Today, much is known about peeling and its results. But far from everyone knows about what he happens to be, about preparation for him and his subsequent departure. It solves a variety of problems - from acne to age-related changes, and also renews and refreshes the skin.
Description of procedure
Peeling is an exfoliation, partial removal of the middle and upper layers of the skin. The procedure is aimed at restoring its relief. With the help of peeling, dead, keratinized cells are removed from the surface of the skin, it is renewed, its relief improves, small wrinkles and age spots disappear.
What is peeling necessary for?
Indications for it are different:
- age-related changes, wrinkles, dull skin color, photoaging;
- freckles, hyperpigmentation, age spots;
- excess oily skin, acne;
- preparation for various injection procedures, bio-reinforcement, contour plastics;
- scarring.
The cleansing effect is achieved due to the presence in the means for peeling of the active element, which is called trichloroacetic acid. According to its chemical properties, it is comparable to acetic, can cause burns, toxic.
Indications for use of peeling
Trichloroacetic acid peeling is recommended to eliminate various skin defects: stretch marks, scars, acne, facial wrinkles , scars, acne, age spots. The procedure can also narrow pores and improve skin tone.
In practice, peeling TCA 15 and 30 is considered the most common. Digital designations indicate the percentage concentration of acid in the solution. They can reach 50%. Peeling 50% is used to affect the deeper layers of the skin when removing genital warts, tattoos and scars. The doctor selects trichloroacetic acid in the optimal concentration, depending on the health and phototype of the patient's skin.
Principle of exposure
Such peeling on the upper layers of the dermis has a shock effect, and this stimulates, in turn, the production of elastin and collagen. This procedure can be quite painful. It should only be performed by a qualified dermatologist.
Trichloroacetic acid suggests the presence of pre-peeling mandatory preparation. This procedure seems to temper and prepares the skin for further aggressive effects of the drug.
In the preparatory period, it is necessary to moisturize and cleanse the skin of the face, as well as saturate it with various vitamins. A good result can be achieved using a complex of various cleansing fruit masks along with lotions or moisturizers. At the same time, it is necessary to refrain from cleaning the skin with washcloths, scrubs, hard sponges.
Trichloroacetic acid peeling takes about forty minutes. The duration of this procedure depends on the number of layers of the acid solution to be applied.
To begin with, the skin is degreased and cleaned by surface peeling using formulations that contain 8-10% glycolic acid. Then a layer of trichloroacetic acid is applied. At this point, you can feel an unpleasant burning sensation. After the action of the acid reaches the desired depth of the epidermis, the doctor will stop the further course of the reaction by neutralizing saline ice solution.
A few days after this procedure, a cornified layer will appear on the surface of the skin. It exfoliates and opens a deeper, new, elastic and smooth layer.
Side effects
- Itchy skin and redness.
- Burns.
- Swelling, swelling of the skin.
- Strong peeling and peeling, which does not stop during the week.
Basically, after the procedure, the rehabilitation time reaches 2 weeks. The recovery period of the dermis depends on its type, as well as on the intensity of the procedure. At this time, you need to protect the skin from exposure to the sun, to avoid dehydration and chapping. You should not take hot baths, and you must also refrain from visiting the solarium or sauna. Every day you need to use softening and moisturizing creams.
Trichloroacetic acid (its formula is CClβCOOH) can be used for peeling no more than twice a year. The price of a quality procedure carried out in a specialized beauty salon is quite high. For example, the cost of middle cleaning can reach 15,000 rubles. At the same time, cleansing the skin around the mouth or eyes will cost half as much.
The effect of peeling can last from 6 months to 2 years. You can fix the duration of the effect by regular use of cosmetic care products.
TCA peeling at home
Despite the fact that the procedure of the middle peeling should be carried out by a dermatologist, having received certain knowledge, a session of such cleaning can be done at home independently.
For the first time, trichloroacetic acid (its formula is given in the article above) in the solution should be of a minimum concentration. You can increase it in the future with the accumulation of experience.
Before using peeling, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the available contraindications, the method of the procedure, side effects, ways to get rid of them.
The main difficulty in carrying out such a procedure at home is that trichloroacetic acid should be applied evenly to the skin. To achieve this without outside help, independently, is very problematic. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out a full skin cleansing at home. Only small parts of it can be cleaned. For example, in the eyes, nose, mouth, or temples.
Precautionary measures
Be sure to run a test application. Before you do trichloroacetic acid peeling, reviews of which can be read in this article below, dip a cotton swab in the prepared solution, and then apply to a small area of ββthe skin. This way you can make sure that there are no reactions and side effects.
More layers in a short period of time will not bring any benefit. Remember! It is a toxic, aggressive and highly active substance.
It is necessary to avoid getting the finished solution on the oral mucosa or in the eyes. Do not perform trichloroacetic peeling if you are not confident in your abilities.
The consequences of improper use of the product at home can be very serious. There is a high probability of getting intoxication, a chemical burn, causing an infection, and injuring the skin.
After the procedure, it is imperative to moisturize the skin with a cream, as well as take an antiviral drug, which eliminates the possibility of infection with herpes.
Precautions should be observed, carefully monitor the procedure for applying the solution. This must be done according to the attached instructions. Clearly follow the acid application schedule.
Peeling Kits
Trichloroacetic acid (an instruction for a drug based on it is usually attached to the package) is becoming more common. Skin Rebirth - Easy TCA kits are well-deserved. They are recommended for the treatment of acne, photoaging of the skin, superficial fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation.
Easy TCA is considered the safest and easiest peeling based on trichloroacetic acid. Due to this, this product can be used both in cosmetic professional clinics and at home. It does not require long and complicated pre-peeling preparation. Suitable for any phototype. It can be applied to the face, hands, neck, forearms and chest.
The kit consists of a main solution, a post-peeling mask and a solution of trichloroacetic acid (50%).
The main solution contains vitamins, alpha hydroxy acids, saponins and antioxidants. Trichloroacetic acid ( its structural formula was given in the article above) is added additionally to the solution to a concentration of 15%.
The components of the main solution contribute to a deep and uniform penetration of the active substance into the epidermis, thereby minimizing the occurrence of side effects.
The mask, which is included in the kit, also has a huge number of different useful properties. Helps the rapid regeneration of the dermis after the procedure, reduces the risk of burns and swelling. The use of a post-peeling mask allows for the absence of pre-peeling preparation, thereby making it possible to apply peeling safely on the skin of European, Mediterranean and Asian types. The post-peeling mask is rich in vitamins, it also contains fatty acids.
Trichloroacetic acid face peeling, as we have found, can be done independently at home. The burning sensation after the procedure lasts a couple of minutes. The use of pain medication is not required.
The visible effect of this procedure can be seen on the 2nd week. The skin recovery period after peeling is 2 weeks. At this time, redness, discomfort and irritation may occur in the treated areas.
Trichloroacetic acid: reviews
Today, more and more women are beginning to do such a procedure as peeling, including trichloroacetic acid. Many say that it helps get rid of visible skin defects, such as wrinkles, acne and blackheads. But there are those who are afraid to apply acid to the skin, speaking about the rather unpleasant sensations that it causes.