How to disable ads in torrent: instructions

If you are downloading files to your computer, then you probably had to come across a word like “torrent”. At the moment, there is a large torrent network where every user can find almost any file and upload it to his computer without any problems. If you have already worked with the program, then you must have noticed that there is an advertisement on Torrent, and you might have a desire to get rid of it somehow. This advertisement interferes with work for many users or is simply distracting, so everyone at least once asked himself the question: "How to disable ads in Torrent?" That's what we decided to talk about today, and we will try to help you turn off ads.

Disable Torrent Ads on uTorrent

how to disable ads in torrent
The program that facilitates the user’s work is called uTorrent, and at present there are many versions, but we recommend that you use the latest one, as it is more functional, and it works, as practice shows, a little faster. Even a novice Internet user will be able to download various kinds of files with this program, since, in fact, there is nothing complicated. If necessary, you can read the instructions provided by the developer. The developers of this universal and really useful program want to not only help their users simplify the task when downloading, but also to earn money, because according to statistics this program is used by all users who work with torrents. Accordingly, we can determine the moment that manufacturers have a considerable number of advertisers who want to promote their services or products. And this is not at all surprising. Naturally, any work must be paid, the producers themselves, who decided to correctly push the advertisement, have the same opinion. An ordinary user who wonders how to disable ads in Torrent while trying to remove it yourself is most likely to fail, because in reality this is not as easy as it might seem at first. sight.

Advertising in Torrent and its obsession

how to remove ads in torrent
However, advertising in no way reduces the functionality of the program, nor does it affect the speed of its work, but it begins to annoy many users over time.

Instruction manual

So, let's go directly to the question of how to remove ads in Torrent. No need to think that it will be difficult to disable ads in the program, in fact, everything happens very quickly and simply. The most important thing is that you should carefully follow the instructions below, then you will not have any additional questions. To turn off advertising, you also do not need to spend a lot of time, the whole process takes only a few minutes.

Step 1

advertising in torrent
First of all, you should start the program client, and after that go to the program settings from the top panel. Now you should see a new window called “Settings” and it contains a lot of tabs. You should select the latest tab, it is called "Advanced". A completely new window will open before you, on top of it you can see a warning from the developers, and a little lower the filter and a small cell into which you can enter something. So, it is in this cell that you will need to enter the word “offer”, just write it without quotes. Next, you must confirm your decision and get to another tab on which four files will be placed. Now your task is that you should left-click on the bottom of the given lines and put a circle in the "Value" field to nothing. After that, you should definitely save the settings. You should follow the same procedure with the penultimate file. Now at the end of the two files the word “false” should appear, if this is true, then the entire procedure for disabling advertising will be completed. Now you need to restart the program. To do this, simply turn it off and on again.


disable torrent ads
Now you can understand for yourself that the question of how to disable ads in Torrent is very simple. If you follow all the instructions that we gave above, then the advertisement will no longer bother you. Of course, this will only happen until you change the version of the program. If your friends don’t know how to disable ads in Torrent, you can always come to their aid. However, with a strong desire, you can always find the relevant information and solve this issue in a short time. The most important thing is that you should conduct the whole process carefully, otherwise the program may start to work incorrectly or even stop starting.

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