The meaning of the name Vasily: character and fate

The origin of the name Vasily and its meaning today are not known to many. In modern life, boys are rarely called that. And this is not surprising and strange. After all, sometimes it happens that a name, having gained popularity, spreads so widely that as a result it becomes ordinary and ordinary. This is the main reason that parents are in no hurry to call them their child. And only after some time this name from the forgotten can become expressive and rare. At the same time, it returns lost positions. Hopefully, such a fate awaits the name of Vasily.


Where did the name Vasily come to us from? Its homeland is Ancient Greece. Initially, the boys were called Basileios, and only later did the pronunciation of the name change somewhat. It began to sound like Vasilios.

drawings of ancient Greece

The meaning of the name Vasily is as follows: “royal” or “royal”. It appeared during the period when the Persian wars were waged. At first, this name was used only for boys born in imperial and royal families. However, very quickly it began to be used by all other segments of the population.

Vasily was also named after the boys in Ancient Russia. Moreover, in its popularity, from the 15th to the 19th centuries it was second after Ivan. Vasily called the sons of kings and merchants, boyars, peasants and clergy. A vivid confirmation of the popularity of this name is folklore. Here he can be found in proverbs and tales, in signs and in sayings.

In history, you can find many worthy men Vasiliev. Among them are writers Shukshin and Aksenov, painter Vereshchagin, film actor Livanov, poet Zhukovsky, the legendary commander of the Red Army Chapaev and others.

Holy Patrons and Name Day

In the Christian calendar, the name Vasily appeared in the first centuries of our era. And immediately gained great popularity. This name bears many saints, whose memory is revered by the church 117 times during the calendar year.

St.  Basil the great

Most of all, the Christian world worships the defender of the Orthodox faith from the attacks of heretics. This is St. Basil the Great. He was born in 330 and belonged to a noble family. Basil the Great began to receive his education in Constantinople, after continuing it in Athens. He was a curious person and aspiring to asceticism. Driven by his aspirations, he wandered through the lands of Syria. Vasily handed out the property he had to the poor, having retired after that with like-minded people to the Pontus desert. Here they indulged in prayers and engaged in physical labor. The activities of Vasily did not go unnoticed. He had a large number of followers, which was the reason for the foundation of several monasteries. Seeing the sincere service of this man to God, he began to be respected and glorified by peoples of various faiths, including pagans and Jews. Vasily’s life was rich, but it was short-lived. The severe asceticism that this man adhered to caused serious damage to his health. The saint died in 378.

Consider after the origin, the meaning of the name Vasily and the characteristics of those people who are named by him. This will create a general idea of ​​these men.

Name Characteristic

Basil, like his patron saint, is a bright man. He very subtly feels nature and people. Considering the meaning of the name Vasily, the character of such a person can be described as contemplative. These people prefer not to get involved in any current event, trying to observe what is happening from the side.

Despite the fact that Vasily does not like to get stuck in other people's affairs, he is distinguished by steel grip and iron will. Such a man is diligent and hardworking. However, despite the “royal” meaning of the name Vasily, he lacks ambition in his character. That is why such people become excellent performers, but they are not suitable for the role of leader. Their work never comes first. Vasily likes pals and friends more, he simply cannot live without. In addition, the family difficulties and problems of his acquaintances for this man are more important than his own troubles.

What else does the name Vasily mean? The meaning of the name allows us to judge this person as a self-confident person who does not accept other people's advice and does not like outside pressure. Such a man is cheerful. He is not against making new acquaintances and, at the same time, values ​​friendship.

Considering the meaning of the name Vasily, it becomes clear that because of his dislike, to listen to other people's advice with him you just need to negotiate. The man keeps the word given to him rigorously. However, he cannot be asked to do anything faster. Vasily is distinguished by leisurelyness.

A man with that name has good intellectual abilities. However, he is too kind, and sometimes rustic. However, this meaning of the name Vasily is not predominant. The manishness and rusticity of such people is fully compensated by their regal calm, self-confidence and the ability to find a way out of almost any situation.

the man is angry

When problems arise at work and in the family, Vasily turns into an irritable and secretive person. If it comes to rage, then here the man simply does not know the measure, sometimes reaching the assault. But at the same time, he will never raise his hand against a child or an animal.

Considering the meaning of the name Vasily, you can understand the weakness of this man. Such people are distinguished by a tendency to alcoholism. And sometimes they become real drunks and sink to the very bottom of the social layers of society.

Throughout his life, Vasily finds great compromise between feelings and duty, family well-being and many friends. A man prefers to indulge his own weaknesses. At the same time, he can show tricks on trifles.

In the fate of Vasily and the meaning of the name, those abilities given to him by nature do not occupy a special place. Such a man most often gradually squanders many of the talents and skills that he possessed in his youth. Very often, Vasily in vain sprays his forces, showing his inability to do the same thing for a long time. Such a person can calmly perceive the difficulties that have arisen on his life's journey, but he will not fight for anything until the victorious end.

If we consider the secret of the name Vasily and its significance from the point of view of the ideas of the Russian people about it, then a certain image is also created here. As a rule, this is a leisurely, rustic and open, but sometimes drinking person. Moreover, a man with this name always knows his worth, and in his character there are a few tricks.

Vasily in childhood

A boy with this name is an unusually cheerful and cheerful child. He is kind and always ready for communication. Getting acquainted with the meaning of the name Vasily for the boy, you can understand that he will certainly be loved by grandparents, but at the same time, the preference of the baby will be given to the company of peers.

a little boy

Vasya’s natural talents allow him to study well. However, he will always be reluctant to do this. But such boys like sports. This is especially true of such species as hockey and football.

A huge role is assigned to the meaning of the name for the child. The name Vasily clearly indicates that the boy will be distinguished by kindness. Parents should consider this fact and give their son a pet. This will allow Vasya from childhood to take care of those whom he tamed.

boy with a dog

Having become a teenager, such a boy will constantly “reinvent the wheel”, in other words, try to solve simple problems in complex ways. If parents and educators do not develop industriousness and patience in Vasily, then a sociable, kind, but lazy young man will certainly grow out of him.


Very interesting is the study of the origin and meaning of the name Vasily. It allows you to learn a lot about a person. In general, the one named Vasily has good health. This person has only a slight tendency to be overweight. It is important for men with this name to eat healthy foods, as well as not to drink alcohol under any pretext.

man put his hand to his forehead

In the event that Vasily will follow his bad habits, he will certainly have problems with the endocrine system and the liver. Also, men with this name may have strokes or heart attacks.


Consider this side of the meaning of the name Vasily. The nature and fate of these men are directly dependent on the fact that love is in third place for them in importance, giving way to relationships with friends and the importance of work. Such a person highly appreciates the feeling of comfort and freedom. That is why he prefers to build his relations with women without any obligations, especially since the sexuality of men with that name is a little muffled.

If a young man meets a girl, then he will certainly strive to demonstrate her leadership qualities to her. However, if he was not reciprocated, then he can easily retreat. If Vasily builds his relationship with a skilled partner, then he literally transforms. At the same time, his sexual abilities increase. Such a lady is quite suitable for a long relationship with Vasily. A man can even marry her.

Marriage Compatibility

What else can tell us the meaning of the name Vasily? Name and fate, as a rule, are closely intertwined.

Vasily will be happy with a simple woman, a good housewife and a caring mother of his children. Men with this name are very devoted to their family. Vasily will never cheat on his wife and will always take care of the children.

In everyday life, he is unpretentious. However, wives should not provoke such men. Otherwise, they show their restraint, sometimes reaching the assault.

What name is compatible with the name of the woman Vasily? The meaning of the name and fate, which can be learned from horoscopes, indicate that Anna and Maria, Svetlana and Julia, Margarita, Olesya and Natalya can marry such a man. You should not build your relations with Vasily Innam and Lydia, Lyubov and Catherine, Ksenia and Elena, Tatyana and Lyudmilov.

It is worth noting the fact that these men never act as initiators of divorce. However, living with them is quite difficult. Indeed, in the first place Vasya has hobbies and friends. But at the same time, these men love their children with almost maternal love. For their sake, they are always ready to change for the better.

Vasily does not even try to become a leader in the family. However, he also will not give command of himself. These men enjoy housekeeping and help their wives in everyday life. However, do not limit Vasily’s freedom. Otherwise, the family is likely to have protracted conflicts. For his part, Vasily is not jealous. Preferring freedom for himself, he also grants it to his wife.

Career and business

Vasily always tries to avoid sharp turns and does not break the established traditions. Indeed, in the soul of such men are certainly conservatives. From this meaning of the name Vasily, the nature and fate of such a person in terms of doing business becomes obvious. Due to their conservatism, the activity of these men in affairs is small. However, they become great performers. And thanks to the organizational abilities and the ability to find the right approach to each person, Vasily produces good, demanding and considerate leaders.

man spread his arms to the side

Men with this name prefer to conduct research activities. At the same time, they are well versed in electronics and technology. Professional areas related to construction, engineering, pedagogy and medicine are becoming close and understandable for Vasiliev.

These people are very fond of animals. This has already been said when considering the meaning of the name Vasily for the boy. And their fate in the future may be associated precisely with animals, since they will, as far as possible, prefer a choice of profession in this direction.

But it is worth bearing in mind that it is absolutely not important in what field Vasily works. He does not go to work in order to climb the career ladder. Most of all, he likes the process of self-realization. Men with this name devote a lot of time to work. And if they don’t have family problems behind their backs, in the future they will expect great success in the professional field.

Vasily is somewhat hampered by the lack of ambition and ambition in him. Sometimes because of this, he is not able to use the only happy chance that fate throws him.


What brings luck to these people? The origin of the name Vasily and its meaning briefly tell us a list of the main talismans that patronize these men. This list contains:

  • planet Saturn;
  • Capricorn zodiac sign (it is recommended to call Vasily the boy who was born under this sign);
  • summer as the best time of the year;
  • Saturday as the most successful of the days of the week;
  • happy colors are red and blue.

For Vasily, a cat is considered a totem animal. In general, it is a symbol of good luck, freedom, intuition and cunning. In eastern traditions, this animal is credited with the gift of clairvoyance.

A totem plant for men with this name is thistle, as well as elm. As for the tree, in Christian teachings it is considered a symbol of strength and support. Elm also means restraint, generosity, modesty and modesty. As for the thistle, despite the fact that few people pay attention to this modest flower, it is believed that it is able to serve as a talisman for the house, protecting it from evil spirits, keeping the family and bestowing health and working capacity.

Vasily also has his own stone mascot. It is pomegranate. This mineral is considered a symbol of wisdom, judgment and calm. Pomegranate helps a person get rid of melancholy and spleen, gives him optimism, vitality and adds vitality. The mineral is especially patronized by creative people. He gives them inspiration and allows you to discover the gift of eloquence.

Zodiac signs

A horoscope can tell us a lot about the meaning of the name Vasily, about the characteristics and origin of the main personality traits of such a man:

  1. Aries. Under this sign a cheerful, energetic and generous person is born who is always friendly and smiling. Such people always actively defend justice, completely not thinking about the consequences of their actions. Vasily, born under the sign of Aries, is completely uncharacteristic of moping and losing heart. These men are born optimists. But at the same time they are selfish and sometimes shock others with their simplicity. Men with such a "royal" name will always remain big children. They are not worried about the problems of others, since all thoughts are primarily occupied with themselves. However, few are offended by such a character trait. After all, Vasya’s turns out very naturally.
  2. Calf. A man named Vasily, born under this zodiac sign, is distinguished by calmness and diligence. At the same time, he often shows accuracy to the smallest detail, preferring nevertheless to remain in the shade. Vasily Taurus is a reliable and loyal person. Moreover, these character traits are manifested in him both in love and in business. The pace of life for men with this name is measured. They are heading towards their goal slowly but surely. At the same time, Vasily prefers to plan everything and calculate in advance, not allowing himself to proceed with any business in a hurry. The dreams of this man are not at all from the realm of adventure and thrill. As a rule, he wants to be the owner of a full refrigerator, a bank account and an economic spouse. At the same time, in order to provide for the family, Vasily, born under the sign of Taurus, takes on any work.
  3. Twins. The nature of Vasily, born under this sign, is variable. The man is prone to adventurism and a little secretive and closed. Moreover, he is comprehensively developed and intelligent, has versatile information and seeks to know life. Such a man likes to be in public and draw attention to his person. He feels great even in an unfamiliar company, quickly becoming a favorite. Basil Gemini is nice and spontaneous. However, his word can hardly be relied on. In life, such a man is more interested in entertainment than in career growth and work. And even with a good salary, he will not be able to save money. They, as a rule, do not linger on him for a long time.
  4. Cancer. Basil, born of this sign, is prone to exaggerating the size of his problems. At the same time, he is sensitive and refined, as well as a person who goes to extremes. Outwardly, such a man sometimes looks very moody. Nevertheless, he is decent and faithful in every way. Vasily-Cancer has a craving for hoarding. He seeks to make his life as comfortable as possible and provide a certain margin for an unforeseen event. Others regard it as stinginess, but in reality the man is practical and rational. Basil, born under the sign of Cancer, believes that women should seek his love, and not vice versa. At the same time, he urgently needs support and warmth, trying to maintain a strong relationship with his beloved.
  5. A lion. You can talk about Vasily born under this sign as a decisive and ambitious person. He has a creative nature and a pronounced character. Basil-Leo is graceful and gentle by nature. At the same time, he is sometimes cruel in his tactlessness and frankness. In such men there is no cunning and meanness. They are noble and will never allow themselves to specially humiliate a person. Basil Lions in the soul suffer from an obsessive fear of becoming unrecognized and humiliated. They are sensitive to criticism, but they are not vindictive and have a great sense of humor. With women, these Basil are generous, romantic, but incredibly jealous. They strive to ensure that the beloved is completely subordinate to their will and desires.
  6. Virgo. Under this sign, suspicious and withdrawn Vasily men are born who are prone to self-criticism and introspection. They become easy victims of their own moods and illusions, while being distinguished by reliability, thoughtfulness and high intelligence. Such men always achieve their goals. They are successful in business, but not always happy in family life.
  7. Libra. Vasily, born under this sign, is a secretive and considerate person. He tries to avoid a noisy crowd and avoids conflict situations. Men with this name are calm and reasonable, which is why they seek life constancy and stability. That is why Vasily-Libra does not seek to change the place of work and life partner. He has an innate sense of beauty, aesthetic thinking is developed, he is able to appreciate harmony and beauty in all their manifestations.
  8. Scorpio. Basil, who was born under this sign, is usually a gloomy and unsociable person who adheres to strict principles. He is intolerant of other people's unprofessionalism and other people's shortcomings. The manifestation of any feelings Vasily-Scorpio considers a weakness, although he himself is very susceptible to an explosion of emotions. Such men are distinguished by a passionate nature, which manifests itself in all areas of life. They heroically endure any trials, contemptuous of difficulties. Women love them, because Vasily-Scorpions know how to charm them. In family life, such men are reliable, but pathologically jealous.
  9. Sagittarius. Such Vasiliev is distinguished by incredulity, inconstancy, as well as a tendency to mood swings. They become the soul of any company, distinguished by brightness and causticity, which are difficult to resent. Vasily-Sagittarius is an incredible optimist and is always ready to study life, to new adventures and discoveries. The best wife for such a man would be a twin woman. This married couple will perfectly complement each other.
  10. Capricorn. Outwardly, such Vasily is a calm and balanced person, although passions are literally boiling in his soul. By nature, this man is a melancholy. However, the manifestation of external coldness allows him to keep any situation under control in order to act on the basis of common sense and reasonable arguments. Vasily-Capricorn is able to become a very successful businessman. This will be facilitated by such traits of his character as rationality and decency, focus and diligence. Ideal compatibility for Vasily-Capricorn with a woman-Taurus.
  11. Aquarius. Under this sign noble and full of high aspirations and intentions of the person are born. At first glance, Vasily-Aquarius seems unsure of himself, a gentle and kind person. However, this is a very responsible person, which is distinguished by non-standard thinking. Such men are easy to climb, like experiments and risks, have an original sense of humor. The best companion of life for him will be a woman-Pisces. Both spouses in such a marriage will find support and understanding.
  12. Fish. These men are smart and insightful. They value their own peace of mind. Basil born by this sign does not like life changes, preferring to go with the flow. Being creative natures, they dream a lot and literally live in the world of their illusions. It is best if Vasily Pisces prefers a Cancer woman for marriage. She will be able to lead this insecure man, ensuring that he becomes the breadwinner and earner for the whole family.

The name considered in this article will certainly interest parents who want to unusual name their child, because today it is not widely used.

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