DIY spot painting of a car: selection of paint, procedure

Spot painting of cars belongs to a difficult category of work in painting business. Therefore, it is especially important that at the initial stage the beginning auto-dealer has a clear and understandable step-by-step instruction. This article gives the secrets of mastery of instructors for training painters.

Full, local and spot painting

First you need to understand the terminology. It is important to understand that "spot painting of a car body " is a largely commercial term. Auto service managers and workshop owners need it to advertise their services.

In this case, the painters say “stain painting” and “varnish clipping”, which accurately reflect the essence of the process, but may not be clear to the client.

Local - this means local, not going beyond certain limits. On the car body, we can, at our discretion, establish these boundaries, including one or more parts.

It turns out that the term "local painting" can reasonably be used when the repair area is limited to one or more parts of the body. For example, on a completely new car two parts were damaged at once: the back door and the rear wing. In this case, the repair area will be limited to them, since there is no point only for this reason to paint the entire machine. Another thing is when the same damage happens on an expensive but already old foreign car with minor damage throughout the body. Then it will be quite logical and economically justified to produce a “full paint” of the body.

In what cases is the spot painting of a car

There are only three factors that influence decision making on this issue:

1. The amount of damage to be repaired.

2. Where is the damage located?

3. What type of paint is your car painted on.

Consider all the options and take the front door of the car as an example. If the body color is light metallic, black or dark of any shade, the defect is located approximately in the center of the door, and its size is more than five centimeters in length, then the chances of success are close to zero, and a full painting of the car door is inevitable.

If a defect of the same size is located in any lower corner of the door at the very edge, then success is almost guaranteed.

Now just change the color of the door to white, and the location of the defect will no longer matter.

Output. Dot painting a car with your own hands is quite feasible if you need to eliminate minor damage on the bumpers or in the lower part of the car body.

How to choose a paint

Today, the purchase of paint for car repairs is no longer a problem. Even in rural areas, laboratories for the selection of enamels work in almost every district center. There you can order paint in an amount of 100 grams for any car. But before you go there, you need to familiarize yourself with some details, understanding which will save time and nerves.

What you need to know for every car owner about the selection of paint for spot painting a car?

1. Most modern cars are painted at the factories according to the "two-layer" system: paint + varnish.

2. On average, 150 grams of paint is spent on one part of the machine during repair painting. And as much clear varnish. For example, to paint a car door only outside, it is enough to order 150 grams of paint and varnish. 100 grams are enough for the front wing, and 200-300 for the bumper, depending on size.

If you plan to tint defects on your machine yourself, order 100 grams of paint. It will be sold to you in a 200 ml plastic container. Pour the remaining paint into a small clean plastic bottle and screw the cap tightly. In this form, it will never dry.

3. The computer does not pick up, but simply issues a recipe for the color code of your car. Therefore, it is important that the colorist (specialist in working with color), who will make you paint, not only assemble it according to a computer recipe, but manually modify and fit it to your machine. Because the better the paint is selected, the smaller the stain of your spot repair will be.

According to the result of his work, the colorist must, together with the paint, give you a test coloring, according to which you can check the quality of the selection. Of course, for such a service you will have to pay about 500 rubles, but you should not save on this.

Materials and equipment for spot painting

Here is a minimal list of materials and tools that you can’t do without. All consumables can be purchased in Russian, at a low price.

1. Degreaser - 1 bottle.

2. Acrylic solvent - 1 bottle.

3. Sandpaper waterproof with a grain size of P 240, P 320, P 600, P 800, P 2000 - 1 sheet.

4. Adhesive tape gray (abrasive tape in rolls) - 10 centimeters.

Adhesive tape bright gray for matting

5. Acrylic gray automobile primer in an aerosol can - 1 pc.

6. Masking tape ( paper masking tape ) - 1 roll.

Masking tape

7. The napkin is sticky. Designed to remove dust from the paint zone.

Cloth antistatic sticky

8. Coarse abrasive polish. Ideally - 3M firms - 50 grams.

Coarse abrasive polish 3M

9. Suede is synthetic. Designed to collect moisture.

Synthetic suede

10. Orange polishing wheel. Differs in average rigidity.

Polishing circle orange

11. Spray gun type HVLP mini.

12. A small compressor. You can buy, do it yourself or rent.

Small spot paint compressor

Safety precautions

When performing any painting work, the most unexpected surprise for you may be getting solvent in the eye! Believe me, it will not seem a little! Most often this happens when cleaning the spray gun after finishing work. Wear safety glasses and gloves! As a last resort, keep clean water nearby to rinse your eyes immediately.

Spot painting of the car. Work order

Prior to starting all work, all contamination in the repair area must be removed from the surface of the machine. It is important not only to wash off the dust, dirt, but also to remove particles of bitumen, traces of insects, tar of trees. The repair area is the entire body element on which a point defect will be painted over. For example, paint a scratch on the wing - clean the entire wing. Bitumen is removed with a degreaser. Everything else - an acrylic solvent, in no case 646, 650. They are very aggressive. We do so. We take a piece of clean cotton fabric the size of a handkerchief, literally with three drops of solvent we moisten the corner of the fabric and erase the glue of the trees or traces of insects, then wipe it with a dry end. And so we delete every point.

Now we proceed directly to the repair. For clarity, suppose you hooked on the front bumper and scratched the bumper at the bottom right. The color of the car is metallic silver.

Take a quarter of a sheet of sanding paper P 240 and completely cut off the scratch, just try not to go beyond its boundaries so as not to expand the repair area, otherwise you will have to paint the entire bumper, the repair will turn from spot to local paint, and 100 grams of paint is definitely not enough for you.

The next step is a phased resurfacing of coarse scratches from the first abrasive. First, sanding paper P 320, then P 600.

After that we take a gray adhesive tape-brite, knock off the gloss (matting varnish) around the polished spot with light circular movements, expanding the repair area by 5-10 centimeters in a circle.

Thus, we came to the stage of priming, but first cover with the help of masking tape and newspapers the parts of the machine adjacent to the defect, so that they do not get soil. Then clean the surface with a degreaser using regular paper towels.

Allow the degreaser to dry completely and apply one glossy layer of soil from the spray can, so that its borders extend slightly onto the undamaged varnish around the place where you polished the risks left after the abrasion grade P 320.

After the first layer of soil becomes completely matte, apply the second one exactly the same. Now you can relax a bit. Until the soil is completely dry. Drying time is indicated on the cylinder.

When the soil is dry, remove the newspapers that covered the machine, carefully grind the soil with a P 800 abrasive, cutting off all debris and smoothing out small irregularities. Then abrasive P 2000 remove all small drops of soil, up to the borders of pasting with newspapers. Using tape Scotch Bright, expand the repair spot another 5 cm in a circle. Again, cover the surrounding area with newspapers, retreating 15-20 centimeters further from the dull edge, and degrease the surface.

You can start painting. Adjust the gun to the minimum possible flow rate and pressure, remove dust in the repair zone with a sticky cloth and apply one middle coat of paint to the soil stain so that the layer is not very dry, but not very wet. Apply it layer by layer with an interval of 15 minutes until, when viewed from the side, the boundary of the soil is not visible. It is necessary to look from the side, and not directly at the spot.

Another important point. Paint, unlike varnish, dries quickly and becomes dull. After 30 minutes, it hardens so much that it can be wiped with a sticky cloth, removing dust, if necessary, grind with abrasives from P 1000 to P 2000, followed by continued painting. The final glossy appearance of the product acquires only after applying varnish.

Try to apply the paint so that it does not reach the borders of the dull, because transparent varnish, blocking the paint, will be applied just to these borders.

After making sure that the primer is completely painted over, let the paint dry completely. This will take about 30 minutes. Then gently remove dust from the entire surface of the repair area with an adhesive cloth and apply a clear varnish to the entire frosted stain. It should not go into the glossy area. Only small droplets are permissible, which can then be easily cleaned with P 2000 abrasive. During natural summer drying, the varnish can be polished after 24 hours.

Polishing polish

Polishing is an integral part of the technology of spot painting cars. To make the border of the repair spot invisible, you need to cut dry varnish grains with sandpaper P 2000. And then use a polishing paste and a foam wheel to polish the risks from the previous abrasive. Dust particles stuck in the varnish are removed in the same way.

The polishing process can be mechanized by inserting a Velcro disk into the drill (sold in shops for painters) and attaching a polishing wheel to it.

Car wash after painting

You can wash the repair site with water and a sponge one day after applying the varnish. If you need to wash the car at the sink, show the washer the place of painting and ask him to reduce the pressure in the washing machine to the minimum when he will wash off the foam there. After 1.5 months, you can not reduce the pressure.


The main advantages of spot painting a car is environmental friendliness and profitability. This combination allows many car owners, especially in rural areas, to independently remove scratches, chips, small dents on the car.

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