Can I smoke in the post? Of course, almost every Christian suffering from nicotine addiction asked this question. However, in order to get an exhaustive answer to it, you must first decide what a post is.
Fasting time
There are many definitions of this church concept.
Generally speaking, fasting is a period when a person must rethink his principles of behavior in society and his actions, as a result of which life must change, and for the better. Naturally, one should refrain from the sins that a person commits most often: he almost every day swears, envies, gets angry with others and so on. During the period of spiritual purification, the church also recommends taking control of the food system by excluding certain foods from the diet: meat, fish, milk, and so on.
Bad habits
Returning to the question of whether it is possible to smoke during fasting, it should be noted that nicotine addiction and the use of alcoholic beverages by the church are equated with sin, therefore, believers should abandon them. However, it should be noted that on certain days of fasting in small quantities, alcohol is still acceptable.
Of course, many people, having received the answer to the question: “Is it allowed to smoke in a post?”, Will conclude that whining is not for them, because they cannot live without a cigarette for a day. Well, this is their right, but in this case, smokers miss another opportunity to get rid of the nicotine addiction that is provided by church canons. At the same time, many perceive the aforementioned addiction as a “lesser evil”, although everyone knows what serious harm it does to their health.
After considering the question of whether it is possible to smoke during fasting, another arises: “Should the abstinence process be recognized as correct if a person cannot overcome his nicotine addiction?” One way or another, but smoking is a sinful act and cannot be considered in as a reason not to fast. It all depends on the person himself and on how much he is ready to mobilize his internal resources in order to give up tobacco.
There is an opinion that the smoke that smokes from the lungs puts a screen between man and God, which prevents the penetration of the grace of the Creator.
Daily prayer will help get rid of addiction. Such an appeal to God calls on conscience to take harsh measures against themselves. If it is absolutely unbearable to quit smoking, then the church recommends abstaining from tobacco at least 2 times a week: Wednesday and Friday.
Interesting enough is the question of whether Muslims can "indulge in tobacco" during fasting. It should be noted that, like the Orthodox believers, Islamists during Ramadan are also given the opportunity to kill their craving for smoking. However, a reservation must be made that Muslims can raise a cigarette after sunset, which will not be considered a violation of abstinence.
A huge number of Orthodox people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol in fasting.
It should be noted that the Holy Scripture does not mention anyone who drank wine or spirits during the period of abstinence. On the contrary, the Bible cites examples when the Orthodox during fasting did not touch not only food but also water.
Nevertheless, the church charter allows you to drink wine in small quantities and on strictly defined days - Saturday and Sunday. Moreover, this rule applies to all four posts: Rozhdestvensky, Assumption, Petrov and the Great. In addition, those who are interested in the question: “Can I drink in fasting?” Should know that only red varieties of the drink are allowed in use in a strictly dosed amount. Of course, no one will tell you the exact volume, but in order not to lose clarity of thought, the clergy advise you to limit yourself to one glass.
It is noteworthy that Russia adopted the tradition of drinking wine during the period of abstinence from Byzantium and Syria, where the above alcoholic beverage was diluted with water at a rate of 1: 3. Wine thereby compensated for the shortage of water, which was vital. It was also used as a remedy, since there were no alternative medicines at that time.
Currently, a certain part of the clergy believes the above tradition is wrong, insisting on the ban on drinking alcohol during fasting.
In any case, you must first remember the meaning of the post. It is important to develop spiritually, to reflect on your sinful acts, to fight “in yourself” with hypocrisy, envy, anger, and vanity. Naturally, one or two glasses of a red drink will not prevent their eradication.
What to drink during fasting
The Orthodox are forbidden to drink coffee while serving, because by the method of preparation it is regarded as a decoction, and this contradicts the basic principle of dry eating. During fasting, in addition to water, you can drink tea, which is an infusion, which is quite acceptable. At a certain time, the taboo applies to fruit compotes and fruit juices.
The rules of strict fasting allow and even welcome the use of jelly, fruit drinks, lemonade and kvass. Today you can easily find an arsenal of recipes for preparing these drinks, and every day of fasting you can enjoy new culinary masterpieces. Cranberry juice recipe is especially popular and in demand in our country - this drink is not only lean and tasty, but also healthy. It should also be noted that only natural drinks should be consumed in fasting.
Of course, numerous fruit shakes, jelly and soft drinks can be so delicious that it will be very difficult to refuse them even after fasting. In any case, freshly squeezed fraches during the govening period will not let you lose energy and enrich the body with vitamins that it does not receive due to dietary restrictions.
Features of strict fasting
It is very important to remember that fasting should be observed only to those people for whom abstinence in food does not cause harm. If you suffer from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or your metabolism is impaired, then you should not speak in any case. Today, even in monasteries, fasting does not always mean the principle of dry eating. If a person has never talked in his life and ultimately decided to abstain in food, then before putting it into practice, you should talk about it with your spiritual mentor who will give individual recommendations.
Of course, all Orthodox people limit themselves to food when the time of Lent comes.
However, it should be emphasized once again: if you have health problems, you should not clearly follow all the rules that apply to food restrictions. It is much more important to rethink your behavior, to remember the negative actions committed in relation to your friends and relatives.
One way or another, but do not forget that there is a strict fast, when a person can only eat bread and drink water. Such abstinence, in particular, falls on the first week of Lent. On Clean Monday, the Orthodox do not eat anything, praying for atonement for their sins.
Strict fasting also falls on the last week of Great Lent - this period is called Holy Week. On the first, second and third days of the last week, you can eat only raw vegetables and fruits. On Maundy Thursday, a small amount of red wine is allowed, and food can be flavored with vegetable oil. On Friday you can’t eat anything at all - this day is considered the peak of strict fasting. The length of time from Saturday to the appearance of the first star is also a period of absolute abstinence in food.
What to eat in the post
The question of what should be the menu in the post does not lose its relevance. If you follow the church canons, then on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you are allowed to eat raw vegetables, fruits, brown bread, drink water or stewed fruit. On Tuesday and Thursday you can cook fast-food dishes, but without the addition of oil (cabbage soup, porridge cooked on water, etc.).
The menu in the post during the weekend involves the addition of vegetable oil (a little), which slightly diversifies the diet.
Fast or not
Of course, fasting is strictly voluntary. Someone is accustomed to govning from childhood, someone comes to this consciously in adulthood, and some begin to understand the true meaning of fasting in old age.
It often happens that as a result of a combination of certain life circumstances, a person cannot count on anyone, and he relies only on the help of the Most High. What is our surprise when it unexpectedly comes, and after that we have faith, which gives us strength to fasting.