Decking has been recognized for its lightness, strength, wide range of applications, practicality and low cost. Builders are happy to use it, since it can be used to build a canopy, garage or kiosk without much effort and expense.
It is acceptable to use corrugated board in large-scale construction projects. In addition, even without a lot of experience and special knowledge, it is quite possible to install a profiled sheeting with her own hands. It is important to choose the right material and follow the installation instructions.
Profiled sheeting is a metal sheet that is manufactured by cold rolling using profiling - giving the sheet a wavy, trapezoidal or other shape to increase the strength characteristics. It has a protective coating to preserve in various weather conditions and resist corrosion. The main application of corrugated board is cladding of building facades, roofing, fencing. Also relevant is its involvement in the construction of various designs.
Understanding the varieties of corrugated board is very important, since each type has its own characteristics, based on which you should choose the right brand for the optimal implementation of the task. For example, there is no need to overpay for the strength and stiffness of the material intended for roofing. But you cannot use the thinnest view for frame structures where stiffness and strength are required.
Today, a large number of varieties of corrugated board are manufactured. The simplest form is better suited for the roof and on a continuous crate, as it withstands minimal loads and has low strength.
The most durable brands can be used even as load-bearing structures of a house or frame, designed for heavy loads, and will be a reliable fence. They are attached to the crate with a step of up to 6 m and have a much longer service life compared to simple types. Examples of such brands will be H57, H60, H75, H114, which are distinguished by a high profile. On their corrugation there are longitudinal grooves that improve ventilation when using insulation and increase the strength of the sheet. Their service life reaches 60 years.
Installation of corrugated board of such brands is also simple, since the material at its high rates remains easy and at the same time very durable, and the cost is very small relative to the cost of other building materials that perform similar tasks.
So, based on its purpose, corrugated board varies in shape, depth and thickness. These indicators directly affect the strength and stiffness of the material. The only thing that unites all types of corrugated board is a coating that can be galvanized or polymer. The latter is more durable and looks much more attractive.
The advantages of corrugated board
When deciding on the choice of material for specific needs, it is important to know its characteristics. Decking is distinguished by the following:
- Do-it-yourself installation of corrugated board is possible.
- Installation is simple and quick.
- Widely used as roofing, internal and external cladding, barriers, load-bearing structures and external walls of small structures.
- Resistance to corrosion.
- Long term of operation.
- Lightness and strength of the material.
- Possibility of manufacturing custom sheets of any size. The material is perfectly trimmed.
- Low cost.
- The ability to select colors.
Decking as a roof
For owners of private real estate, the roof remains an urgent problem, whether it is a summer cottage with all the buildings, a garage or your own house. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the rules for installing a roof with a professional flooring with your own hands.
When choosing a material, it is not necessary to purchase a product with high strength indicators if the roof will not be subjected to high loads. With a small laying area, it is quite acceptable to use the least durable material (grade S-8) from corrugated board. The installation of the roof in this case should be performed on a continuous roof crate.
Styling preparation
For ease of installation, the roof is immediately divided into parts and the corresponding number of sheets of corrugated board is purchased. It is advisable to buy sheets with a size equal to the length between the cornice and the ridge, with the addition of 50 mm to ensure overlap. You can also provide insulation. But waterproofing will be a salvation from condensation and is mandatory.
Waterproofing layer
Even before the installation of corrugated board on the roof, a waterproofing layer between the rafters should be laid. Otherwise, condensation will inevitably form due to temperature differences. The waterproofing is mounted with an overlap of 10-15 cm and should not stretch, but even sag slightly between the rafters.
Next, slats are laid on the waterproofing, which will perform the function of the battens and ventilation. Their height should be 40-50 mm. The step of the crate is determined by the type of stacked corrugated board.
Do not ignore the installation instructions for roofing from corrugated board, which is provided at the time of sale. It usually contains valuable expert advice. This is especially useful to someone who does not have experience laying corrugated board. Although, with experience, you can learn a lot of interesting things and continue to improve your skills.
Roof decking
Now it is the turn of installing corrugated board. You can start from either side. First, the lowest sheet is attached, after which the upper one, combined with the grooves, is laid on it. And so on to the skate. The first sheet is best fixed in the middle with a screw. For convenience, you can fix in a similar manner several of the following sheets. It is very important that the first sheet is laid evenly. The overlap between the sheets should be 20 cm. When you reach the ridge, begin laying the next row also from below. The sheet should hang over the cornice strip by about 35-40 cm.
For the installation of metal corrugated board, special self-tapping screws are used, which are screwed without preliminary cutting into the lower parts of the wave at the places where the sheet adjoins the crate. On the extreme levels of the crate and at the joints, the material is attached in each recess, while in the intermediate places it is allowed to fasten through one recess. The distance between the transverse rows of the mount should not exceed half a meter.
The skate is attached with an overlap of more than 10 cm and a mounting step of self-tapping screws of 30 cm.
Fence from corrugated board
Before starting work on installing the fence from corrugated board, you should stock up with all the necessary material. The first step is to determine the type of product. In this case, it is better not to use the least durable brand, but to take the recommended S-18 or S-21. But if you plan a solid fence, then you should pay attention to even more rigid views with longitudinal furrows.
Preparatory work
Since the fence from the corrugated board is attached to the frame, it must be prepared in advance. The frame serves as a support for the material and consists of columns that are perpendicular to the ground and concreted. For such supports, a cross section of at least 60 mm with a thickness of 2 mm is recommended. Logs are transversely attached to them, which add rigidity to the frame, fastening the entire structure. They will be installed corrugated board. The recommended log section is 40X20 mm with a thickness of 1.5 mm. In case the gates are installed, it is recommended to use supports with a cross section of 80 mm and a thickness of 3 mm, which will prevent the column from bending under the weight of the sash over time. You should also stock up on self-tapping screws.
First, markup is made at the place of installation of the fence. Please note that the fence supports should be placed exclusively in a straight line. Therefore, the angles at which the structure will pass are first indicated, and then they are connected by a rope. On a rope there is a designation of places for supports with the help of wedges. The distance between them is usually 2.5-3 meters. For their installation, it will be necessary to drill pits with a depth of about 1.2 m by 2 m. A change in the height of the supports must necessarily be accompanied by a change in the depth of their installation to ensure structural strength. After the support, they are inserted into the pits and slightly clogged into the ground. After their leveling in two planes, they are poured with concrete in the usual proportion. To continue work, you must wait at least 72 hours until the solution has completely dried. Otherwise, work with supports can lead to the formation of cracks in unhardened concrete and to loss of strength of the base, which will lead to the need to clean the pit and fill it again.
The completion of the preparatory work will be fixing the lag on the supports. Their number is determined by the height of the structure. It is believed that two lags are enough for a two-meter fence. Upper mounted in front of the end of the supports. They should be located at an approximate distance of 1200 centimeters from each other. The most reliable way of fastening is considered welding. The use of bolts is also possible. But then you need to take into account the difficulties associated with the bulging of hats or nuts on the surface of the lag, to which the corrugated board will fit. After that, the attachment points are primed and the entire structure is painted. It is important to raise the level of corrugated board above the ground by at least 10 centimeters for the free movement of water and snow.
Fixing corrugated board to the structure
Installation of corrugated board on the finished structure is simple and does not have any pitfalls. It is attached to the lower parts of the waves through one in places adjacent to two transverse lags. When connecting sheets, an overlap in one wave is observed.
Mounting corrugated board on the wall: preparation of the facade
Being durable and lightweight, corrugated board on the wall performs two important functions: in addition to cladding, it protects the insulating material. Therefore, before attaching it to the wall, it is necessary to make a frame and take care of the thermal insulation of the walls.
The frame is made of metal profiles ranging in size from 90 to 200 millimeters or with the help of wooden battens in increments of 1 meter vertically and 80 centimeters horizontally. When installing the profiles, the brackets are first attached to the wall, to which the profiles are then screwed. After the frame is ready, insulation is placed between the profiles. Its thickness should not exceed the thickness of the racks of the frame to ensure free ventilation of air inside the facade. Installation is made from below.
Front works
When installing corrugated board on the facade, grades from S-8 to S-21 are usually used. Both vertical and horizontal installation with one wave overlap is possible. The transverse overlap of the sheets must be at least 10 cm. In this case, the top sheet must necessarily cover the bottom. The first of them always fits strictly in level. Self-tapping screws are screwed through the wave with a step of the finished crate. In this case, it is allowed to mount both in the lower and in the upper wave.
In general, the main ways of fixing corrugated board in the article were considered. The use of this material is not troublesome and with proper installation will ensure long-term operation of any design.