One of the types of cosmetics - eyeliner
Penetrating, expressive, deep, insightful ... Such may be the look of a girl who knows how to use eyeliner. This cosmetic product allows you to change the shape of the eyes, highlight them, significantly transform your image. How to use eyeliner? How to give your look a touch of mystery and magic using a pencil? Of course, patience and practice will help to achieve success.
The main types of cosmetics for highlighting and emphasizing the eyes are a contour pencil and eyeliner. The most popular colors for them are black, brown and gray. It is these shades that blend well with the eyes of any color and are suitable for all types of makeup. Our tips will help you learn how eyeliner is selected , how to color the arrows with it.
Eyeliner differs in consistency, color and shape. They can be similar in composition to cream, gel (liquid eyeliner) or act as an alternative type of pencil - felt-tip pen. When choosing a cosmetic such as eyeliner, you should pay attention to many nuances, including the shape of the eyes and face, skin type. It is also necessary to determine with which brush it is most convenient to paint. As an eyeliner, you can use eye shadow.
What to choose
Eyeliner must be selected according to the color of the makeup. If it is difficult to decide immediately, you should take the eyeliner one tone darker than the eye shadow, but in no case should the shades match. You can get an excellent result if you can choose the right color ink and eyeliner. Then it is better to refuse shadows.
Types of eyeliners
What is a liquid eyeliner? This is a small bottle filled with paint. A pointed brush is attached to its cap. This cosmetic product has several advantages: it holds well on the skin of the eyelids, has several degrees of water resistance. In addition, the arsenal of this type of eyeliner has a large selection of colors.
How is liquid eyeliner applied, how to paint neat and even arrows with it?
First, it is better to try to draw straight lines on the hand in order to learn how to work with the brush and determine the required amount of paint. If everything suits you, feel free to proceed to the eyes.
Liquid eyeliner is best used for the upper eyelid. The lines drawn by her around the eye will look rude and unnatural. A well-applied eyeliner will help to make the look more penetrating and deep.
Often, women use a pencil to make their eyes expressive. Using it is convenient, and most importantly you can quickly apply smooth and clear contours to the eyelids. Various colors, composition, hardness allow women to make the choice of a pencil that will be convenient to use. What is a pencil as an eyeliner, how to paint it with contours? First of all, it must be well sharpened, otherwise the lines will turn out uneven and thick. Never circle your eyes completely - this will make them narrower and smaller.
Felt pens are an alternative to pencil. Their disadvantage is that not all manufacturers of cosmetic products produce them. Among the advantages can be noted that they do not need to be sharpened, they lie well on the eyelids, dry quickly and hold for a long time.
There is also a dry eyeliner, in its consistency reminiscent of powder. What is such an eyeliner, how to paint the contours with it? This cosmetic product is much easier to use than liquid eyeliner. The only problem is that when applying the lines, the brush must be moistened in water, otherwise the eyeliner will not hold.
Greasy, or creamy, eyeliner is also often used to highlight the eyes. How to use eyeliner of this kind? It must be applied with a brush dipped in water. Itβs difficult to draw arrows with this cosmetic product, and the color scheme is not so diverse. Among the positive qualities can be called the fact that this eyeliner dries quickly and lasts a long time.
Itβs difficult to say exactly which eyeliner of which companies and what type is best. Ideally, it is better to use all types, and only then make a choice. Let your search be successful and make-up perfect!