Laura's name: meaning, origin, characteristic, full name. Famous people named Laura (Laura)

The name Laura (Laura) can be called rare in our country. We have more common name Larisa, which in abbreviation has the same form. Recently, however, young parents have increasingly begun to choose more modern variants of names to highlight their child. But before you go to register your child, you need to find out what is the meaning of the name that you decided to give it.

Name Features

The characterization of the name Laura is the first thing that mom and dad need to know. Laura is a phlegmatic person, and also quite decisive. It has absolutely all the qualities of a leader. The owner of this name since childhood has been very active and agile, she never hides her emotions, and can also be stubborn in some matters.

bay flower

Laura will never rely on intuition, but will only believe precisely proven facts. Already in childhood, you can notice that little Laura has a fairly solid character and can perform truly heroic deeds. She does not like to be mistaken, therefore she always criticizes herself for some mistakes.


As for the adult Laura, she is very impressive and susceptible, she definitely needs to talk to someone, and absolutely anyone, maybe even just a fellow traveler in the subway, can become such a person. Laura will make a caring wife and a wonderful mother. For her, the family will always come first. She always remains faithful to her husband, loves children very much, spends a lot of time with them. In addition, she loves to meet guests, and thanks to her sociability, she has quite a lot of friends, so there is always someone to invite to her.

It is also worth noting that this is a very reasonable person. It has already been said that she will not rely on intuition, which, incidentally, is very good for her, but will calculate all the options for the development of events and choose the most suitable for herself. She always tries to keep everything under control, so that in life there are no surprises, especially unpleasant ones.

laura name meaning

Laura really needs attention, without which she simply fades like a flower. She judges herself quite strictly, but forgives the flaws of others and forgives the mistakes of others. She does not know how to restrain emotions, so those people who are nearby always know what is happening with the girl. But despite this, she suffers all the troubles and hardships with dignity, standing firmly on her feet.

Do not forget about the shortcomings of man, Laura has few of them, but they are. This is excessive openness and credulity. But it is worth noting that these shortcomings harm her rather than someone from her environment.

Name History

The meaning of Laura’s name cannot be revealed without knowing its origin. The nameform is of Latin origin and means "crowned with a laurel" in translation. Laura also translates as "Bay Flower." The name comes from the male Latin name Laurus. But Francesco Petrarch glorified him - a well-known Italian poet. He really sang this name, which is why they began to call girls in different countries: America, Spain, Russia, Denmark and many other countries in Europe.

laura name meaning


Of course, the meaning of the name Laura has an impact on the fate of women. This girl is very artistic and creative in nature. She can become an excellent journalist and achieve quite significant successes in this direction. You can also try yourself in the modeling business, if the parameters of the figure allow, there is every chance of becoming a good translator or guide. However, in both cases, it is necessary to start learning foreign languages ​​from childhood. We can say that a girl needs to choose a profession where she can show all her creative potential, communicate more with people.

Day Angel

The name Laura refers to the Catholic calendar. According to him, the girl celebrates the name day four times a year: January 22, October 19, October 21 and December 23.


Health is the most important moment in the life of every person. The meaning of the name Laura is reflected in it. And this is very good, since Laura has very good health, which many can envy. However, from childhood, consumption of sweets should be controlled. Since its excessive amount at a young age can lead to weight problems in adulthood, and there is also a risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cupid affairs

As mentioned earlier, the family always comes first for Laura. That is why the girl is very serious about choosing a future spouse, because she understands that he should be the only one for life.

First of all, she will pay attention to the man who can listen to her and support her when she needs it. It is important for her that she was close to her husband primarily on a spiritual level.

name of laura laura

It is worth paying attention to men named Artyom, Ilya, Konstantin, Sergey, Maxim, Alexei, Vladislav. It is with them that there is every chance to build a healthy and strong relationship.

Name characters

Knowing the meaning of the name Laura is certainly important, but you should pay attention to the talismans that will help the girl in her life.

If you decide to name your daughter Laura, then pay attention that this name is best suited for newborns who were born between November 23 to December 22. During this period, babies are born under the sign of Sagittarius. The happy color for the girl is green. And the jade stone will be the patron stone. He must always be carried with him, and then he will surely bring good luck.

Please note that literally from Latin the meaning of the name of Laura is translated like this - "the one on which the laurel crown is laid." And it’s not a secret for anyone that the laurel is a symbol of fame, and this can only mean one thing, that the girl will certainly succeed in life.

Famous personalities

There are quite a few famous people with this name, and each of these women became famous thanks to their talent and perseverance:

  • Laura Dundovik has made great strides in the fashion world. Won the title "Miss Universe Australia 2008".
  • Laura Down is a talented woman who became famous as a singer and poet, and was also an American political activist.
  • Laura Keosayan is a famous theater and film actress from Russia.
  • Laura Pausini is a rather popular singer of our day, especially famous in southern Europe. She is the winner of many international competitions.
Laura Pausini

These are not all famous women named Laura. Their list can be continued for a long time. As you can see, Laura is a name that dooms its owner to success.

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