Hydrosalpinx on the right. Causes of its occurrence, diagnosis and treatment

Among the diseases that interfere with normal pregnancy, there is a hydrosalpinx, located on the right or left. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common disease, and it concerns the genitals of a woman. Its main manifestation is the accumulation of a clear or yellowish fluid in the fallopian tubes. In the normal state, such a fluid is also produced by the woman’s body, but it is promptly excreted through the walls of the pipes.

Why arises?
hydrosalpinx on the right

The main cause of this disease, doctors unanimously call inflammatory processes, in particular adnexitis, salpingoophoritis, salpingitis. They contribute to the death of villi, functional disorders of the muscle part, as well as the proliferation of connective tissue, which in turn leads to the formation of adhesions, scars and obstruction of the tubes. Transudate (fluid) can not be excreted normally, and therefore poured into the uterine cavity. The left-handed or right-handed hydrosalpinx poses the greatest threat to women planning a baby (after all, the desired child is incredibly difficult to conceive) and already pregnant, since the disease negatively affects the development of the fetus and practically excludes childbirth naturally.


According to the activity and duration of the inflammatory process, two forms of the course of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Acute (characterized by fever, tachycardia, weakness).
  2. Chronic She usually does not have pronounced symptoms, because the fluid is accumulated over a long period.

Depending on the location, it is customary to distinguish between hydrosalpinx on the right and left. The condition of the fallopian tube allows you to establish a simple form (when there is one cavity) and follicular (when the lumen is divided into several cavities). As a rule, when diagnosing, doctors indicate what size the hydrosalpinx is on the right (left).

right-handed hydrosalpinx

As mentioned above, the disease may not manifest in any way at all, or it gives itself away with symptoms such as:

  • elevated temperature (from 37 ° C to 39 ° C);
  • weakness;
  • pain in the pelvic and inguinal areas;
  • heart palpitations;
  • blush;
  • water discharge (but only with the so-called "valve" form).


Only an experienced doctor can immediately detect hydrosalpinx. The diagnosis can finally be established after a number of studies.

hydrosalpinx diagnosis
So, first of all, a standard gynecological examination is carried out , during which education can be suspected. Then the patient is sent for ultrasound. Modern devices can detect this disease quickly enough. Hydrosalpinx on the right or left can be diagnosed using hysterosalpingography (i.e., x-rays) or laparoscopy (a procedure that involves the introduction of special instruments for examination into the uterus).


The most effective way to overcome the hydrosalpinx on the right or left is surgery. In this case, it is called laparoscopy. Basically, this procedure is tolerated by patients quite easily. Surgery can be dispensed with, but only when the disease is not neglected. In this case, all efforts should be aimed at overcoming the inflammatory process (in this regard, antibiotic therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed), as well as improving the immune system (for this purpose, the patient also undergoes vitamin therapy and phytotherapy).

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