The object of evaluation is ... Analysis of the object of evaluation

In order to make an assessment, it is necessary to determine the category of the object to which it belongs. This is the very first stage, without which further work is impossible. There are several groups of items for which special methods must be applied.

What is an object of assessment

Valuation objects are tangible objects from a certain category (for example, real estate), the results of intellectual, scientific and creative activities. They also include property or ownership rights, obligations for which it is necessary to pay a debt, various services and work, as well as any other objects that are property in the field of citizens' law.

Assessment Object Groups

The main objects of assessment, as well as their subgroups, are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It reflects a complete list of items that may be involved in the assessment process.

The main object of the assessment of objective results is

The assessment process by the employees of the respective organizations is also regulated by the Federal Law in article number 135.

According to the civil code, the division of objects of assessment into these groups is accepted:

  • movable and immovable property, as well as the right to own and own it;
  • paid activity in the form of services rendered or work performed;
  • various intangible goods, ownership, which can also be regulated;
  • the results of scientific, creative activity, as well as the process of achieving the result.

Assessment methodology

The assessment process is carried out in the presence of an object and a subject. A subject is an individual or legal entity, representatives of a state or non-governmental organization, as well as members of independent assessment companies. Thus, assessment experts, process control specialists, as well as persons who have ordered this type of service may be subject to evaluation. In addition, any consumer who uses the result of the work performed can be considered one of them.

Technical assessment of facilities

Since the main objects of evaluation are objects from various categories, for each of them employees of organizations apply appropriate methods and technologies. There is such a thing as “specialization of assessment”, according to which for each subgroup of subjects certain methods of work are established.

By specialization of the process, all objects are divided into the following several categories:

  • assessment of intellectual property ownership: development of a program, plan, strategy, trademark, etc .;
  • securities owned: shares, bills;
  • real estate: housing, industrial premises, other buildings and structures, land, premises at the stage of construction in progress;
  • Damage caused: material losses, lost profits;
  • tools and equipment;
  • transport and cars: sea and river vessels, airplanes, helicopters, cars, special construction equipment;
  • accumulated stocks;
  • financial and other debts;
  • rental rate;
  • investment projects.

Distribution of valuation services in the market

We can say that in the Russian market there is a tendency towards an even distribution of assessment by specializations. Nevertheless, at the moment the analysis of the objects of valuation shows that the most popular in the market is the valuation of real estate and business. Also, consumers often order vehicle pricing. Least of all, they evaluate the results of creative or intellectual activity. Of the total number of services rendered, it is about 10-15%.


This is a collective concept, therefore, to conduct the assessment, it is necessary to accurately understand its content in relation to the legal relations that are considered in the process.

The object of assessment is

To date, property in the field of civil law is a thing or their combination, which is the subject of ownership of a person. To carry out a general monetary assessment, all the possessions possessed by the owner are combined. The right to own property is transferred to the legal heirs - persons who were indicated by the testator in the will, or close relatives. In addition, property is called in the broad sense of the word the totality of things, rights and obligations that the owner has.

The main object of evaluating objective results are things that are in material form in any possible state. From this point of view, they can also include electric and thermal energy. They are considered in articles 539-548 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as things. The purpose of the existence of any thing is to maintain and satisfy the needs of their owner.

The main object of evaluation are

According to the classification of the international evaluation committee, all property can be divided into four types:

  • immovable;
  • own business;
  • movable;
  • financial interest.

For each of the above types, similar valuation methods are used, which are to determine the value of the property, profitability, and prospective income.

In a legal sense, property is closely related to the rights and benefits of its owner. In accordance with Russian law, an assessment is made according to the traditional division of ownership into three types of powers:

  • possession - the possibility of possession at one’s disposal;
  • order - the ability to make changes, to make as collateral, etc .;
  • use - the ability to generate income and other necessary values.

Business value

A business as an object of evaluation is a company that brings income to its owner. To determine the level of profitability, an assessment is made of work efficiency, expenses and income for the last period of time, as well as possible prospects for improvement. In addition, it is necessary to find out the availability of property already owned and its price.

Assessment Object Definition

As a result of this assessment, you can determine the real value of the business, as well as its future prospects in the future.


According to the laws of the Russian Federation, securities are various stocks, bonds, bills, checks, savings books, certificates of deposit, mortgages, certificates of profit, as well as receipts. Most often in practice bills, stocks and check receipts are found.

To evaluate securities, it is necessary to study in detail the following factors:

  • supply and demand, their mutual relationship;
  • rate of return;
  • quotation of securities identical to the estimated;
  • possible risks.

Intellectual property

The property of intellectual activity includes scientific research and work, works of literature, objects of art, computer programs, inventions, achievements in the field of selection, secrets of special production, special trademarks, registered names, achievements in the field of commerce, etc.

The cost of the above valuation objects is a large part of the total value of the company, which is not regulated in the documents. This is especially true of production in highly efficient areas of work. After conducting an assessment of intellectual property, assets that were not recorded in financial terms can be placed on accounting. After that, they can be put up for sale, contributed to total capital, etc.

Investment projects

Technical assessment of investment development projects includes cost determination taking into account profitability for the consumer. At the same time, market conditions and goals set by the customer are also taken into account.

The object of assessment is

Such an assessment may be necessary to conclude transactions for the purchase or sale of one of the parts of the project, increase credit funds for the implementation and implementation of the developed project, etc.

Asset value

The price of the net assets of an investment or joint-stock company is the difference between the number of obligations that must be fulfilled at the expense of the assets owned by the company at the time of determination and the value of the fund’s assets themselves.

Assets are valued regularly. This is an obligation of any open fund, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the value of the assets themselves is also in the public domain. Anyone has the right to see it.

The main object of evaluation are

Thus, we can conclude that the definition of the object of evaluation is an important part of its process. The further evaluation work process, as well as the choice of methodology and technology for its implementation, depend on its correctness.

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