What words can not be said in front of the mirror and why?

Almost every nation has its own beliefs and signs associated with the mirror. Mystical properties are attributed to him, for example, mediation between worlds. Some black magicians and shamans use a mirror to invoke the spirit of the deceased, from which valuable information can be obtained. People have always believed that on certain days there is an opportunity to talk with a relative who has left the earthly world. To do this, you just need to peer into the reflection.

But in order not to cause trouble, it is important to know what words can not be said in front of the mirror. After all, even in everyday life, it is able to absorb both the positive and negative energy of its owners and splash it out at the most inopportune moment.

what words can not be said in front of the mirror

Mirrors, like a camera, capture everything that happens in front of them. Most clearly preserved moments that carry an extremely negative energy, for example, physical violence or murder. Indeed, it is in such a situation that a person experiences a severe emotional shock and does not think at all about what words can not be said in front of the mirror.

Mirror trap

The Slavs have always believed that the soul of a deceased person may not find eternal peace if mirrors are not curtained in the room where the deceased is. They explained this by the fact that the soul remained for some time in the world of the living, next to its body, until it found the right path to heaven. She can accidentally get into the looking glass, where it is impossible to get out without outside help. It is these mirrors that become cursed, and the dead man who has lost his way inside will constantly bother the residents of the house, wanting to avenge his torment in the looking glass.

In order to calm the soul and help it get out of the trap, you need to turn to the exorcists. In no case do not try to solve the problem yourself or break the reflective surface, because you do not even know which words can not be said in front of the mirror, and which ones can.

Human exposure

There is a strong belief that mirrors can affect the health of people around. Never approach him if you are in no mood, something hurts or you are in an extremely aggressive state. The mirror is able to absorb your energy like a sponge, and then return with a vengeance.

what words can not be said in front of the mirror why

Most experts practicing black magic recommend approaching the mirror only when you have a calm smile on your face and a genuine smile. Smiling at your reflection, be sure that the next time you can get positive energy, confidence and calmness from the mirror. A similar practice of influencing not only the emotional background, but also physical well-being, is used by many experienced magicians.

What words can not be said in front of the mirror and why

Many people have probably heard from the older generation that you canโ€™t eat, swear, cry or complain about life in front of a mirror. Our ancestors were convinced that this was a kind of window through which essences from the other world could enter the house or, conversely, the soul of a living person could get lost in the looking glass, after which a long and painful death ensued.

It is especially dangerous to use words-destroyers or to consider wrinkles that appear in reflection. All this can affect our life, changing it for the worse. If you look in the mirror - do it with a positive, praise yourself. In the modern world, the function of a mirror can be performed by a mobile phone or video camera, so take gadgets away from yourself if you are in a bad mood and are not sure that you know what words cannot be pronounced in front of the mirror.

what 13 words can not be said in front of the mirror

Taboo on 13 words

Since time immemorial, there is a whole list of words that carry extremely negative energy and are capable of breaking the destiny of a person. Let's look at what 13 words can not be said in front of the mirror:

  • Disgusting.
  • Poorly.
  • Stupid.
  • Painfully.
  • Ugly.
  • Awful.
  • Poor thing.
  • Unnecessary.
  • Death.
  • Suffering.
  • Tired of it.
  • Unhappy.
  • Sad

Please note that any word containing negative energy is not recommended to be pronounced standing at the mirror. Even if it is not included in the list above.

What can I say

There are situations in life when a bad mood overcomes us for a long period. What to do in a situation where you are depressed, but you canโ€™t do without a mirror? Everything is quite simple! Be patient and try to think only about the good. Going to the mirror - smile, tell yourself a few compliments.

what words can not be pronounced in front of the mirror

Sometimes a similar method can pull a person out of a suppressed emotional state, and also favorably affect physical health, for example, relieve fatigue, body aches. Knowing what words can not be said in front of the mirror, you protect yourself and loved ones from the negative effects from the outside. Use the magic power of the mirror, because it is so simple!

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