Air rifle Hatsan 125. Reviews, photos, prices, specifications

At some stage in life, a person has a desire to acquire a weapon. For entertainment or for hunting - everyone has different goals. But the fact remains. If there are hunters among friends and relatives, then it all comes down to buying a firearm and obtaining permission for it. But what about the rest? There is an exit! The purchase of an inexpensive air rifle will be the first step in the world of weapons. The future owner has a lot of questions: what rifle to buy, can I hunt with it, do I need permission? The topic of this article is the Hatsan 125 air rifle . Price, reviews and technical specifications will be presented below. This legendary weapon belongs to the sports and entertainment class, but often, thanks to its huge lethal force, it is used for hunting.

What the law says

Turkish manufacturer Hatsan makes the most powerful air rifles in the world, the characteristics of which fall under the registration system in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Law on Arms provides for a power limit of over 7.5 Joules. Hatsan 125 air rifle in the standard version has about 30 Joules. To get to the markets of the former USSR, the manufacturer installs a low-power spring in the rifle, and attaches the standard one in the kit. As a result of such manipulations, the rifle does not require permits for the purchase, storage and use of weapons. The user can only change the spring at home. If itโ€™s difficult to do it yourself, in any weapons store a specialist will replace it. Often the Hatsan 125 spring replacement is practiced by sellers when selling this wonderful rifle.

Hatsan 125 air rifle price

The most powerful rifle in the world

And let the owners of air rifles with a spring-piston mechanism of the American, German and other manufacturers prove that their weapons are the most powerful in the world, but after conducting numerous tests the result is far from comforting. In the factory configuration, without any upgrades, the Hatsan mod 125 air rifle surpasses all its competitors by a wide margin, as evidenced by the numerous photos provided by the weapon owners. Yes, after improvements it is possible to argue, but after all, Hatsan lends itself to upgrade. The name of the weapon is not in vain that the number 125 is present - this is a transcript that states that the initial velocity of a 4.5 mm bullet is 1250 feet per second. Converting to the metric system (1 foot = 0.3048 m), we get 381 meters per second. For comparison with firearms : Makarov pistol - 315 m / s, Kalashnikov assault rifle 7.62 mm - 700 m / s.

Manufacturer Assortment

Judging by the reviews of the owners, a rifle with a caliber of 4.5 mm received great popularity among users. This choice is justified by the fact that weapons are not required permission. However, the manufacturer has air rifles, prices for which are higher than the 4.5 mm base version of Hatsan and other calibers - 5.5 mm and 6.35 mm. But permission is required to buy large-caliber airguns, and if you get one, then the buyerโ€™s choice will fall more on Saigu than on the spring-piston mechanism. As for the rifle we are discussing, its cost is about 10,500 rubles.

Hatsan 125 air rifle

If we consider modifications to the Hatsan 125 with a caliber of 4.5 mm, you will notice that there are not so many of them. The differences mainly relate to the material of manufacture and appearance, as evidenced by numerous photos. There are types based on wood and plastic. The latter can be plain and camouflage. The different appearance is due to the presence of a standard stock or lightweight. There are old and new weapons on the market. They differ in the trigger mechanism of the Hatsan 125 rifle. Reviews of the new-style weapons are positive, as there is an opportunity to weaken a very sensitive trigger.

Device and mechanism

Like most spring piston rifles, the Hatsan 125 is charged with a barrel fracture. It is worth noting that the bolt of fixing the barrel has an acute angle, so opening and closing require considerable effort. The high build quality is due to the lack of backlash and microscopic slots in the piston system, so efforts must also be made to compress the spring. Having broken the barrel to the stop, it is necessary to place a 4.5 mm bullet in a special niche located on the inside of the barrel, using a gentle movement to return the barrel to its original position until it clicks. According to the owners, the Hatsan 125 air rifle with a very strong slam of the barrel can produce a spontaneous shot. It is recommended to practice with fixing the bolt of the rifle in idle mode or with the lock on the trigger to reduce the sensitivity of the trigger.


The main indicator when choosing a Hatsan 125 rifle is a characteristic of the power of the weapon, which primarily depends on the barrel length of 450 mm and the power of the spring. Bullet speed - 381 meters per second for a caliber of 4.5 mm. The rifle is quite heavy, with a weight of three and a half kilograms, the total length is 1240 mm as standard. The source of energy is a coil spring, which can be replaced with a gas spring in the process of improvement. It is recommended to use lead bullets weighing at least 0.5 grams as ammunition.

air rifle prices

Studying the reviews of the rifle owners, you can find recommendations for the use of heavier bullets, for example Baracuda Magnum weighing 1.06 grams. If you pay attention to their photos, it may seem that with their use the main application of the Hatsan 125 rifle is hunting, not shooting sports and recreational nature.

On the convenience of shooting

It is noteworthy that all air rifles, the prices of which do not differ much in the market, are adapted for aimed shooting in conditions of poor visibility. A special material is applied to the front and rear sights that can accumulate light, like phosphorus. The front sight has a red backlight, and the rear sight is green. Pretty convenient fixture when shooting.

Hatsan 125 Hunt

In addition, it is worth noting that the mechanical pillar is adjustable in two planes. Gears are digitally marked. This solution allows you to more comfortably shoot weapons at different distances, in contrast to the fixed bars on the barrel of the weapon.

Proprietary Resolving Issues

Having high power, the Hatsan 125 air rifle in addition received a huge return, which can not only leave a bruise on the shoulder after a shot, but also damage the optics installed as a result of the upgrade. All Hatsan weapons are equipped with a vibration compensation and recoil compensation (SAS) system. Do not be hopeful that a rifle with this system will turn into a toy and you can trust it to your child. Actually, the recoil is very sensitive. And if you upgrade with an increase in the power of weapons, the return increases significantly.

Hatsan 125 Feature

To solve this problem, there are two options that many users recommend combining, judging by the reviews.

  1. Replacing the standard spring on the gas system. Without loss in power, the return will be reduced. In stores, you can find gas springs that can increase the power of weapons, but this is a separate issue.
  2. The manufacturer, walking towards customers, offers to buy separately special pads-compensators for the rifle butt.

Guaranteed accuracy

The most popular modification among shooters is the Hatsan 125 Sniper air rifle. Its peculiarity is that it is equipped with special V-shaped legs for ease of shooting. The muzzle is also interesting in it, from afar resembling a silencer of a shot. Unlike the base model, the stock has been changed, which is adjustable and can increase the height of the stock for greater convenience when lying down. And if you take into account the cute inserts made of light plastic, which are installed on the butt, bed and grip, the weapon resembles a real sniper rifle, which lacks an optical sight. The manufacturer made a gift to all buyers of this wonderful weapon, providing a complete set with a strap for carrying on his shoulder. The brand name on the belt emphasizes the status of the owner of the most powerful airgun in the world. With this modification of the Hatsan 125, hunting will be the most productive.

Hatsan 125 reviews

The most powerful modification

Of all the modifications presented by the Turkish manufacturer, the Hatsan 125 Sniper air rifle is the most convenient for shooting. For many owners, itโ€™s important not the ease of shooting, but the power of the shot. The declared initial speed is the same for all modifications, but the penetration force is different. Reading the reviews of the owners, it is difficult to determine the leader. Only the test results of all rifles will help here, and they are. For the test, barriers were used made of different materials fastened together at a distance of 10 mm - galvanized metal, wooden board, cardboard and foam. The result is quite interesting. Modification Hatsan 125 Camo is the most powerful among its counterparts. In numerous photos, it is clearly seen that the bullets fired from other modifications, when entering the first target, start tumbling, which affects the penetration of other materials.

Modernization rifles

The Hatsan 125 air rifle, although the most powerful among the competitors, still requires an upgrade. First of all, it concerns the reduction of returns. Many owners change the spring-piston mechanism by installing a gas spring. Without loss, recoil when fired is significantly reduced. It is also recommended to install an optical sight on the weapon; for this, a dovetail mount is provided. With optics, this will be a completely different Hatsan 125 air rifle. The price of optics, although high, is understandable for those who wish to shoot at distances over thirty meters. As an alternative, you can install a collimator, from which it will be convenient to shoot offhand, but you will have to forget about good aiming over long distances.

Hatsan 125 sniper air rifle

Powerful recoil destroys optics?

As for the optical sights for the Hatsan 125, the reviews are disappointing. Strong two-way recoil breaks glass in cheap optical devices that are not designed for huge loads. There are several ways out.

  1. Buy a good riflescope designed for air rifles with large two-way recoil, which will cost half the price of a rifle at least.
  2. Buy the cheapest Chinese optics. In case of breaking, simply discard the old device and install a new one. This option is suitable for those who rarely use a rifle.
  3. Do not install an optical device, learning to shoot. Use the rear sight and front sight. They are quite suitable for distances up to 30 meters.


The most important feature for the Hatsan 125 is its huge output bullet speed, which exceeds the performance of many firearms. The rifle is capable of not only injuring a person, but also killing him. This should always be remembered when shooting indoors, outdoors or in nature. When buying weapons, you need to be prepared to bear responsibility not only for your life, but also for the lives of those around you. It is recommended to store the air rifle in a discharged state. This will not only protect family members from an accidental shot, but also extend the life of the spring-piston mechanism.

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