Aries-man in a relationship: character description, compatibility in marriage and relationship

Fiery temperament, sincerity, incredible charm and energy - all this is about the Aries man. Representatives of this sign are the real conquerors. Today we offer to talk about how Aries men manifest themselves in love relationships: we will talk about their character, temperament, how to make such a man fall in love with himself and, of course, how to keep him.

general characteristics

Speaking about how a man born under this sign loves, it should be noted that from a very early age he shows such qualities as curiosity and impulsiveness. Even in school years, the representative of this sign will not modestly sit on the sidelines and breathe in about the girl he liked. This is Aries pulling classmates for pigtails, escorting them home and fighting with rivals.

Aries-man in a relationship: description

The way the Aries man behaves in relationships at a more mature age depends on his upbringing and on the level of spiritual development at which he is. For example, being at a low level, Aries seeks at all costs to get a woman that he likes. Moreover, he often loses his temper, shows cruelty and even aggression. Physical violence is not ruled out. In the event that he is at a higher level, love for him is a pleasant adventure in which you can demonstrate your abilities, get a portion of admiration. In a man-Aries relationship, he is characterized by impetuosity, naivety, spontaneity and passion.

Advantages of the Aries man

Aries man is always in a good mood. It is difficult not to notice his optimism and ability to enjoy life. Often to the representatives of the opposite sex, Aries seems to be a man, wise by experience, reliable. It even seems to many that he is the ideal of a real man. The thing is that he has such a quality as masculinity. It is for his inner strength that the young ladies are ready to ignore stiffness and rudeness.

In addition, it is the Aries man who knows how to conquer a woman, conquer her. True, sometimes the conquest process is very short: the whole thing is that the Aries man in relationships (as, incidentally, in other areas of life) is impulsive and impatient. Astrologers say: Aries are sincere, direct. In addition, it will never be bored with this man; he will add a lot of bright emotions to everyday life. And having achieved the location of her lover, she will do everything for her that she can.

Aries man in a relationship with a woman


Women who decide to connect their lives with a representative of this zodiac sign should know that they are alien to beautiful manners and expressions. Calling him a real gentleman is sometimes simply impossible. He can shock with excessive courage, and very rarely Aries appreciate romance. Among the negative qualities can be identified the lack of tact. This man always says what he thinks, while not thinking at all whether this is appropriate or not. Often in the words and actions of Aries they show arrogance and cruelty, which not every woman likes. Some young ladies are also annoyed by commanding behavior. You should not think that Aries’s dominion and his lack of restraint will change, but you should not forget that quarrels occur in almost every relationship, and Aries will not be aggressive for long.

How to fall in love with him?

What woman will Aries pay attention to? The one that is as energetic, active and cheerful as he is. But the calm young ladies, who love dimensionality, are of little interest to him. If you decide to conquer the heart of Aries, you must be both feminine and strong, take the initiative. It’s important that you are unpredictable. And in no case do not try to complicate the relationship, provoke Aries, take on male functions and show neglect.

Aries man in a love relationship

How to understand that he is in love?

How to understand that the Aries man you are in a relationship with is crazy about you? At this moment, astrologers compare his behavior with the eruption of a volcano: he becomes completely dependent on his feelings, becomes completely unpredictable, his heart burns, and his emotions just overshadow the mind. However, there is a second side to the coin: often his enthusiasm fades away very quickly, in this case Aries’s beloved will have to captivate and charm him again, change his image and nourish his feelings with pleasant surprises.

How to marry him?

A stamp in the passport and a magnificent wedding ceremony for Aries is nothing more than just a formality. Representatives of this zodiac sign do well without it, they are quite satisfied with the so-called civil marriage. In order to push Aries to a serious step, you will have to work hard, for example, you will have to:

  • honestly and openly talk about your desire to marry him;
  • Explain why marriage is so important to you
  • give him the opportunity to make a decision on his own;
  • in no case be imposed and not be persistent.
Aries man in family relationships

According to astrologers, the best option is to push Aries to marriage at the very beginning of your relationship, when he is still in love and bewitched. It is imperative that he be confident in his woman and her feelings, then he will make any concessions so that only she stays close.

Aries man in the family

If you believe the stars, the behavior of the Aries man in family relationships does not differ from the period of dates. It is unlikely that he will burden himself with responsibility and duties. Most likely, Aries will live the way he wants. He can still stay with friends, completely forgetting that he promised to return home for dinner. It is worth noting that you should not limit the freedom of Aries, because he is not a supporter of the routine, traditions and customs. A woman who decided to spend her life next to the representative of this sign should know that he likes outdoor activities, it is very difficult for him to stay at home for a long time. And so you have to constantly come up with something new.

Parting with Aries

In the event that Aries decides to end the relationship, he will do it very quickly. Everything can begin with a minor quarrel, and end with a scandal. Most likely, he will accuse you of restricting his freedom, and therefore his feelings are no longer the same. It is important to understand: he can say rude things, and after half an hour he will again become attentive and caring, as if there was no conflict at all. It is conflicts that allow him to throw out the accumulated aggression. But if he really wants to leave, then he is unlikely to make scenes: most likely, he will simply pack his things and leave. By the way, astrologers say: Aries almost never return to past relationships, they are much more interested in starting to build new ones.

Aries-man in a relationship: characteristic

Aries man compatibility in love relationships: Aries + Aries

It seems that the temperament of the representatives of this zodiac sign can lead to an irreconcilable war. However, astrologers say, this is not the case. Men and women born under the sign of Aries can create a completely happy union. To do this, they will need to show the best features of the sign: sincerity, activity and courage.

Aries + Taurus

These are completely different people, between whom there is always a distance. Taurus and Aries will never be able to get closer, find spiritual kinship and come to a complete understanding. However, according to psychologists, this is not bad: keeping their personal space Taurus and Aries will always remain a mystery to their partner.

Aries + Gemini

It is difficult to imagine a more harmonious relationship than the union of these signs. Aries and Gemini are distinguished by their energy, love of freedom and adventure. This couple will forever preserve the freshness of feelings, indifference to each other and, of course, great love. The Twin Woman will attract this man with his lively character and good mood, and due to the fact that she is a fidget, Aries' hunt for her will never end.

Aries-man in a relationship: compatibility

Aries + Cancer

An Aries man will never be bored in a relationship with a Cancer woman. She will attract him with delicacy, calmness, gentleness and defenselessness. It is these qualities that will reveal in Aries a knight who is ready to fight the dragon and save the beautiful princess.

Aries + Leo

Speaking about the relationship between the male Aries and the female Leo, it should be said that this is a wonderful couple. They have the same temperament, they are characterized by pride and interest in life. Often, if these two people stay close for a long time, they have a common business, because they need to direct their energy somewhere.

Aries + Virgo

In the relationship of the Aries man and the Virgo woman there will always be falsehood and irritability. She will always point out to him his shortcomings, because she always strives for the ideal. He, in turn, will call her a blue stocking. Together, this pair can only be if they are constantly growing spiritually.

Aries + Libra

No circumstances can destroy this union as long as Aries and Libra remain sexually interested in each other. In relations with Aries, the young lady Libra is the personification of harmony and beauty. This woman should be the real heroine of a novel about beautiful princesses and brave knights. Aries will also be attracted by the fact that she sincerely admires all its virtues.

Aries man in a relationship

Aries + Scorpio

A good relationship between these people is only possible if they stop proving their authoritarianism. However, most often these relationships are based on sexual temperament, which is similar for representatives of these zodiac signs. Aries is pleased that the Scorpio woman does not make veiled hints, but speaks plainly about her desires.

Aries + Sagittarius

One can only envy the understanding that prevails in this union. It is also important that Sagittarius and Aries literally charge each other with a positive and lively interest in what is happening around. Astrologers note that the representatives of these signs have a very similar temperament. They both value actions, and after that they pay attention to their background.

Aries + Capricorn

Relations between the male Aries and Capricorn are not easy, but quite happily. The woman in them gains her faithful knight, and the man in return receives the adviser and teacher in one person. Together, these people can conquer any peaks. And their sexual interest in each other will not allow the relationship to turn into a union of convenience.

Aries + Pisces

If for the young lady Rybka it is important to remain fragile and tender, and the Aries man wants to be brave and courageous, they simply must find each other. In this union, the best features of these zodiac signs are manifested. The thing is that Aries does not like competitors, and therefore he will be attracted to Pisces' daydreaming, their defenselessness and the fact that they can become a reliable rear.

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