The adoption of Christianity in Russia and its significance

As you know, in ancient times the Slavs worshiped many gods. However, the term "paganism" is considered by many historians to be incorrect, since it includes an extensive layer of culture. Instead, other terms are used today - "ethnic religion", "totemism".

However, Russia professed totemism only until 988. After Prince Vladimir baptized the people of Kiev in the waters of the Dnieper, Orthodoxy replaced the mythical deities. Today we will discuss the adoption of Christianity in Russia (in the 6th grade they talk superficially about this topic), the causes and consequences of this event.

Baptist of Kievan Rus

Prince Vladimir

Vladimir, whom the Slavs called Krasno Solnyshko, is the son of Prince Svyatoslav and the Jewish key keeper Malusha. He was an illegitimate unloved son who received little attention in childhood. Svyatoslav prepared for the reign of his two legitimate sons - Yaropolk and Oleg. However, Oleg was killed during the battle with Yaropolk for the principality. And Vladimir, having captured Kiev with the army, ordered to slaughter Yaropolk. So the unloved son of the prince became a great ruler, whom he honored and loved by the people.

Vladimir is known as the baptist of Russia. But what prompted him to abandon paganism and accept Orthodoxy? The reasons for the adoption of Christianity in Russia will be called in the following sections.

Paganism in Kievan Rus

pagan Russia

There is an opinion that the term "paganism" in the culture of the Slavs comes from the fact that numerous Slavic tribes had one language. The nestor-lithographer in his treatises united them, calling them pagans. Later, this term began to be used to refer to the beliefs and cultural characteristics of the Slavs.

Paganism is not a religion in the modern sense. This is a chaotic set of beliefs held by disparate tribes of Rus. That is why paganism could not unite Russia and become a state religion. Only individual tribes united that had similar beliefs.

People worshiped mainly Dazh-god, Veles, Perun, Rod, Svarog. Since the tribes worshiped different gods, there was no uniformity in pagan culture. The Slavs revered some gods, the Varangians - the others, the Finns - the third. There were no priests and temples. There were only rude images of the gods that were found in open areas. They were sacrificed, sometimes even human. However, the culture of the population was so scattered that it was clear that paganism had outlived itself. The importance of adopting Christianity in Russia cannot be overestimated. But before deciding to accept Orthodoxy, Vladimir tried to reform paganism.

Pagan reform

Thus, he wanted to unite the country and maintain independence from Christian Byzantium. At the head of the pantheon of gods was Perun, who until then was part of the supreme gods, but was not as revered as some other deities. Vladimir probably chose Perun because of his love for him in a friendly environment. However, this did not change the situation. The people reluctantly accepted the new head of the pagan cult. Next, we will find out the significance of the adoption of Christianity by Russia.

The origins of Christianity in Russia

the origins of christianity

The Catechism of 1627 states that even before Vladimir adopted Christianity in Russia, there were many Orthodox Christians, especially in Novgorod and Kiev. This explains the ease with which the people of Kiev accepted the new faith, abandoning paganism. However, historians stubbornly reject this version of events, relying on information obtained from The Tale of Bygone Years. Meanwhile, there is every reason to believe that it was written much later than previously thought. Therefore, there is no certainty that what is written in it is true. However, further we will stick to the official version of events.

By the time of the baptism of Rus, Christianity was firmly entrenched in a number of European countries. Christian Byzantium had a particularly strong influence on Kiev. However, Russia desperately resisted attempts to bring her into the fold of the church.

But over time, Vladimir realized that only a change in faith would help him build relations with European countries. They considered the Rusics barbarians and non-humans who make human sacrifices and participate in horrific rituals. Therefore, the adoption of Orthodoxy by Russia was a matter of time.

What are the external and internal reasons that prompted the prince to be baptized? Consider the reasons for the adoption of Christianity in Russia.

Christians were already in Russia

Officially, Christianity came to Russia in 988. However, before this, the Slavs knew this religion, which slowly but surely penetrated their culture. The first mention of Christianity dates back to 860-870 years. In 911, the Russian ambassadors take oaths in the name of the god Perun, but in the document of 944 the oath sounds twofold - they swear by Perun and the Christian God.

Christianity slowly but surely penetrated Kievan Rus. Merchants and Varangians who visited Christian Byzantium brought information about the new doctrine. Among the warriors of Prince Igor there were many Christians. They were baptized, following the example of Princess Olga, who saw in Orthodoxy the future of the country. It was after her baptism that the Christianization of Rus accelerated.

Even before the adoption of Orthodoxy by Vladimir, churches met in Russia. However, paganism still lived in the souls of people. The prince was also an avid pagan. However, one terrible incident left an indelible mark on his soul and, possibly, also influenced his decision to change his faith.

After a successful battle, the Varangians (ancestors of the Swedes and Danes), who made up most of the prince's squad, decided to make a human sacrifice to the glory of Perun. The lot was cast. The choice fell on the Christian youth, whose father was part of the prince's squad and also professed Christianity. The father stood up for his son, and both of them were killed by the insane heathens. These were the first Christian martyrs - Theodore and John.

One religion - one state

Monotheism corresponds to the essence of one head of state. Nationals respected and feared Vladimir, but this was not enough. Vladimir sought to unite the state, so he understood that sooner or later he would have to choose a different religion for the Russians.

Baptism of Russia

The Christian doctrine with the concept "all people are God's servants, and the prince is His anointed on earth" suited the prince as well as possible, striving for unlimited power. After all, Christianity taught to obey the prince unquestioningly. The testimonies of those years indicate that Vladimir had enjoyed the love and respect of the people before. However, there is not much power.

In addition, Christianity made it possible for Russians to change their way of life and thinking. According to most historians today, Vladimir wanted to increase the cultural level of his subjects and bring the state to the level of world powers, strong and revered by the whole world.

Following the example of Byzantium

Byzantine state

Byzantium is a state with a rich history and developed cultural component. She worked closely with Russia in the field of trade. However, significantly ahead of her in development. Arriving in Constantinople, Rusich had the opportunity to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of the state, its new technologies and ideas. Vladimir, as a sovereign, also wanted cultural development.

However, paganism made Russia a separate country with barbaric customs. The prince saw what heights a state with a monoatheist religion can reach. In addition, church Russia became the successor of Byzantium. Baptism also gave Russia the opportunity to enter the family of European states and improve trade and economic relations with them.

Marriage to Anna of the Byzantine

Anna Byzantine

In addition, Vladimir wanted to marry the Byzantine Princess Anne, daughter of Emperor Theophan III. The prince considered this alliance beneficial in all respects. Firstly, Anna was an enviable bride - educated, rich and attractive. Secondly, he longed for a strategic alliance with Byzantium and its support.

Anna was promised to Vladimir by the brothers emperors in the event that he would help repel the blows of the rebels to Constantinople. Vladimir fulfilled his part of the contract, but the emperors were in no hurry to fulfill his.

Then, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the prince decided on desperate measures. Vladimir, together with his squad, went to the Crimea, where he captured the city of Korsun. And he sent a messenger with a message to Constantinople. It said that if Anna was not married to him, he would attack Byzantium. Also in the message, Vladimir promised to be baptized. Of course, Anna did not arrive immediately. Her brother, Emperor Vasily, hesitated. But when a few months later Vladimir repeated his threat and again promised to attack Byzantium, the princess was hurriedly put on the ship.

Soon, Anna arrived at her future husband. Together they baptized the Slavs in the waters of the Dnieper in 988.

Christian teaching

When Vladimir decided to change his faith, he faced the question of which religion to give preference to. He sent messengers to learn the benefits of each religion.

It is believed that he rejected Islam because of the ban on alcohol. According to legend, the prince said that without wine there would be no Russia. He refused Judaism for a completely objective reason - Jews did not have their own state and wandered around the world. He could not give preference to Catholicism on the advice of his grandmother, Princess Olga, who at one time chose Orthodoxy. Probably this is what played a decisive role in the choice of religion. Historians suggest that while Svyatoslav, the father of the future prince, fought, Olga raised her grandson and told him about childhood Christian teachings, which he absorbed from an early age.

Soul salvation

soul salvation

Paganism was a terrible cult that plunged people into the abyss of sin and cruelty. For the Slavs, human sacrifices were not uncommon. One of the Arab travelers in his chronicles recalls how he once was present at the burial of one of the noble Russians. The ceremony was accompanied by disgusting rituals, many of which the Arab refused to describe because of their abomination. However, he indicated that the horse and the boyar’s wife, previously raped in a ritual order, had been killed for the funeral pyre.

Therefore, after Vladimir adopted Christianity, the idols of pagan gods, which are the habitat of demons, were destroyed. And Vladimir was the first to do this, throwing the Thunderer Perun into the Dnieper.

The fact that Vladimir decided to adopt the Christian faith can be called a miracle. In just 8 years, the prince has changed a lot. He not only was baptized, but also completely changed his lifestyle, trying to save his soul from numerous sins - violence, fratricide, polygamy.

Consequences of the adoption of Christianity in Russia

The baptism of Rus was the reason for the following changes:

  1. Improving economic relations with European powers.
  2. Raising the cultural level of the population.
  3. Strengthening the state and rallying the people.
  4. Strengthening the power of the prince, who now acted as the anointed of God on earth.

Russia after the adoption of Christianity has changed. And these changes benefited her.

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