The main mental processes: table

One of the most complex, diverse in its manifestations and least studied in the human body are mental processes. The table presented in this article clearly divides the phenomena occurring in our psyche into three main groups: by properties, states, and processes. All this is a reflection of reality, traced in dynamics, that is, each such phenomenon has its own beginning, develops and ends with the reaction arising from this. Mental processes (the table clearly demonstrates this) interact extremely closely with each other. Mental activity continuously flows from one process to another when a person is awake.

Mental states

The processes taking place in the human psyche can be caused by external influences that irritate the nervous system, and also be born directly in the internal environment of the body, depending on the state in which it is at this moment. The table divides the mental processes into three main groups: cognitive, emotional, and volitional. Here, their components are classified in detail: perception and sensations, memory and representation, imagination and thinking are cognitive processes, and active and passive experiences are emotional ones. The table reveals the willful mental processes as the ability to make decisions, fulfillment and volitional effort.

mental processes table

Consider carefully the column, which presents the state of the human psyche. The table presents the most motivational, that is, cognitive mental processes, up to the actualization of needs. The reasons are clear: it is they that can ensure the correct activity of a person, help to form knowledge and regulate behavior. A variety of cognitive mental processes merge in a single stream of consciousness, the table of which is presented in the article, since a person is a very complex organism, and the mental component is the basis for any life activity. It is she who provides adequate reflection of reality, controlling all types of human activities.

Activity level

The fact that the processes of the human psyche proceed unevenly, with different intensity and speed, is shown by the very first tables in general psychology. Mental processes depend entirely on the state of the personality and external influences on it. What is a mental state? Roughly speaking, this is the relative stability of the level of mental activity, which is manifested in reduced or increased activity. A person can experience a variety of conditions. Anyone can remember that sometimes physical and mental work seemed easy and proceeded productively, and at other times the same actions required a lot of work and still did not achieve the desired effect.

cognitive mental processes table

Depending on the state of the personality, the characterization of mental processes also changes; the table clearly shows this. The nature of the processes occurring in the psyche is reflexive, they arise and change depending on physiological factors, the situation, the course of work, even on verbal influences (from praises and censures the state of the person clearly acquires new qualities). Comparative table of mental cognitive processes of the person arranges the points. It contains the most studied factors of such changes. For example, the level of attention can vary from concentration to distraction, characterizing the general mental state, and emotional moods especially brightly change the general background of all characteristics - from sadness or irritability to cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Especially a lot of research concerns the main creative state of personality - inspiration.

Personality traits

The mental properties of a person are stable formations, higher regulators of activity, which determine the level of a state in the quality and quantity of its components, which is observed in behavior and activities typical of a particular person. A comparative table of mental cognitive processes associates each gradually formed property of the psyche with the result of practical and reflective activity. The variety of such properties is quite difficult to classify, even consistent with the foundations of all already grouped mental processes.

However, the intellectual, that is, cognitive, volitional and emotional activity of the personality is quite deeply studied and examined in many complex interactions of their synthesis. Thus, the table shows a variety of mental processes. The properties, functions and role of these components in human life will be considered by us in the framework of this material. Of cognitive functions, for example, it is worth observing and a flexible mind, persistent and decisive belong to volitional, and sensitiveness, passion belong to emotional ones. The properties and functions of mental processes are different, but they all play an important role in our daily lives.


The properties of the psyche of the human person do not exist separately, they act in synthesis, forming complex structural complexes. There is a classification of manifestations of the unconscious by mental processes. A table of such conditions is presented below.

classification of manifestations of the unconscious by mental processes table

The following processes are synthesized there, synthesized with each other:

  • Life position: needs, interests, beliefs, ideals, personality activity and selectivity.
  • Temperament - natural personality traits: balance, mobility, tone, other behavioral characteristics, all that characterizes the dynamics of behavior.
  • Abilities: a whole system of intellectual, volitional, emotional personality traits that can determine creative possibilities.
  • Character is a system of ways of behavior and relationships.

The interconnected neuropsychic acts in their stable and purposeful aggregate have a certain pattern of transformation of activity to obtain a certain result. These are the mental processes inherent in each person, which are of primary value for study. For example, memory as a mental process requires storing information, it is its need - conscious and unconscious. Here, the input to the process will be precisely this requirement as a property, and the output or final result is the information remaining in the memory.

Mental phenomena

The most common mental processes have been listed above, but let's dwell on these lists in more detail. Different authors vary greatly. Common and noted by all are attention, emotions, memory, feelings, sensations, will, thinking, perception, speech. In the category of mental phenomena, they are accessible to any direct and unskilled observation.

comparison table mental cognitive processes of personality

The most interesting thing is not even the observed process itself, but its deviations from the norm, that is, characteristics. Here, usually, a standard table of features of mental processes helps students sort out the classification. Children of all categories are studied especially carefully, but their cognitive processes can be quite easily distinguished from emotional or volitional.

Personality traits

People are endowed with completely different possibilities: one is absent-minded and the other is attentive, this one perfectly remembers faces, and that one only melodies. In addition, behavior characterizes any mental phenomenon and the degree of poise: someone will be pleased with a surprise, someone will be surprised, and some will remain indifferent. People relate to each other in different ways: some love others, and others think humanity is disgusting. There are persistent people, even stubborn in achieving their goals, as well as those who care about everything - they always remain apathetic and lethargic.

Attitude to science

Domestic psychology divides all mental phenomena into three types: properties, states and processes. The differences between them are not so great and are temporary. Processes usually go quickly, but the properties are more stable and durable. Modern psychologists believe that through the interconnectedness of mental processes, in fact, the psyche is formed, which can be divided into components only very conditionally, since there is no theoretical justification for this study. Nevertheless, not only large-scale phenomena of the work of the psyche are widely identified and studied, but also the basic mental processes, a comparative table for which is far from singular.

mental processes function properties table

But since psychology has become a science, scientists are developing methods for its cognition, where the main postulate is an integrative approach to the human psyche, and all classifications in tables are propaedeutic and pedagogical. Similarly, processes occur in society. As in the psyche of an individual, they are extremely interconnected in society: children study, parents educate them, work, athletes train, alcoholics drink, police catch criminals and so on. No matter how parallel these processes may seem, sooner or later they all intersect with each other in some way.

Will and emotions

Throughout his life, a person reproduces his existing skills, knowledge, skills, trying to connect various forms of behavior with an existing emotional state. Thus, the actualization of connections between various mental processes is built, their transition from latent to active form is carried out. Among the emotional states, the most striking is affect. This is a stormy, rapidly flowing huge force of emotion, which is similar to an explosion, therefore it is uncontrolled by consciousness and is often pathological.

main mental processes comparison chart

But the process that concentrates consciousness on a real or ideal object is attention. But it is not emotional. A special ability regulates and self-determines their own activities. This is the will. All mental processes can be subordinate to it. Its main properties and functions are the exact choice of goals and motives, the regulation of motives for certain actions, even if there is a lack of motivation, the organization of those mental processes that can fit into the system of an adequately performed activity, the mobilization of mental and physical capabilities, if it is necessary to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

Cognition and intelligence

Tools for adequate reflection and projection of the world surrounding a person are representation and imagination. They are closely associated with nonspecific brain structures at the cortical level and allow you to build dynamic characteristics of emerging mental processes. These are speed and quantitative indicators of certain actions and their implementation. The state in which the personality psyche is located can be different, hence the high variability of the results of activities.

table of the features of the mental processes of children of all categories

Speech is in close connection with thinking, about as closely as sensations and perceptions - one follows from the other. These cognitive processes of the psyche are characteristic of any activity, since it is they that ensure its effectiveness. With the help of basic cognitive processes, a person can set goals in advance, make plans, fill up the upcoming activities, predict the results and manipulate them as the work progresses. The mental cognitive processes and their characteristics are presented in the table presented in the article as intellectual.


The psychological process is most easily explained by a person’s ability to remember, think and anticipate. Most often, this concept is associated with the acquisition of knowledge. Cognitive mental processes are always creative and active in nature, not only reflecting the surrounding world, but also transforming it. There are two ways of knowing - specific and non-specific. The former uses sensory and rational processes β€” these are sensations, perceptions, and thinking; in the latter they share concept, judgment, and inference.

Universal, or non-specific, processes of the psyche are memory, will, imagination, attention. They act through the end-to-end method, providing connections throughout the action of the cognitive process, and it is all the processes of the behavioral plan that are in synthesis that depend on them. In this way, cognitive activity and practical objective activity of the personality are supported, which receives not only individuality, but also originality and uniqueness.

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