Divorce - negative consequences (child support in a solid amount, psychological stress of the child)

Marriage is a brilliant invention of society. According to Christian laws, real feelings are born directly in marriage. A strong family is a safe haven in life's turmoil and ups and downs. There is a crisis in the country, there are problems at work, crime is on the street ... Hometown, dear people - that’s who always finds the right words, can calm and give love. But far from always favorable relations last for a long time, once, for various reasons, a crisis moment may come when each other needs support.

It is in a difficult situation that many find no other way out than to break off relations. From a psychological point of view, divorce does not pass without leaving a trace for most people, and if there are children in the family, this is doubly stress for the baby. In addition to emotional malfunction, a break in relations entails legal red tape and creates serious problems in fulfilling parental roles. Usually, after a divorce, the children remain in the care of the mother, who is engaged in their upbringing - the father is required to pay alimony, but sometimes men are derailed from paying any payments. You won’t run away from the law - you will still have to pay child support in the amount of money before the child reaches the age of majority.

The duty of parents is to ensure a decent future for their young children, satisfying their daily needs. The landlord has the right to demand monthly payments from the payer, even in court. According to the legislation, alimony for 1 child makes up of the total income of one of the parties, alimony for the second child - 1/3 of the profit and 50% of the earnings for the third and subsequent children. The size of the content can be increased or decreased by a court decision depending on the financial situation and other important circumstances of the payer, the main thing is that the amount claimed (Art.103SK) is not less than established by law.

Material obligations are terminated in the following cases: death of the recipient of the alimony or the payer himself, termination of the agreement by agreement of both parties, expiration of the agreement, the child reaches the age of 18, or the children acquire full legal capacity (marriage, emancipation). If each parent has children in their care, then a child’s more affluent person pays child support in a fixed amount. Undoubtedly, legal and property disputes during a divorce are an integral part of any divorce proceedings where there are children.

If spouses solve all problems peacefully, discussing all the details in advance, this process will be less time-consuming and painful. Another important moment when adult children are not working and need parental care, assistance (people with disabilities, persons of retirement age). Article 85SK clearly states that in this case, parents are required to provide assistance, alimony for adult children in the amount of less than the subsistence minimum. Even if the parent deviates from the payment of alimony, an adult child can go to court to recover a debt if:

· The child is disabled;

· There is no maintenance contract;

· A person needs help.

In this case, the court appoints to pay alimony in a fixed amount of money, taking into account some nuances. The court also takes into account all types of income: even if the payer has a minimum wage, he is still sentenced to provide adult legally incapable children.

Divorcing parents for a child is a serious psychological stress, often on this basis children have various diseases, complexes that need to be treated by a specialist, otherwise the consequences can be sad.

Situations are different, but, nevertheless, it is always necessary to find compromises and solutions to problems, especially if children grow up in the family. Both parents bear full responsibility for their child and are obliged to grow out of them a full-fledged personality and pay alimony in a fixed amount of money if they live apart. This is what the law says.

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