P6100 processor. Characteristics and purpose

In 2010, Intel introduced the P6100 processor. The characteristics of this chip will be considered as part of this review. Possible places of its application will also be indicated. The information set forth below is of the greatest interest to owners or potential buyers of personal computers based on such a CPU.

P6100 processor description

Microprocessor specifications

The very "modest" technical characteristics of the P6100 processor allow you to implement the most simple software tasks. He belonged to the Pentium line. This chip has only two compute modules. Moreover, the clock frequency of each of them is strictly fixed at a value of 2 GHz. Again, when switching to energy-saving mode, it can automatically decrease. But to somehow exceed the previously specified value certainly will not work.

The installation of the PGA988 socket is indicated by the characteristics of the P6100 processor. At the same time, the photo focuses on its dimensions, which are 37.5 mm by 37.5 mm. The semiconductor crystal of this CPU was manufactured using 32 nm technology and included 259 million transistors.

Separately, it should also be noted the layout of this device. It consisted of two semiconductor substrates. One of them consisted of computing cores and an integrated RAM controller. And the second is the integrated graphics card.

The memory controller, which is integrated into the CPU, can only work with DDR3 standard modules. It is recommended to use trims that can operate at frequencies of 800 or 1066 MHz. The maximum amount of RAM is 8 GB. The microprocessor also includes three levels of cache memory. The total volume of the first of them is 128 kb, and the second is 512 kb. But the size of the third of them is 3 MB.

The maximum possible substrate temperature is 90 degrees. In turn, the thermal packet of the chip is 35 watts. That is, in the process of functioning, he can not do without active cooling.

P6100 photo processor specifications

Destination. Recommendations for use. CPU relevance

The processor speed of the P6100 is very low by current standards. At the same time, its description indicates a high level of its energy efficiency. It is also necessary to note the fact that it is intended for use in laptops. Therefore, the main scope of its application is low-performance mobile computers with long battery life. Therefore, the P6100 processor is still a relevant device. Its characteristics still allow you to implement various simple tasks. At the same time, his autonomy is at a good level. But only if the computer is already available. But a new such PC based on it is impractical to acquire.

P6100 processor specifications


This article examined the characteristics of the P6100 processor. This chip has been used successfully in entry-level laptops. Such PCs were perfect for performing the simplest tasks and had a long battery life. Currently, this modification of the CPU is outdated. Therefore, there is no need to update such laptops yet. But here it is unjustified to acquire a new PC based on such a microprocessor.

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