Technical passport is ... Definition, terms, requirements and sample

A technical passport is a document that is an accurate description of all the characteristics of real estate. It is issued for a constructed residential building after its inventory has been carried out. Without a technical passport, you cannot make any legal transactions with property. The engineer who composes it prescribes all the collected and analyzed information about the house, securing it all with a seal. A sample technical passport is presented below.

Title page of technical passport

Technical plan

This document is drawn up on a newly built residential facility. An inventory of the construction is carried out on a commission basis. All characteristics are described, which in the future form the basis of the technical passport.

The inventory procedure starts after the residential building is built and put into operation. The developer’s company is conducting documentation work, but housing issues fall on the shoulders of the owners who purchased housing in the house.

Cost of technical passport

Technical data sheet specifications

The document shall indicate:

  1. The total and living area of ​​the premises.
  2. What is the property for?
  3. Technical characteristics of the building (the location of the apartments in the house, the configuration of the walls, roof, foundation).
  4. Cadastral value.
  5. How the object is arranged.

A technical passport is a graphic drawing that shows all the subtleties and features of a newly built house.

Where to get?

The house is ready for use and it is time to begin its design. Where to get a technical passport? A lot of time for the legalization process is not necessary, but for convenience and speeding up the process, it is best to contact specialized organizations that will collect all the necessary information and create a document.

Of course, everything is not free, you must be prepared for the fact that you have to spend a certain amount of money to complete the procedure. After the technical passport is ready, it will be possible to carry out any legal operations with the property, while paying a state fee. If for some reason the document is not made, a citizen can live in his own home quietly, but know that he will not make a single transaction on the object.

How to get a data sheet

Is it obligatory to make a legalized graphic drawing of an object?

Every citizen who owns real estate must have a technical passport for the building. This will allow you to visually have an idea about the object. To know its scale, to see from the side how the walls and openings look.

It should be noted that during redevelopment, changes must be made to the technical passport with an indication of the corresponding mark.

What is it for?

Technical passport is a document issued by the bureau of technical inventory. If construction should continue, then all the necessary information will be available in the BTI. In addition, the passport gives its owner the right to perform the following operations:

  1. Selling a home or renting it out. The buyer or tenant will have official confirmation of what the object looks like, what nuances the building has. Oral information from the landlord will be supported by the technical specifications outlined in the document.
  2. For tax calculation. The calculation is carried out according to the data contained in the passport. It is in it that the area and other additional additional characteristics necessary for this are indicated.
  3. Entry into the inheritance is impossible without a technical passport. If it is not, then you must contact the BTI for its manufacture, while collecting the necessary package of documents.
  4. Donation of the property also presupposes the presence of a legalized graphic drawing of a residential building, even if the parents draw up their ownership of the children in this way.
  5. Any property requires privatization, but it requires all the characteristics of the building, its quadrature, technical condition. This information is fixed in the technical passport.
  6. Judicial authorities request an accurate description of the property when resolving contentious issues regarding the rights to use residential premises.
  7. It is impossible to get a mortgage or a loan to buy a house without its characteristics.

A technical passport is a very valuable document, because even small everyday situations, such as charging social benefits, are impossible without a description of your own home. Each owner should think about bringing the documentation for the property in order.

Application for a registration certificate

The basis of the technical passport

Any object is subject to registration. This is enshrined in law, and in order to complete this procedure, a legalized drawing of a dwelling must be drawn up. As soon as the first inventory takes place, you can make a description of the object and pick up the document as soon as the property is put into operation. The fee for the production of a technical passport is paid by the homeowner.


The document contains the following data:

  1. Storeys of the object. The layout of each floor.
  2. Information on window openings and walls.
  3. The scale of the premises indicated with reliable accuracy.
  4. The total area of ​​apartments and the whole house as a whole. It is she who is needed to calculate the size of living space per family member.
  5. Foundation and roof data.
  6. The cost of the apartment according to the inventory.
  7. The date of construction of the facility and the date of the last major overhaul.

Having studied all the characteristics of the house, you can give an objective assessment of its value, find out about the existing shortcomings or advantages, determine what changes can be made in the future.

Technical passport: expiration date

The document is produced within two weeks, but not less than 10 days. You can use a legalized drawing constantly; its validity period is not stipulated in the legislation. Nevertheless, do not forget about the following nuances, because of which the passport must be changed:

  1. When making a gift for another citizen.
  2. When making a sale transaction.
  3. Entry into the inheritance, even on a part of an immovable object.
  4. Making a mortgage loan.

All individually. The value of the object can be rechecked again, especially if the checks have not been carried out for five or more years. During this period, the owners could make redevelopment, extension, major repairs and at the same time not make changes to the technical passport. After all, this can affect what the new value of the object will be. The document is not changed, but simply amended accordingly with the date of the last check.

Where to get the registration certificate

Options for obtaining a document

Obtaining a technical passport is possible if you:

  1. Make an appointment with the Bureau of Technical Inventory. Gather all the necessary documents and visit the inspector on that day. The BTI will offer you to fill out an application and pay the state fee. After that, the specialist will appoint a day to inspect your property, and will also announce the date the passport is ready.
  2. It simplifies the procedure for recording over the Internet. To do this, go to the official website of the Bureau of Technical Inventory and fill out the necessary forms, as well as attach the collected documents in scanned form.
  3. You can use the paid services of specialized private organizations. They will do everything for you, but they will ask you to pay for it.
  4. A technical passport can be issued at the multifunctional center. You need to go there and with the help of an inspector fill out an application.

It is best to use the method of contacting the official BTI website. The result, as we have already said, is expected for at least 10 days, after which they already receive a ready-made technical passport of the room with a seal. However, all methods are available to the average citizen. In any case, you will receive your document in your hands, and the question of how to get a technical passport will disappear.

Duration of the passport

List of documents required for obtaining a passport. Cost

You can issue a legalized graphic drawing if you collect the following documents:

  1. Write an application for a technical passport.
  2. Provide a copy of the identity document of the owner of the property.
  3. If the design of all documents will be handled by an authorized person, then it is necessary to take care of the design of a general power of attorney.
  4. All documents confirming ownership of the property should be attached.
  5. Receipt of payment of state duty.

The cost of the technical passport is 1200 rubles with a total area of ​​the property up to 1000 square meters.

What then?

A specialist of the technical inventory bureau will check all the documents for their authenticity and reliability. Issue a receipt on their receipt. Then, the property will be checked out for inspection, and the engineer will appoint you a time for issuing a technical passport.

Any problems or changes will be additionally reported to you by telephone. For any question regarding the manufacture of a technical passport, you should seek advice from BTI. It is there that all the necessary papers are stored, and all the nuances will be resolved.

Without leaving your home, you can consult, and also receive a document with a signature and seal using the Internet.

Technical passport form

The form of the document is fixed by law. Features of the filling are as follows:

  1. All specifications and names are written in full text, without abbreviations.
  2. The address is indicated in full.
  3. Necessarily fits the owner of the property.
  4. In case of shared ownership, each citizen is registered and his share is indicated.
  5. Necessarily fits the footage of the building and all the rooms in it, also attached.
  6. The date of construction of the property is indicated.
  7. Prescribe materials for walls, roofs, windows.
  8. Gas supply, water disposal, water supply are also recorded in the passport.
  9. On the first page is the date of its creation. It is certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization that prepared the document.

The explication is sewn into the passport. The information about the inventory assessment is indicated. A sample technical passport of a residential building is given below.

Sample technical passport for the apartment

How to get an extract from a technical passport and what is it?

This is a certificate that contains data from the technical passport. You can request such an extract on the portal of public services, Rosreestr or BTI.

Local authorities and multifunctional centers also have the authority to request this information. To do this, you must visit the appropriate organization and leave a request in it. You must have documents with you: an identity card and proof of ownership of the property. In addition to the owner, this extract is entitled to request law enforcement and judicial authorities.

The certificate or statement includes the date of the inventory, information about the owner of the property, the size of the land on which the building is located, the estimated cost, number of floors, information about whether changes were made during the redevelopment, the area of ​​the building, its address, as well as building material that was used during the construction of the facility. This statement is valid for one year, and at the same time it is certified by the signature and seal of the organization issuing it.

Any citizen of the country or an organization’s specialist can request a statement on the property, but only the rightful owner will receive a full certificate.

Two types of requests are distinguished: for obtaining information on the results of a building inspection (donation, inheritance, renewal, etc.) and for inventorying premises located inside the building (this is relevant information as of the date of the commission inspection).

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