Facial foam: a review, application and reviews of specialists

Facial Foam is an amazing cosmetic product. It perfectly cleanses the skin and gives it the opportunity to relax. Such a product is usually used before bedtime to eliminate makeup, other impurities and soothe the epidermis.

The article presents the best facial cleansing foams, reviews about them and other nuances that are important to know before using. In fact, such a tool is quite effective in cleansing the skin. In addition, there are products such as a facial mask. They not only eliminate pollution, but also saturate the dermis with the necessary elements, and also improve its elasticity.

facial cleansing foam


Soap is enough for some people to cleanse their skin. In fact, it is extremely dangerous to use, because it dries the skin strongly and contributes to the premature appearance of wrinkles. But the facial cleansing foam is a universal tool that does no harm to the treated area. The following points should be attributed to its main functions:

  1. Makeup removal. Foam is able to remove the layer of foundation, powder, as well as waterproof materials.
  2. Water balance support. This is the main difference between the foam and soap - there is no alkali in it, and the acidity is quite close to the pH of the skin.
  3. Removing dust and other contaminants. In addition to makeup, the product removes all kinds of contaminants that accumulate on the surface of the face throughout the day.


Oxygen foam for the face and its other varieties can even eliminate some skin diseases, as well as slow down the aging process. In this case, it all depends on the composition of the product. In general, the foam is useful due to the following properties:

  1. Normalization of the sebaceous glands. The composition of the product in question always contains two components - hyaluronic acid and tea tree oil. They contribute to the normalization of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Rejuvenation. Additionally, the foam contains substances designed to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, which are just responsible for youthful skin.
  3. Acne Prevention Cleansing agents necessarily contain natural essential oils that do not allow the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Elimination of pigmentation. Unpleasant dark spots can be eliminated with a special face cream. Such products, as a rule, contain whitening elements that brighten up such formations on the face quite well.
facial cleansing foam


Although facial foam is a fairly useful remedy, it is recommended that not all people use it. For example, it is forbidden to do such categories of girls:

  1. During the postoperative period. In the case when there are still scars and scars on the face after surgery, it is not worth using foam. Otherwise, an allergic reaction or severe burning may occur. In isolated cases, puffiness additionally occurs.
  2. In the presence of atopic dermatitis. This ailment does not allow girls to use any cosmetic products. The only thing allowed in such cases is products with the ability to retain fluid in tissues.
  3. In case of allergy to the components of the product. People prone to such reactions, the composition must be studied very carefully. The foam should not contain components that can provoke an allergy.

Features of choice

To date, there is a lot of foam in specialized stores. Among a huge assortment, it is very difficult to make a choice, but it’s better not to buy the first product you get.

facial cleansing foams

For children

Although the kids do not use makeup, facial foam does not hurt them. This is explained by the fact that on the skin there are still contaminants accumulated throughout the day, which must be eliminated. On suitable products for babies it is directly indicated for whom they are intended, so they do not have to purchase adult products.

For the eye area

Foam for washing the face, or rather the area around the eyes, must necessarily contain nourishing and moisturizing components. The reason for this is the subtlety and increased sensitivity of this zone. In addition, these foams work wonderfully with waterproof mascara and other cosmetics.

For dry dermis

Foams for cleansing the skin of a dry type must be selected carefully. They must contain components that can create obstacles to the evaporation of moisture. As a rule, they are made on the basis of thermal water or herbal decoctions. Additionally, they contain wheat protein and vitamin E.

Oily skin owners

There is also a special composition. It should contain herbal extracts with astringent properties. In most cases, they are green tea, a string and oak bark. In addition, since oily skin is prone to acne, the foam should be able to cope with comedones and sebum.


Many people who purchase facial cleansing foam simply do not know how to use it correctly, therefore they put it on the shelf and safely forget it. Although in fact there is nothing complicated in applying the composition. Step-by-step instructions will help you better understand this:

  1. Moisturize your skin.
  2. If the foam is in the form of a gel, then you need to apply it on the face, foam and massage, and if it is made in the form of a mousse, then simply apply it evenly on the skin.
  3. Wash off with plenty of water.
  4. Apply lotion or cream to the treated skin.
facial cleanser reviews

For oily skin, it is best to rinse your face again with cool water before using a cream or lotion. Another nuance is that the product intended for the area around the eyes must be distributed over the eyelids and washed off, directing movements to the outside from the inside.

Top products

Facial cleansing foam is sold in any specialized store. There, shelves are piled with funds from different manufacturers. It is very difficult to choose the best product from this number. Therefore, it is worthwhile first of all to pay attention to popular tools that receive a lot of positive comments and perfectly cope with the task.

Cetaphil dermacontrol

An excellent tool that can fight acne is produced by a company whose assortment contains only medical cosmetics. This product is sold in an interesting bottle and has a neutral aroma. As for the effect obtained, it persists for a day.

Cetaphil Dermacontrol. Reviews

Facial wash foam receives reviews, for the most part, of a positive nature. In them, customers and specialists in the field of cosmetology and dermatology note high-quality and gentle cleansing, long-term effectiveness, as well as the elimination of even the most resistant cosmetics. In addition, the advantages of the ladies and doctors include reliable protection against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation and the elimination of excess fat, while the skin's moisture will remain, it does not dry out.

Among the shortcomings, people note the fact that foam is not always available at the store. This phenomenon is explained by the high popularity of the product, because of which it is quickly sold out, and those who do not have time have to wait until a new delivery.

Vichy normaderm

A beautiful facial foam with a matting effect is positioned as a means of performing the combined correction of problem areas of the skin. It is great for any type of dermis, but is more used for sensitive. This is due to the amazing composition, which included two important acids - salicylic and glycolic. They eliminate acne, as well as the fat layer.

facial cleansing foam reviews

The opinion of experts about Vichy

Such a facial cleansing foam has a lot of positive reviews. Experts point to the effective elimination and prevention of acne, drying of pustular formations, as well as a moisturizing effect. Moreover, they recommend using this product to their customers for the reason that it copes with narrowing pores very well, and its effect lasts at least 24 hours.

As negative aspects, cosmetologists distinguish an aggressive composition, because of which it must not be allowed to get into the eyes, as well as an individual effect. In their opinion, it is quite possible that the foam will not give the desired result, but this will not depend on its quality, but on the characteristics of the epidermis.

Himalaya herbals

Indian foam of the highest quality is famous for the presence of plant components. Of primary importance is neem extract, which has an antiseptic effect. This product comes in convenient bottles, the volume of which is enough for about a month of everyday use. It is ideal for oily and combination skin types.

Comments about Himalaya Herbals

In their reviews, experienced specialists primarily indicate the fact that the foam really removes bacteria quickly and efficiently. And this is ensured by the presence of vetiver and turmeric, which are in demand today. In addition, dermatologists recommend the use of such a product because of its ability to normalize the sebaceous glands, as well as reliable masking of skin defects. The users themselves respond positively to the remedy due to its effective fight against inflammatory processes and numerous acne.

Of the negative qualities of the foam, as a rule, insufficient hydration of the epidermis is distinguished. Another drawback is the fact that the composition was originally developed for the climatic conditions of India, and in our territory its use is not effective enough.


Specially designed for dry integument, the foam contains such active substances as aloe extract, hyaluronic acid, and almond oil. The last component is especially important, since it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin E, capable of healing small wounds. In addition, the composition also contains vitamin A, which rejuvenates the integument. As for acid, it helps to achieve a moisturizing effect.

facial foam reviews

What cosmetologists say

Such a facial foam receives reviews not only from specialists, but also from ordinary users. All these people say that the product provides truly high-quality hydration, rejuvenates, accelerates wound healing and relieves peeling. Beauticians pay special attention in their comments to the naturalness of the herbal composition, which is a considerable advantage today.

Disadvantages are noted only by girls using waterproof cosmetics. Foam is not effective at washing off such cosmetics. Also, girls point to a not-so-convenient dispenser, which sometimes leaks if shaken. However, these disadvantages do not overlap the advantages, and the foam is still popular and is not going to give up its positions yet.

Kracie naive

The remedy from the Japanese manufacturer is popular due to its high quality and true effectiveness. It is supplemented by extracting a tea leaf, which also plays a role in its effectiveness. At a cost, foam refers to the middle segment, so many people can afford it. The composition of the product copes with the elimination of decorative cosmetics, as well as fat. In addition, it has a general strengthening property, so that the skin after each session becomes healthier and more beautiful.

Product Reviews

Experts indicate the effective action of the foam. In their opinion, such a product is one of the best, since it does not provoke allergic reactions and has a universal effect. In addition, the tool is liked for the ability to safely tighten pores, eliminate inflammatory processes and smooth the skin. The girls themselves, in addition to all these advantages, note the pleasant aroma of the composition and its economical consumption.

Among the shortcomings, experts indicate the individuality of the effect, as some people may experience slight irritation after use. Of course, after a few minutes it will pass on its own, but not all girls are satisfied with this option.

Secarets of arctica

The list of leaders is completed by the organic product, which is made on the basis of arctic berries, from where the name came from. It uses ingredients that are created in conditions of heat shortage, because of which their benefits only increase. There are also natural antioxidants. In general, the composition of the product is balanced, due to which the product perfectly cleanses the face of all kinds of contaminants, without provoking adverse effects.

oxygen facial foam

Dermatologists Comments

According to experts, it is impossible to find flaws in the specified tool. It is for this reason that they talk only about the positive aspects of the product. Dermatologists note its hypoallergenicity, high-quality acne counteraction, as well as replenishment of the daily balance of water in the skin. Moreover, many experts recommend using this foam to their clients for the safe removal of decorative cosmetics from the eyes, which is a considerable advantage. The girls themselves like this product thanks to a convenient dispenser, high efficiency, good consistency, the rapid appearance of foam, as well as a pleasant aroma that lingers on the face even after washing.

As you can see, the choice of tool depends on personal preferences.

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