Sexual relations: how to learn to have sex?

Most modern people know that sex is very important in any way. It is because of it (poor-quality or simply absence) that not only the unions of couples in love break up , but even marriages. In this article, I want to reveal a couple of simple but practical tips on how to learn how to have sex correctly.

how to learn how to have sex

First time

For each person, regardless of gender, the first sexual experience is important. A lot depends on how everything happens for the first time. So, people whose first intimate relationships were unsuccessful, may simply be afraid of such a relationship, and sometimes even acquire a huge number of different psychological problems. So, there are several rules on how to learn how to have sex without practicing it. It is very important for a person to completely get rid of their complexes. This applies primarily to girls who may simply be afraid to undress in front of their man. Do not worry about a small breast or a big priest - this will only make it worse. It is necessary to concentrate on your desires and surrender to your feelings. It is also important to fully trust your partner, only then you can completely relax and get real pleasure. Well, it’s good to at least know at least what will happen behind a closed door. So, if possible, you can watch erotica (just not porn, where many scenes are simply unrealistic in terms of the intimate relationships of ordinary people) and make an idea of ​​what can happen.

how to learn how to have sex

Body research

An important tip on how to learn to have sex: you need to know the capabilities and desires of your body. This applies to both boys and girls. The easiest way is masturbation. Through this process, it is possible to understand which zones are erogenous, what is most liked, and what should be avoided. Of course, you need to tell your partner about this. However, not as in a lecture, but during an intimate relationship, when explanations are appropriate. When a couple knows the features of not only their body, but also that of their partner, sex is simply excellent, and the sensations are unforgettable.


What else is very important if a person wants to know how to learn how to have sex? So, the atmosphere and the place where everything happens are of great importance. This is especially true for the first time. Both members of the couple should be convenient and comfortable from a psychological point of view in the place where intimacy is planned. To make the sex quality, you can make the atmosphere romantic; girls will especially like it.


how to learn to have sex for a long time

Another piece of advice on how to learn how to have sex properly is to understand that not only sexual intercourse is important, but also the games in front of it. It may just be affectionate partners, but you can arrange a small performance or game. Why not, many people like it? King and National, Watchman and Prisoner, Plumber and Housewife - this is not a complete list of those pleasures that will be to your taste. You should also remember that there is no need to rush and immediately proceed to sexual intercourse. The longer the prelude, the more sexual desire and desire increase, the brighter and more passionate the intimacy itself will be.


How to learn to have sex well? To do this, you must be open to everything new. No need to be shy or afraid of something that you really want to try. Various poses, all kinds of sex that a person is ready for, maybe even erotic lingerie and specific intimate toys - this is not a complete list of what can be useful for high-quality sexual relationships.

how to learn how to have sex with a girl


Guys may need a couple of tips on how to learn how to have sex for a long time. So, it is worth first of all to understand that simply training your body (more precisely, a certain organ) with physical loads will not work. It all depends on the psychological component of the young man. For an intimate relationship to be long, you just need to want this. Self-control is important here. A man should be able to stop at the right time or think about something abstract that will help relieve stress and not reach the finish line (you can also use some manipulations that delay ejaculation, for example, a light pulling of the scrotum). So you can prolong sexual intercourse for a rather long time. Practice is very important in this matter. It is not surprising if a guy ejaculates for the first or second time very quickly, you should not be afraid or embarrassed. Only over time can the situation change qualitatively and the man will feel more confident during intimacy with a woman. If you want to prolong sexual intercourse, you can pre-masturbate and relieve sexual tension. Then the closest intimate relationships will be perceived more calmly (especially for men), and the young man will be able to satisfy his partner for a longer time.

how to learn to have sex well

Tips for men

If a young man wants to know how to prolong an intimate relationship with a lady, he should adhere to a few simple tips. It is important to learn how to relax in time, that is, for a man, concentration on the process itself is very important, as well as self-control. It is good to periodically do simple physical exercises to relieve sexual excitability, which will keep your body in good shape. Remember that the quality of a man’s sexual life is affected by nutrition (food should not be spicy), bad habits (alcohol, smoking), as well as too fast a pace of life (a man needs to rest).

Tips for girls

So how to learn how to have sex with a girl? First of all, for a good intimate relationship, a woman must completely get rid of her complexes and trust a man. It should be noted that tips for ladies will consist more of psychological than physiological nuances. Also, the girl needs to take the initiative. It is unlikely that a man will like to make love with a so-called log. The lady should be open to various innovations (however, do not do this to the detriment of her health), not constrained and not shy. It is also important to be able to completely relax, because only then will it be possible to get true, highest pleasure. Well, of course, the girls should not forget about the sound component, men are very pleased with the ooh-ooh from the lady, because this indicates that everything is going according to plan. They regard this as a kind of approval of the partner’s actions.

how to learn to have sex on top


A couple of recent tips on how to learn to have sex from above (for ladies). For everything to work out correctly, you need to have a certain amount of experience - without it, the first time, little will come of it. Training and training again is the key to successful development of events. The girl should be quite plastic, because the stomach, hips and pelvis are actively involved here. Problems may also arise if the couple have not yet “gotten used to” each other: a woman should feel and understand her partner. A man should not lie indifferently, he needs to take part in the process. It should be said that it is better to start a woman learning sex in this position if the man is not lying on the bed, but sitting on a chair. So the couple is facing each other. If everything happens on the bed, it is not necessary to rest against the surface with the knees, you can put one or even two feet on your feet. Well, it is also important to rest your hands: why should not a woman hold on to strong male breasts? Well, the most important rules are a sincere desire to learn and be confident in your abilities. In this case, everything will work out!

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