Many companies, in order to emphasize their individuality, introduce a mandatory dress code. Somewhere, this concept means exclusively the business style of clothing made in a certain color scheme, somewhere wearing some separate paraphernalia, such as ties, badges, etc., and somewhere they go further and give employees branded T-shirts and sweatshirts. In this situation, putting a logo on clothes is a direct necessity, but a good leader should think not only about how to create a company image, but also about how not to spend a lot of money on it. Let's try to understand how to print on fabric to find the most suitable.
A little bit about the ways
Of course, drawing a logo on clothes is a long-standing process. Someone draws them by hand using special paints is a rather laborious way, but it still has a place to be. Others choose embroidery, both manual and machine. Still others use special printers that will put the logo you need not only on the fabric, but also on the ceramic cup and mouse pad. So it all depends on your budget and, of course, creativity. With a simple logo, it may be possible to save the money that would go to the application of large-scale color drawing.
The first way - pad printing
Printing on clothes is one of the most famous and affordable ways to personalize things. There are two types of it: pad printing and thermal printing. The action algorithm, in principle, is the same, but the texture at the output will be slightly different. First things first.
Pad printing involves the creation of a specific stencil, which is then transferred to the cliche. To apply the image directly, a silicone swab is used, which, wetted alternately in various colors, draws the image based on the cliche. This method is not very fast, it requires the manufacture of cliches, and its etching with alkali, and the subsequent assembly of simple mechanisms, thanks to which the system still works. In addition, this technology introduces a limitation on image size. But one of the advantages is that it is possible not only to apply logos to overalls, but also print on various items.
The second way - film printing
Next, consider the thermal, or film, printing on clothes. Itโs still easier here. A stencil is created again, which is then transferred to a special film of a certain color or, if the client wishes, to other material, such as velvet. This will create a convex and pleasant to the touch image. Here, however, there may be problems with the choice of colors, but usually similar difficulties are resolved very quickly.
And then, under the influence of temperature, the drawing from the medium, let it be called so, is literally imprinted in the fabric. Any colors and any sizes - in this situation, no restrictions. In addition, this method is one of the most affordable. There are also disadvantages. It is not a fact that the image will last quite a long time and will not be erased by external exposure, although, in theory, such a risk is minimal.
The third way - screen printing
The word "silk-screen printing" is associated with something orientally refined, beautiful. And rarely do people think that it can be used to denote yet another way of printing on clothes. In general, the silk-screen printing logo makes it bright, noticeable, catchy and very affordable.
Advantages include the ability to create images on virtually any surface while maintaining all the original brightness. Forget all your associations with foggy Chinese mountains and green tea, this method involves the most banal drawing of a logo on clothes with paint. A number of stencils are made (one for each ink), then the image itself is applied through them.
The fourth method - embroidery
We pass to the last method - logo embroidery. Yes, it will be the most expensive, but the image will never fade, will not be erased and generally will be preserved in its original form all the time that the thing will be worn. Of course, they do not use ordinary home strings here, they use only special resistant materials that will ensure the perfect execution of the picture. Everything is done, of course, on special equipment, but it's really worth it.
What affects the price?
The price for applying a logo on clothes depends on many different factors. The way the image is transferred directly plays a role: it is clear that ink for printing will cost less than special threads. Moreover, the printing process itself is much less time-consuming than embroidery, so it is logical that it will cost less. Much depends on the size and color of the image: the brighter and larger the picture, the more stencils you will have to produce, that is, the cost of production is already increasing. And, of course, the circulation. Stamping the same image many times is much easier than making a series of stencils, that is, the cost of one copy decreases, while the total price of the order increases due to an increase in the number of copies. And, of course, as in any business, you will have to pay extra for urgency.
It does not matter if you stop at silk-screen printing or one of the types of printing, maybe you will be attracted by the long service life of embroidering the logo on clothes, in any case, creating the image of the company without special paraphernalia is impossible. We must not forget that your employees are your face, and if itโs not so difficult with symbols like branded pens, cups and business cards, because there arenโt so many drawing options, you will have to tinker with your clothes.
It is unlikely that an employee in a T-shirt, where half of the logo crumbled and the other is noticeably rubbed, will make a favorable impression. Therefore, it is better not to spare money on what can subsequently significantly affect your profit. The image is made up of many small details, each of which should work perfectly in combination with others. Who will believe in the high quality of the services provided with the inadequate appearance of the staff? The choice is yours.