Hot dog: calorie content, composition, cooking method

From baseball games to outdoor grills, hot dogs captivate the taste buds of all people — small to large. Classic American fast food is a pretty high-calorie and not the healthiest way to eat. If you monitor your weight, limit fats and salt in the diet, then be careful and try to limit the consumption of this treat.

However, from time to time you should not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a fragrant hot dog. In this article you will learn how to make a hot dog, the calorie content of a dish and its composition.

List of ingredients

To prepare a classic hot dog you will need:

  • bun;
  • sausage;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • pickled cucumber;
  • onion;
  • greenery;
  • cheese.
hot dog composition

The composition of the hot dog can be varied independently - add or remove ingredients to your liking.

Cooking sausages

There are many options for making sausages for hot dogs: frying in oil or grill, cooking or heating in the microwave. The following are quite dietary options for making sausages at home, which will reduce the calorie content of a hot dog.

Cooking in water:

  1. You will need a frying pan or a small pot. Make sure your dishes are deep enough to completely cover the sausages with water.
  2. Before you start cooking, make a few holes in the sausages with a fork. This will protect them from swelling in hot water.
  3. Fill the sausages with cold water so that it completely covers them. Place the pan on the stove and set the maximum temperature. Bring the water to a boil, then lower the temperature and let the sausages boil for five minutes.
  4. Pour hot water out of the pan. Use a fork to pierce and pull out the sausages, as they will be very hot.

Cooking in a dry pan:

  1. With a knife, make several diagonal cuts on the sausages about a couple of centimeters apart.
  2. Heat the pan on the stove at medium temperature, then place the sausages directly in the pan without water, oil or other substances.
  3. Use a fork to turn over sausages. Within 5 minutes, the sausages should turn brown and cook evenly on all sides.
  4. Using a fork, move the sausages from the pan onto the plate.


  1. Cut cold buns with a sharp knife, but do not cut to the end.
  2. Preheat the buns in the microwave or in a dry pan to make them soft. Coat the walls inside with mayonnaise.
  3. Put the finely chopped pickled cucumber in the buns.
  4. Then pour chopped onions and chopped greens.
  5. Put a sausage on top of onions and herbs.
  6. Sprinkle the sausage with grated cheese.
  7. Pour mustard and ketchup on top (to taste).

Diet version

Despite the fact that the most common type of hot dog involves the use of sausages from various types of meat, including pork and beef, there is a healthier option.

how to make a hot dog

For example, chicken sausages contain less calories and fat than traditional pork and beef. They also contain three times as much protein as a regular sausage. No matter what kind of hot dog you are cooking, just cooking sausages will not add extra calories to the final dish and will only take a few minutes.

Also, it is worth adding more greens and lettuce to the diet hot dog, and exclude mayonnaise and ketchup.

Calorie content

A 100 gram hot dog contains:

  • 290 calories
  • 26 g of fat;
  • 4 g of carbohydrates;
  • 10 g of protein.
hot dog calories

Calorie content and a set of macronutrients largely depend on the set of ingredients and method of preparation.


  • Heat the bun in a skillet over low heat until the edges are browned, and then serve with the additives of your choice.
  • Overcooked sausages become rubbery and tough. Keep track of time and do not let them simmer for too long.
  • If you are a vegetarian, then a sausage can be made from soy.


So, now you know how to cook a delicious hot dog and the calorie content of this wonderful snack at home.

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