The concept and types of conflicts in the organization and family. Causes of conflict and ways to resolve them

How often do you swear with others? Do you know the cause of eternal debate and eternal disagreement? To easily and quickly solve any difficult situations, you need to know the concept and types of conflicts. Knowing the enemy in person, it will be easier to eliminate. For a detailed discussion of conflicts, see below.

The concept

What do you know about conflict situations? The concept, types and causes of conflicts must be disassembled in order. Let's start with the concept. Conflict is a relationship between two people or two groups of people with opposing opinions, motives, or judgment. In order for a conflict to take place, a reason is always needed. Disagreement and argument are consequences; they arise when people clash or misunderstand. But they cannot be considered a cause. Before people find a contentious issue, a climax must occur. Two people respecting each other will solve the problem peacefully. The conflict, however, involves active inflections with an increase in the voice of both parties. And this is at best. Conflict can grow into something more. For example, damage to property, causing moral or physical harm.


the concept of types and causes of conflict

To better understand the solution of complex life situations, you need to find out their division. Therefore, now we consider the concept and types of conflicts.

  • Authentic. This is the type of conflict that is most easily resolved. Here the reason for the misunderstanding is immediately clear, and most often, it is not some kind of mental, but a real one. For example, people can conflict because of some thing, territory or material wealth.
  • Random. This type of conflict arises quite often. People do not see that a solution to their problem exists. For example, a brother and sister may conflict due to the love of their parents. This problem is far-fetched, normal parents love all children equally, and the task of adults is to explain this to children.
  • Mixed. The concept of the type of conflict and its definition is a mixture of several different contentious situations. More often than not, in such disputes, the true cause of the contention is veiled by something else. For example, classmates can find out with each other which of them is cooler, although in reality they just want to show off in front of the girls.
  • Hidden. The reason for such a conflict does not lie on the surface, and indeed does not materially exist. People can swear because of feelings or misunderstanding. For example, a wife and husband may conflict on the grounds that a woman will think that the chosen one has stopped loving her.
  • False. Such a conflict arises because of different views of people on one problem. There is no controversial situation as such, but people still swear. Most often, such conflicts occur among representatives of different strata of the population.


concept of conflict types of conflict functions of conflicts

The definition of the types of conflict was given above. The types of conflicts and their variations will be analyzed separately.

  • Intrapersonal. This type of conflict arises when one person is dissatisfied with the activities of another. For example, the boss may be dissatisfied with his subordinates. Misunderstanding may arise due to mismatch of expectations and reality. The specialist in the resume could describe his skills too well, but in reality he is not doing his job. He may even carry out what is required of him, but the person overestimates the quality of his work.
  • Interpersonal. This is the most common type of conflict. Two people with different views and values ​​oppose each other. People may conflict due to limited resources or because of differences of opinion on the problem. The solution of such conflicts by two people is sometimes simply impossible. A third person is needed to help come to some kind of compromise.
  • The confrontation between the individual and the group. Such a conflict often arises in organizations. One of the team members can defend his opinion, which will differ from the decision made by a group of colleagues. Such a conflict of interest may lead to the militia of the collective against one individual.
  • Intergroup. Disagreements between groups of people are not uncommon. Disputes occur due to a clash of interests or different worldviews. For example, consider the state conflict between the two parties. Liberals and conservatives rarely agree on a solution to a problem.


the concept of conflict, its structure and types

The concept of conflict and types of conflict were discussed above. Conflict functions are discussed below.


  • Discharge voltage. When the two sides are in a state of cold war, the atmosphere in the country, the world, or in the collective is, to put it mildly, unstable. Conflict helps to relieve tension and solve the situation.
  • Rapprochement. Thanks to conflicts, people are getting closer to each other. As they say, until you eat a pound of salt together, it is impossible to recognize a person. Successfully resolving all conflicts that arise , people become closer to each other.
  • Change. Conflicts bring about positive changes. For example, in case of state conflicts between parties, the people benefit, as the government makes concessions in order to defuse the atmosphere and prevent a civil war.
  • Change of world view. Sometimes it’s useful to get into a conflict with a person who has a polar opinion. Thanks to this, people can reconsider their worldview and, if necessary, change it.


  • Moral disorder. Conflicting people do not always come to a successful resolution of the problem. As a result, mood worsens, and depression may even appear.
  • Communication disruption. If people do not come to a common solution to the problem, they may stop communicating. It is sad that sometimes conflicts arise between relatives and families collapse because of this.
  • Accent shift. The conflicting parties can take the principle, and in this case, people will not seek a solution to the problem, they will by all means triumph over the opponent.
  • Violent solution to the problem. Conflicts often turn into open hostilities. This is terrible even on a small scale, but worse, of course, if representatives of the two states cannot agree.

The concept of conflict, types of conflict and the functions of conflicts are components that must be disassembled in order to understand what, in fact, is the reason for conflicting people or groups.


family conflict concept types

How does any conflict go? It is divided into three stages. The concept of conflict and its structure helps to understand them. Types of conflicts may be different, but they will develop according to the same scenario.

  • The accumulation of contradictions. People will not conflict for no reason. The first stage of any conflict is the occurrence of a stumbling block. Two people or a group of people have misunderstandings regarding the solution of any issue.
  • In the second stage, people actively go into conflict. As the people say, the cup overflows, and patience ends. People express to each other everything that they think. Often one conflict can turn into another. The more the silence arose between people, the stronger the quarrel.
  • The resolution of the conflict is the last stage. People or a group find solutions to a problem or compromise. Sometimes the second stage with accusations may be skipped if the relations between the members of the group or two individuals are good.


corporate conflicts concept types

To resolve the controversial situation, you need to have an idea of ​​the concept of the type and causes of the conflict. They are described below:

  • The struggle for limited resources. Most often, neighboring states fight for it. Limited material wealth often caused war, due to which the redivision of the world took place.
  • Dependence. When two people depend on each other, involuntarily they have a conflict. Mutual claims and claims exacerbate the situation. Such situations are quite common for large companies, where employees work closely with each other.
  • Different goals. All people are different, they have different worldviews and perceptions. And sometimes it’s hard to come to a common denominator when two people, for example, a business partner, imagine the various goals of a common project.
  • Different views of the world. Such a conflict may occur between the boss and subordinates. Despite the fact that everyone is interested in the development of a common cause, the vision of the path that is worth following is different for everyone.
  • Deceived expectations. Such conflicts are ubiquitous. In such a situation, it is difficult to figure out who is right and who is to blame. Sometimes people do not live up to expectations due to the fact that an overwhelming load was placed on their shoulders.

All people are unique, this must be understood so as not to inadvertently cause someone to conflict. The concept, causes and types of conflicts were discussed above, and now we will consider each group separately.

Family conflict

concept of conflict types and types of conflicts

Who is the most misunderstood? That's right, with people who live together. Not a single story about the concepts and types of conflicts can do without discussing family problems. People who live under one roof quarrel more often than others. Reason can be found daily. What types and concepts of family conflicts exist?

  • TIFF. Simple household quarrels about whose turn it is to wash the dishes or vacuum, happen daily. They do not lead to anything serious. Although sometimes they can end with insults or insults.
  • Sexual conflict. Typically, such quarrels occur after the first year of marriage. The honeymoon is long gone, so the spouse may periodically worsen “headaches”, and the man may “get tired at work”. Due to the decline in sexual desire, conflicts and disputes occur.
  • Depression Typically, such conflicts are associated with the psychological stress of one of the spouses. Lack of emotional intimacy, positive emotions or problems at work can cause periodic attacks by one spouse on another.
  • Dependency problem. Alcohol, smoking, gambling - this is what can cause a deterioration in relations. And also financial difficulties may begin to arise in the family, which will also cause conflicts.
  • Different views on beautification. People who have grown up in different social strata have different ideas about good material wealth. One of the spouses may not be satisfied with the financial situation of the family, and the other will be completely satisfied with everything.

Corporate conflicts

concept and types of interpersonal conflicts

Controversial situations that lead to misunderstandings happen everywhere. How can one define the concept and types of corporate conflicts? The concept is the same as in any conflict. When members of the same organization commit unlawful acts against their colleagues or sponsors, directors or investors, a conflict arises. What species is it divided into?

  • Misunderstandings between managers and shareholders. Probably the most common form of conflict. It is easy to understand and understand this view. Mutual claims between employees and shareholders will always be.
  • Misunderstanding between controlling and minority shareholders. Different goals and views on the future of the company compel people to engage in active polemics, which can go from ordinary conversation to conflict.
  • Misunderstanding between shareholders and creditors. Financial difficulties can become a stumbling block for any, even successful business.

Conflicts in the organization

Let's look at the concept and types of conflicts in an organization. What could be the cause of contention? Working conditions, low salaries, personal problems of employees. Much has been said about the concept and types of interpersonal conflicts. They can cause discord among people working in the same organization. And what are the types of conflicts?

  • Constructive. Such conflicts help the organization grow. Superiors and subordinates easily solve problems and quickly come to a common denominator.
  • Stabilizing. Whatever the conditions created by the leadership, people will still find something to complain about. A stabilizing conflict helps to find flaws in work and eliminate them quickly and without big problems and financial costs.
  • Destructive. Such conflicts cannot be resolved without problems. The participants in the discord have different views on the problem, and in order to eliminate it one of the parties has to make concessions. Most often the organization suffers from this.

Collective conflicts

People cannot live together all the time. Often there are situations of conflict of interest. And if such problems cannot be solved without conflicts by close people, what can we say about colleagues. These phrases can describe the concept of conflict in the team. Types of such disputes:

  • Temporary difficulties. Working on a complex project can cause controversy in the work team. Team members can be divided into two camps, which by itself will cause a conflict.
  • The struggle for a place in the sun. Every good employee wants to get promoted. For his sake, people are sometimes ready to do anything. Therefore, conflicts arise during the distribution of tasks, during the release of one of the leading places, etc.
  • Interpersonal conflicts. It’s impossible to live together all the time, this will be hindered by people's habits and values. Therefore, periodically, one of the colleagues may not wash the dishes or remove the papers behind them. If such incidents are repeated frequently, then this can cause trouble for a person.

Armed conflict

Living all the time in the world is impossible. But not all disputes lead to armed conflict. The concept and types of this conflict will now be analyzed. Military conflict is a contradiction between groups that use military formation.

Such conflicts occur, depending on the goal pursued by the initiator of the dispute:

  • Fair. It is clear that the two parties to the conflict will defend their positions and interests. A conflict is considered fair, where two groups agree with the problem and that it needs to be addressed.
  • Unfair. An example is the war for the redivision of the world.

Depending on the size of the territory in which they occur:

  • Local.
  • Regional
  • Large scale.

They can also be classified depending on the form:

  • Incident. A small skirmish between the two parties to the conflict, in which the weapon is not used, but it is present as a threat.
  • Stock. Scheduled rally or demand. In the course of such an action, weapons may be used. Both sides will be dosed to use physical force.
  • Armed struggle. Confrontation between two groups with different interests. In the process of asserting their rights and desires, people can kill or mutilate each other.

Naturally, any controversial situations should still be avoided. This can significantly reduce unpleasant situations in the team and personal life. Not to mention the confrontation of states in the political arena.

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