Like it or not, sexuality is very important for people. This is not just a tribute to fashion, but also a physiological need that directly affects human health. Despite the fact that in our time the topic of sex and everything related to it is very often discussed, there are a huge number of problems that people face during sexual intercourse. One of the most common problems is a narrow vagina. Unfortunately, the female genital organs are a rather complicated structure, with which a lot of problems and diseases can be associated. To solve them, there is even a whole profession - a gynecologist who does not sit daily without work. The most paradoxical thing is that over time there are more and more problems and diseases, but this will not be discussed.
What if a narrow vagina? In many forums you can find tips for developing it, but almost no doctor will advise you to carry out such actions with your body, especially with the genitals. There is an opinion that a narrow vagina is temporary and stretches from regular sex, but few women will experience the patience of their men, not allowing them to have sex. In fact, in most cases, pain from the fact that the narrow vagina does not go away at all. Even after daily sexual intercourse - after many years, many women do not get rid of discomfort, not wanting to admit it. What to do in this case?
It has long been proven by various fields of science that pain during sex or a narrow entrance to the vagina is caused not by some physiological characteristics of a woman, but by a psychological state, even at a subconscious level. Despite the fact that the size of the vagina is a physiological feature and varies from woman to woman, there is no such vagina that could not accommodate the penis. It is possible that the narrowest vagina in the world will not cope with this task, but this is more an exception to the rule than a regularity.
A woman who experiences pain during sex should first go to a gynecologist, and then to a psychotherapist or sexologist. It is the last two doctors that will help the sick person in this sensitive issue. The fact is that there are often situations in which a woman subconsciously blocks the pleasant sensations of sex. Even if she really loves her man and is the height of depravity, the subconscious will be much stronger. From this we can conclude that the intentional stretching of a narrow vagina is not only an unnatural, but also a very incorrect approach to solving the problem.
The very nature has an elastic and large vagina through which a child can pass. From this we can conclude that the average penis can penetrate into the vagina without pain without preliminary operations.
It is important to note a few more points. Pain during sex can be caused not only by psychological problems, but also by illness. That is why, first of all, you should go to the gynecologist, who ascertains the normal sizes of the genitals. Perhaps the woman had some damage during childbirth, or she simply suffers from diseases of the urethra. Therefore, the solution to the problem of the narrow vagina should be comprehensive and have a medical approach, because if you engage in initiative in diseases, you can come to irreversible consequences. It is clear that the problem is very sensitive, and you do not always want to discuss it even with doctors, but for the sake of your health and relations with your loved one it is worth stepping over fears and constraints.