Translation of the meaning and interpretation of the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim"

What does the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" mean? Why do Muslims use it so often and what is its translation?

The blessed phrase of all Muslims is the prayer "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim"

The correct transcription of the phrase is: Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. This is only a pronunciation, but it is not able to explain all the power and strength invested in the meaning of these words. Translation (meaning) of the phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" - in the name of Allah the Merciful and the Merciful.

bismillahi rahmani rahim text
What does “In the name of Allah” mean?

Every faithful Muslim should begin any of his deeds with the name of the Most High, perform all good deeds and acts of worship only for the sake of his Creator, and in all matters rely only on him.

In the case when, before starting any business, a Muslim pronounces the phrase “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim”, his affairs not only receive the blessing of the Almighty, but also are encouraged by high rewards, which will be judged on the Day of Judgment as a bargaining chip in exchange for sins, as salvation from Hell .

If a person does good not for the satisfaction of the Almighty, but for the achievement of any worldly goals, for example, for the sake of fame, enrichment, raising his reputation among people or any other self-interest, he does not receive spiritual incentives, he receives only what he aspired to and on the Day of Judgment he will not be able to rely on his good deeds, since he did not take care of his distant future, but was interested only in worldly goods.

bismillahi rahmani rahim

The phrase "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim" serves as an oral confirmation of the sincere intentions of doing things for the sake of the satisfaction of Allah. However, if there is hypocrisy and dishonesty in the human heart, then the Almighty will not accept these matters, no matter how good they may be.

What is Rahman?

More correct - Ar-Rahman, if you remove the word from the text. This is one of the names of Allah, reflecting his quality of omnipotence to all his slaves, whether they are sinners or the righteous. Any person on Earth, no matter how wrong he is, receives enormous mercies, starting with a healthy body, a beautiful family, a happy inheritance, ending with the main mercy - the opportunity to repent and receive forgiveness at any time.

prayer of bismillahi rahmani rahim

What is Raheem?

Ar-Rahim is another name and attribute of Allah Almighty. It means the mercy of God towards all his faithful and humble slaves on Judgment Day. When all believers are gathered before Allah and appear before His just Judgment, He will show his quality of mercy and will forgive everything that he wishes. He will remind his slaves of all their good deeds up to the tiniest good deeds, which they themselves did not recall, and will give them eternal bliss in Paradise only because of his Mercy - the attribute of Ar-Rahman.

That is why every Muslim seeks to receive forgiveness from the Almighty and be delighted on the Day of Judgment, and begins his every business with a blessed phrase - the prayer of Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, the text of which is known to any Islamic kid and is the main words of a Muslim believer. This is a formula for recognizing the mercy and power of God, the blessings of which are asked before the beginning of any work.

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