Peter and Paul Cathedral, Tomsk: address, phone, history

Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk) is a beautiful temple, one of the few that survived during the years of Soviet power. This magnificent stone building still retains the spirit of the old pre-revolutionary Russian churches. As in the distant past, today in the church daily services are held, Orthodox holidays, religious processions are organized.

Where is the cathedral

Those who want to visit this old temple should go to the elevated eastern outskirts of the city. Once this place in Tomsk was called Mukhin Bugor. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, robbers lived on this hill, terrifying the entire district. Their leader was a former peasant nicknamed Mucha. According to legend, at the end of his life this villain repented of his sins and even began secretly distributing the looted money to the poor. For a long time there was a chapel and a wooden worship cross on Mukhin Bugra . Now it is here that the Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk) is located. His address: st. Altai, d. 47.

Peter and Paul Cathedral Tomsk

Throughout the XVIII-XIX centuries, the city gradually expanded and in the end Mukhin Bugor was in its line. At first, the Orthodox living in this area had to attend churches in other parts of Tomsk. But then they decided to build their church. Initially, it was supposed to be erected in the highest place - on the corner of ul. Soldier and st. Handicraft. However, in those days there was already a building of the Society for the promotion of physical development. Therefore, they built the Peter and Paul Temple on the site of an old chapel. The number of parishioners of this church before the revolution was 1000-1300 people.

Opening hours, how to get there, phone

The Peter and Paul Cathedral works from Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 7 pm, on Sundays - from 7:00 to 19:00. You can get to it by minibus number 13 or number 28. You should go to the stop "Church". You can get more accurate information on all issues by calling the Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk) itself. Phone of the temple: 53-15-68.

When was built

The laying of the Peter and Paul Cathedral took place on May 31, 1909. The order of the foundation of the new church was made by the Orthodox priest Makarii Nevsky. The construction of the church was carried out with the donations of parishioners. Also, at the request of the residents of the district, 10 thousand rubles were allocated by the city authorities. Actually, the opening of the church took place on December 18, 1911. The vicar Bishop Innocent consecrated her.

Peter and Paul Cathedral Tomsk divine service schedule

Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk): history after the revolution

During the split of the Russian Orthodox Church (in the 1920s), at the request of the new authorities, the church passed under the control of the Renovationists. At first, this new Christian movement was approved by many representatives of the clergy. However, among the people it never received recognition.

After the liberation of Patriarch Tikhon in 1923, who called on believers to be loyal to the new government, Renovationism lost almost all of its supporters. In 1924, the community of the Peter and Paul Cathedral broke its connection with this movement. In 1928, church believers joined the Gregorians.

Unfortunately, the fate of many Russian churches in Soviet times did not pass over the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Tomsk for several years was left without any existing churches. In 1940, this only church that still accepted believers was closed by a decision of the Regional Executive Committee. In the next few years, its premises were used as storage facilities by the Tomsk Distillery.

Peter and Paul Cathedral Tomsk Telephone

After the meeting of the Russian patriarchs with Stalin in 1943, the relationship between the state and the church became warmer. In Russia, Orthodox churches began to reopen. The Peter and Paul Cathedral was returned to believers on February 8, 1944. In 1980, it was recognized as an architectural monument, and in 1989 a Sunday school began to work here.

Temple in the 90s

From 1997 to 2003, the Tomsk diocesan administration was located on the territory of the Peter and Paul Cathedral. In 1999, at the initiative of Bishop Rostislav, a stone baptismal church was laid nearby. This new church was lit in the winter of 2010 in the name of John the Baptist. Now in this church a large font is installed for complete immersion at baptism.

Tomsk rite of blessing in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of Tomsk

Many active Orthodox churches are what Tomsk can boast of today. The rite of blessing in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of Tomsk, just like baptism, weddings, etc., today anyone can attend. Judging by the reviews of many believers, this ancient temple is the most prayed and beautiful in the city.

Architectural features

The Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk) was built according to the project of engineer A.I. Langer in the traditional Russian-Byzantine style for the Orthodox Church. The main material for the construction of its walls was red brick. It is a temple cross-domed construction, the central volume of which is held on four pillars. The composition of this monumental magnificent building is harmoniously complemented by four corner chapters and a chapel above the entrance.

A feature of the Peter and Paul Cathedral is the decor that is not quite usual for Russian churches. Its brick walls are not plastered. The main decoration for them are architectural details made of sandstone (columns, window arches). The southern and northern facades of the building are tiled with terracotta tiles, the color of which harmoniously blends with the red shade of the brick.

Interior and shrines

Unfortunately, at the time when the Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk) was used as a warehouse, all of its property was lost. Only one image of the Virgin Mary has survived - the “Sign”. He was found in the chapel of the temple and in Soviet times was its main shrine.

Peter and Paul Cathedral Tomsk address

Today, the cathedral houses the best iconostasis among Tomsk churches, made in the Baroque style. The western wall of the temple is decorated with scenes of the Last Judgment. The main shrines of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in our time are:

  • a cross with particles of relics of 24 saints;
  • land from Ephesus from the sepulcher of St. John the Evangelist;
  • several images with particles of the relics of saints;
  • miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Among other things, the temple has the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a charred icon case. In 1986, a fire occurred in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Fire quickly spread throughout the premises, destroying church utensils, but upon reaching this icon, it suddenly stopped without human intervention. In memory of this wonderful event, it was decided to leave the burnt icon case on the image.

Peter and Paul Cathedral Tomsk history

Of course, today not only deeply believing Christians attend this church. One of the most important sights of Russia is the Peter and Paul Cathedral (Tomsk). The schedule of services in the church depends on a specific day or Orthodox holiday. The cathedral holds daily morning liturgy (8:30) and evening services (17:00).

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