Laminate is a very strong and durable material. However, on such coatings during operation, various kinds of defects may appear, for example, chips. To eliminate such damage, of course, is worth it immediately. After all, with their presence, the aesthetic properties of the laminate are significantly deteriorated. In addition, the service life of such a coating in this case is reduced. Further in the article, we will consider how to fix a chip on a laminate and how to do it correctly.
For what reason may appear
During operation, scratches, cracks, cracks can form on the laminate. But the most unpleasant kind of defect on such a coating is, of course, chips. Such damage is very visible on the surface and getting rid of them can be difficult to conceive. Defects of this variety in most cases are deep and affect not only the decorative layer of planks, but also the main - wood-fiber.
The main reasons for the appearance of chips on the laminate are:
walking on the floor in sharp heels;
falling heavy objects with uneven edges on the floor;
inaccurate cutting of the board during installation of the coating.
It is quite difficult to leave a chip on the laminate even with a sharp object. Such defects in most cases still appear on those dies, in the production of which the required technologies were violated.
Types of Chips
Before you begin to understand what to fix the chip on the laminate, let's see, as a result of what exactly, such damage can appear on the coating. Such a finish from the occurrence of defects, despite the fact that it has a high degree of wear resistance, is not insured over its entire area. Chips on such a coating can be:
In this case, such defects can appear both directly on the die plane itself, and in the castle area. Sometimes injuries of this kind are formed simultaneously on several lamellas.
How to close up a small chip
In this case, the laminate is not damaged too deeply. Ways to eliminate small chips are similar to the method of repairing a simply scratched coating. If the defect almost did not affect the base of the plate and has a very small area, you can try to disguise it, for example, with a wax restoration pencil.
The answer to the question of how to close a chip on a laminate, if it has a shallow depth, can be means of this type:
The first kind of pencils is recommended to be used to eliminate chips on a high-strength laminate, wall mounted in rooms with high traffic. In the bedroom or, for example, in the office to close up such a defect, you can use a soft pencil.
Repair Technology
So how to repair a chip on a laminate, if it has a shallow depth? In this case, choosing a pencil for correction should, of course, be strictly matching the color of the coating itself. Using such a tool is actually very easy. To get rid of small chips, you need:
Next, you just need to carefully gloss over the defect with a pencil, smooth the surface with a spatula and remove the remaining wax. Such a corrective agent usually dries no more than 1 hour.
How to fix a chip on a laminate, if it is deep
Repair of such a coating in the presence of sufficiently serious damage on it can be carried out using, for example, tools such as:
Also, deep defects on such a finish are often corrected using a mixture of fine sawdust and gypsum in equal proportions.
How to fix a chip in a laminate on the floor: a good tip
Most often, when repairing a coating with such defects, mastics for wood or sealants are used in our time. The use of such materials gives the best result. Specialists usually advise buying mastic or sealant in two shades at once - dark walnut and pine. Subsequently, by mixing these funds, it will be possible to obtain the color necessary for the most effective masking of the chip. When mixing the compositions, among other things, it should be borne in mind that after drying the βpatchβ will darken a little.
Repair Features
Mastics and sealants are simply an excellent answer to the question of how to repair a chip on a laminate without disassembling it. However, for such work to choose the corrective tool is not enough. The home foreman will also need to prepare the most suitable tools for performing this procedure.
To apply the adjustment mixture when sealing deep chips, the masters most often use a rubber spatula. Using this tool, it will be possible to remove the defect very easily, without leaving additional scratches on the surface of the laminate.
Close up deep chips using mastic or sealant using approximately the same technology as using a wax pencil. The only thing in this case is not immediately filling the defect to the full depth, but in 2-3 steps. Moreover, each layer of camouflage means is pre-dried.
How to repair very serious damage
Repair of chips that affect several boards or a castle at once or penetrate, is often an inappropriate procedure. In the presence of such damage, the affected areas of the coating are best simply replaced with new ones. Repair of such serious defects is usually done only when it is impossible to pick up the lamellas in the store exactly the same shade as the old ones.
A fairly good answer to the question of how to fix a chip on the laminate with your own hands, in this case, epoxy or polyester resin can become. However, even with the use of such long-lasting products capable of withstanding significant wear loads, it is most likely that they will not be able to give the original appearance to a severely damaged coating.
How to replace boards
What to fix the chip on the laminate, we thus found out. But how to replace damaged strips in the event that their repair becomes impossible?
If chips appeared on the boards extreme in relation to the wall, it will be very easy to reconstruct the floor. Damaged lamellas in this case simply snap off from the main coating, and then install new ones in their place.
But, of course, with the edge of the damage on the laminate appear quite rarely. Most often, chips are still formed at a certain distance from the walls. In this case, the defective lamellas are removed with preliminary sawing. At the same time, they perform work using approximately the following technology:
At the next stage, new boards are inserted using this technology:
In order for the βpatchβ to subsequently last as long as possible, after installation it must, of course, be pressed down for a while with something heavy. The adhesive that comes to the surface should be immediately cleaned with a clean rag. In the future, it is necessary to keep the cargo on a βpatchβ until the liquid nails completely dry.
How to avoid chips: recommendations
Thus, the answer to the question of how to repair chips on the laminate with your own hands can be different technologies. But in any case, it is often quite difficult to fix such a defect. To avoid the appearance of chips, it is therefore necessary to follow the rules of operation of such a finish:
at the entrance to the house should be laid fleecy rugs;
under the rollers of chairs and bedside tables it is worth putting small rubber pads;
legs of furniture is also desirable to knock out, for example, felt or felt.
Of course, in order to prevent chips from appearing on the laminate, you should not, among other things, walk on it in street shoes. Stand for shoes and shoes should be placed in the hallway near the entrance and rug, and put an ottoman near it.