How to breed putty: basic rules, proportions and features

When finishing various surfaces, a material such as putty is often used. With it, you can align the walls and prepare them for subsequent painting and gluing wallpapers. You only need to know how to spread the putty correctly. During preparation, it is necessary to take into account some details, for example, the type of putty, as well as for what work it can be used. Also, the ratio of dry mix to water should be taken into account, since this can affect the quality of the work performed.

Varieties of putty

The construction market offers a huge selection of filler materials. They go on sale ready to use or dry. To prepare dry putty for finishing work, you should consider its basis and how to properly putty putty. It depends on its scope and method of preparation.

Plaster based putty

This putty is used for indoor work. She is snow-white. The product must not be used in spaces with high humidity. Putty is intended only for surface finishing of dry rooms with heating. It can be used in the bedroom, hall, front and rarely in the kitchen.

how to spread putty

The mixture is applied to the walls before wallpapering or painting, taking into account the rules that indicate how to build gypsum putty.

Cement based putty

Using this type of putty, you can eliminate all irregularities, drops and various cracks by applying the product to the wall surface. It is suitable for work in any room - both in dry and in high humidity. Cement putty can also be used for finishing facades of buildings made of concrete, brick and stone.

how to spread putty for walls

In the store you can buy a dry mixture of cement putty in special packaging or a ready-made mortar. Liquid putty has a number of disadvantages: when dried, it shrinks, and the applied thick layer of the mixture may crack. It is sold in special plastic containers.

As for the dry mix, you should know how to breed putty with a cement base. The required consistency is achieved by kneading. Putty has good adhesion and excellent strength (cracks do not appear when fully dried). But this is only provided that it is properly prepared and applied to the surface.

Polymer based putty

This putty is used for interior decoration only. It has high elasticity, strength and durability. These qualities are achieved due to the polymers contained in the putty.

how to spread putty

Dry polymer putty is used for starting and finishing work. A mixture of starting putty has high strength. It is used in the initial treatment to smooth surfaces and seal cracks.

Finishing putty has fine grains. Thanks to them, the finished and polished wall will have a smooth and flawlessly even surface. The mixture should be applied in a thin layer.

They also produce polymer universal putty, which is ready for use. It can be used both for starting work and for finishing, on surfaces without special defects.

Given all the features and proportions, you should know how to spread putty for walls and other surfaces on different bases.

Features of putty dilution

As in any business, there are certain features. You should know before you figure out for yourself how to breed putty: the proportions should correspond to the type of product. There are several types of it:

  • for starting work;
  • for finishing work;
  • for wall decoration;
  • for processing ceilings;
  • for decoration of facades;
  • for work indoors.

The answer to the question of how to spread putty will depend on what type of putty will be used during work. Indeed, for a certain type of solution, a fixed amount of water is needed. It should be the desired density and consistency.

  • When using 1 kg of dry gypsum mixture (for example, Fugenfueller putty), 0.8 l of water must be taken.
  • When using cement putty per 1 kg of dry mix, 0.37โ€“0.42 liters of water is necessary, and for 20 kg 7.4โ€“8.4 liters of water should be used.
  • How to spread putty for walls? The proportions for the dry polymer mixture are as follows: 25 kg require about 10 liters of water.

Starting putty align the walls. To hide defects of different sizes, the applied layer can be 6 cm. For this reason, the solution should not be liquid, since it is easier to seal the recesses with a thick mixture, and the surface will dry faster.

The method of applying putty on the wall also affects the density of the solution. It should be thicker if applied by hand. When working with an airless spray machine, the solution must be in a liquid state.

Answering the question of how to breed the finishing putty, you need to know its desired consistency. When using it should be borne in mind that it must be applied with a thin layer. Therefore, the solution should not be too thick.

Mechanical preparation of putty mixture

The process of preparing the finishing putty is not too complicated. Before spreading putty, it must be mixed with clean water at room temperature.

how to breed putty proportions

To putty mortar was of high quality, water should be added to the dry mixture in small doses. For more efficient mixing use a special tool - a construction mixer. You can also knead with an electric drill with a special nozzle, the power of which should be at least 1.5 kW. But it is best to use a drill with a large number of revolutions. The professional tool kit often includes a universal construction mixer. It is used only for the preparation of a putty mixture.

how to breed finish putty

At the beginning of kneading, the speed of the tool should be small. Gradually deepening the whisk, you should expand the zone of kneading. When the mixture acquires a more uniform consistency, you can increase the number of revolutions. After stopping the kneading for a few minutes, you must continue the process again. Stir for about 10 minutes. So you can get a homogeneous consistency of putty. When mixing, the speed of the mixer or drill should not be large, because unnecessary air will get into the putty. Because of this, when applying the putty mixture on the surface to be treated, bubbles may appear.

Manual Mixing

If it is not possible to purchase a special tool, then the solution can be prepared manually using a spatula. Only with this solution will have to tinker a bit. In this way, it is possible to prepare a putty for starting work, since there are no special requirements for it.

how to spread putty for walls of proportion

The prepared mixture should be used in 40 minutes. If during this time putty has not been applied, then it will inevitably thicken. It is not worth adding water to the thickened mixture, since the quality of this will only worsen. It is better to throw it away and make a new one. Further work cannot be carried out with such putty.

To prepare the next portion of the mixture, the used bucket must be thoroughly washed so that fragments of the old composition do not remain. Thickened particles, once in a new batch, will significantly reduce its working efficiency. For example, it may thicken faster. Knead water is used clean, without rust.

For kneading putty it is necessary to use a household bucket (galvanized, plastic or enameled). Do not use basins or other containers that have rounded corners at the bottom. By placing the drill nozzle in a bucket of water, you can clean it of putty residues by scrolling in different directions. To do this, use the reverse function. To water glass from the nozzle, you must install a drill on a bucket in a horizontal position.

Features of applying putty mixture

After applying the first layer of the mixture to the wall surface, there is no need to rush to apply the next, since it can curl up, tear off the initial layer and increase the drying time. Wait for the first coat to dry. Therefore, it is impossible to priming wet putty. It is also not recommended when diluting dry putty to add a primer to the mixture.

how to breed gypsum putty

Overdrying the first layer can also adversely affect the quality of the finishing work. You should not use heating devices and artificially raise the temperature in the room - the putty can dry quickly and crack.

Adhering to these rules and requirements, you can learn exactly how to spread the putty for walls and other surfaces.

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