal pain. After all, the walls of the uterus located near the surface of the body of the fetus bend it and squeeze it.
Low water in pregnant women directly affects the condition of the fetus, or rather, it provokes a lag in body weight and growth, the fetal skin becomes wrinkled and dry, the possibility of manifesting clubfoot, curvature of the spine and other pathologies increases. Since oligohydramnios has the property of reducing the possibility of a child’s mobility, chronic intrauterine hypoxia may result . In the middle and end of pregnancy, such a pathology is especially dangerous, because it is during this period that the fetus becomes especially active, and requires as much room for movement as possible.
The causes of oligohydramnios are most often exacerbation of a chronic disease, infectious and inflammatory genital or extragenital diseases, a viral infection, fetoplacental insufficiency, as well as obesity or smoking of the mother. In any case, regardless of the cause of the occurrence, when it is diagnosed with "oligohydramnios during pregnancy" , immediate treatment is required. And for this, you need to contact qualified specialists, in particular, your gynecologist. Only he can give advice on how to treat oligohydramnios during pregnancy, and do everything necessary for this.
The treatment of oligohydramnios is a complex of specific actions. First you need to eliminate the causes that caused this pathology, only after that you can take the prescribed medications that can normalize the metabolism in the placenta, the utero-placental blood flow, as well as the gas exchange in the fetus-placenta-mother system. During treatment, you need to constantly monitor the level of amniotic waters, which fluctuates daily. And with a deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman, a caesarean section operation must be carried out in emergency mode.
Prevention of oligohydramnios in pregnant women is very simple and easy to implement - you need to stay as far as possible from a variety of negative factors. As a result, the “interesting” situation will only please you and you will be protected from grief.
Future mothers, remember that during this period you are strictly forbidden to lift weights, you need to eat properly, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air and not miss the advice of a gynecologist. Adhering to such simple rules, all possible harmful consequences can be eliminated without any consequences for yourself and the baby.