Signs of a man in love with Aquarius. How does a loving Aquarius man behave? The love horoscope of Aquarius

If you're a bizarre, eccentric Aquarius, you have more than a narrow circle of fans. You also bring your special positive features to the relationship. Your mythological archetype is a seer, and we all know that seers have groups of followers. Therefore, it is not so difficult to determine how the Aquarius man in love behaves.

Statue of Aquarius

Independent spirit

Your independence and need for freedom make you reluctant to languish with inner loneliness. How does a loving Aquarius man behave? He knows how to love deeply and strongly, giving the impression that he cares much more about humanity as a whole than about himself or his partner. His humanitarian instincts can often dominate personal interests. Many Aquarius partners complain that their man is too busy saving the world to have time for them. Whatever the compatibility, the love of a man-Aquarius depends on a compromise between his personal ideals and the desires of a partner. The signs of a man in love with Aquarius also depend on this.

Lack of romance

If you are a Aquarius man, then in fact you are not too interested in candy-bouquet, romantic manifestations of love, which some other zodiac signs cherish. For you, love is a union of minds and the ability to survive together in the troubled waters of being. You tend to assume that your feelings should not be obvious and open. This can confuse those zodiac signs that depend on open manifestations of affection. The compatibility of Aquarius-male characters often works best with those that other people do not understand. At heart you are an exceptionally kind and understanding partner, capable of truly transforming someone's life. One of the main signs of a man in love with Aquarius is the desire to make a difference in the life of a person he likes.

Metaphor of Aquarius

Emotional estrangement

However, before dispelling the image described above, it is worth mentioning that you are also capable of being emotionally alienated, controversial, and somewhat strange. For every heart that you save, there will be at least one that you break, because the partner simply cannot understand you.

If you are Aquarius and are in a relationship in which you feel strangled, your restless and independent nature may even subconsciously, but nonetheless deliberately manifest infidelity. Obviously, this can cause serious problems for many of your potential partners. However, you can argue that they themselves are to blame for everything, trying to control you too much. In order for the relationship to work really well, the male Aquarius horoscope must take into account the types of compatibility that require maximum freedom. For example, signs of land and water can provide you with sufficient (and even excessive) independence, while signs of fire can glow with jealous fury towards you. A friendly air sign will understand you, but at the same time, your relationship can become nothing more than an accidental rapprochement of two lonely souls. It is not enough for you to know that you are madly in love. Let your partner know this too! For Aquarius, compatibility also consists in learning to adapt your style to what you need from a lover.

Pitcher of Aquarius

Love and Venus in Aquarius

One of the main signs of a man in love with Aquarius is the presence of the planet Venus in his sign - both in the natal chart and in a random temporary transit. Only someone with the planet Venus in Aquarius will be "Aquarius in love." As any horoscope will tell you, Aquarius-man with Venus in the natal chart will demonstrate his feelings especially brightly.

The man with Venus in Aquarius is an extremely skillful, unusual and passionate lover. Venus in this sign is always a little torn off and impersonal, but here it is not as separated as that of the Gemini. This lover freely and coquettishly expresses passion and can experience feelings longer than Gemini. You will find out when Aquarius loves you because he sees no reason to hide his feelings. If you do not restrain him, then he will allow himself a touching demonstration of feelings in crowded places. Where you least expect it, such as at a bus stop. But he is not just passionate, he wants to study you, talk and really get to know you as a person. He is a little psychologist.

You have probably heard that Venus in Aquarius appreciates freedom in relationships. But freedom is rather the meaning of Sagittarius. For Venus in Aquarius, the meaning of feelings is more important than freedom. They are progressive and innovative. It is not only about freedom - relationships must be extreme.

Aquarius in the form of titanium

For example, if your house is full of exotic animals, then you will be attracted to a homely, slightly shy person. You show love best and most freely when you go against the rules accepted in your society. You refuse to fit into the form of what is expected of you regarding love relationships.

The purpose of Venus in Aquarius is the overthrow of norms that impede the flow of true love. You have a real chance to experience the heights of true love, because you simply ignore the boring rules and act without prohibitions. You are paving the way for the evolution of your love. If your world grows in its own definition of love, it will be connected with the ideas, experiments and crazy one-day novels of Venus in Aquarius. In a sense, you can even be called a happy person. And yes, Venus in Sagittarius is very compatible with Venus in Aquarius.

You are not a martyr like Pisces, but you suffer in your own way. You sacrifice a good reputation in order to make the world consider new ways of loving one another. You are experimenting with partners and relationships. The bad news is that all these scientific experiments can leave you indifferent to your true lover. This may interfere with close relationships. You can meet the return cold and carefree.

In women and famous people

Venus in a woman-Aquarius manifests itself in unconventional clothing or dyeing hair in acid tones. She is never boring. She is unconventional in every sense of the word.

People with Venus in Aquarius are considered unique personalities - strange, eccentric. They are not against bizarre personalities; they are attracted to them.

Ashton Kutcher and Bruce Willis have Venus in Aquarius, as do Elton John, Paris Hilton, Taylor Swift, Quentin Tarantino, Axley Rose, Chris Rock and Mitt Romney.

Aquarius Man


In order for your Aquarius to feel loved, you must remember that he is a sign of love for the air. This means that he does not act on either the emotional or physical plane. The language of Aquarius's love is abstract, rooted in the mind, and more likely understood than felt. Talking about everything in the world is more romantic for them than showing deep emotional promises and hugs.

What do Aquarius men like

They like to discuss various phenomena, including fantasies. Buy an adult novel and take turns reading it to each other, and performing scenes. The Aquarius man will like it more if it happens also on the street. One of the signs of a man in love with Aquarius is a desperate readiness for such experiments.

They are usually not homebodies. To experience love, they need to actively communicate with many people. Be prepared for this, because, according to the love horoscope, Aquarius will not just change his habits.

They are dreamers and thinkers at heart, so plan trips to the library, science museums, art exhibitions or any place where you can discuss something. As gifts, buy them only the latest, most advanced technology gadgets. Never give them an outdated version of anything. How to understand that the Aquarius man is in love? On his part, it is enough to value your mind and uniqueness. This is the main feature described in the love horoscope of Aquarius.

constellation Aquarius

Important secret

The most important secret to winning an Aquarius lover: you must be different from everyone he knows. Among other things, you must have some striking power. Dye your hair green if you want. If everyone in your circle is Muslim, become a Jew, or vice versa. If all are vegetarians, eat a meat sandwich in front of them. If all are alcoholics, be the only teetotaler. Tell the Aquarius man that you value his uniqueness. Never say you think it is boring or ordinary. Aquarius man and Aquarius woman in love are great experimenters.

Best compatibility for Aquarius

  • Sagittarius.

Sagittarius and Aquarius are funny, energetic and vibrant characters who love adventure, diversity and unpredictability. They are also signs that have a keen eye on the future. They dream of great achievements and honor the idea of ​​improving the world. Mutual love of society and communication will make their social life truly rich and full. This is a very successful combination in astrology, able to withstand the test of time.

  • Libra.

Since both of them are air signs, Libra and Aquarius love to be among people and share the mutual need for an active social life. They can also form a very strong bond based on their love of intellectual pursuits, art, and music. If Aquarius can learn to understand Libra's need to please others, instead of seeing weakness or weakness in it, the combination can establish a wonderful, harmonious marriage.

  • Twins.

This couple certainly has potential. Both Aquarius and Gemini are funny, social personalities who love conversation, ideas and diversity of all kinds. In fact, this couple is likely to be so interesting and charming that they will be constantly socially in demand. Sexual life here is also active and passionate. Each of the partners will be strongly attracted to the other. The union will be harmonious, rarely overshadowed by jealousy or evil will.

Sign Compatibility

Worst compatibility

  • Virgo.

Since both signs are intellectual and mentally oriented, they have two completely different approaches to life that can easily come into conflict with each other. Holders of the sign of Virgo, as a rule, are on the nervous, pessimistic side, which will annoy the optimistic, expansive Aquarius. Virgos will not like the constant need of Aquarius for social interaction, since they, like all earthly signs, prefer a homely and secluded lifestyle. Virgo's tendency to be overly critical can also annoy Aquarius.

  • Fish.

At first, these two can feel the attractiveness of each other's exciting ideas, but eventually Pisces will become too much in need of freedom, unlike the loving, good-natured Aquarius. Ultimately, the two will bore each other, and such a couple has little chance of a long-term successful relationship.

  • Scorpio.

The unwillingness of Aquarius to give at least a little of his personality to someone will eventually bother Scorpio. Scorpio’s capriciousness, jealousy and possessive instinct will make Aquarius feel trapped and, perhaps, this will cause a break in relations.

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