Bear paw tattoo: description with photos, sketch options and meaning

Tattoos attract many people as one of the available means of expression. With the help of wearable images, you can emphasize your personality, character traits. What does the bear’s paw tattoo mean and who will it suit?


Traditionally, a bear is considered a male animal, as it personifies power, strength and power, because it is not in vain that it is called the king of the forest. It is men who prefer to stuff a tattoo with a bear's paw, since it carries the following meanings:

  • new life, resurrection;
  • power and resistance to life problems;
  • courage and power;
  • self-confidence and courage;
  • connection with wildlife.
paw tattoo

In this case, a tattoo with a bear's paw can carry both positive and negative energy. For example, if the bear’s claws left a bloody mark on the skin, then this is a symbol of courage and aggressiveness, and if the paw is depicted softly, it represents the beginning of a new life or initiation.

In Celtic mythology, a bear, specifically a bear, denotes tenderness and motherhood, so women can also fill a bear's foot in honor of the birth of a child or due to other circumstances.

Among Indians, like Russians, a bear is revered for its greatness and ferocity in tense moments, although, in fact, it is a rather peaceful and calm animal.

Place of application

A tattoo with a bear’s paw can have a different size and different performance techniques, which is why the places of drawing a drawing can differ. Most often, this image is placed on the chest on the right or left side, as well as on the forearm. These are the traditional places that many men choose for tattoos. A tattoo with a bear's paw on the shoulder symbolizes self-confidence and self-reliance.

bear Paw

Girls can also choose this image for themselves. His style will be significantly different from men's. The places of application are also different, for example, a tattoo with a bear’s paw on the arm may not be printed on the forearm or shoulder, but on the wrist and differ in relatively modest sizes.

Sometimes this image is applied to the back, but due to its size is complemented by other elements. The paw of a bear can be applied to the calf muscle or above the knee. The value of a tattoo with a bear's paw from the location does not change.

Who is it for?

A tattoo with a picture of a part of a large and formidable animal is not suitable for everyone. Such images are chosen by people strong-willed and strong-willed, regardless of gender. The paw of a bear carries a charge of courage and power, therefore it is not recommended to use such an image for people with an unstable psyche or lack of self-confidence, since it can simply crush them morally.

unusual tattoo

Ideally, a tattoo with a bear's paw is suitable for people whose profession is fraught with danger, in which case it will serve as a kind of amulet. It is possible to wear such an image on yourself to individuals with a strong character, which will only be emphasized by this symbol.

How to supplement?

Tattoos depicting a bear's paw can be completely independent, but can only be part of one big design. Often such tattoos are supplemented by the image of the bear itself, men draw it with a fiercely open mouth, women depict the whole beast standing in profile.

interesting tattoo

In some cases, the bear's paw is depicted next to the symbols that are associated with the forest - the habitat of the predator. It can be various trees, berries, cones. In some cases, the bear is portrayed as a whole, sleeping in the den, while the paw is in his mouth, which means a peace-loving character, but the willingness at any time to defend himself, his family and property.

Tattoos can be made in different styles, in color or black and white. In addition, since often a sketch of a tattoo with a bear’s paw is developed individually, together with a master tattoo artist, a person can put his own meaning into it, which is unknown to anyone else.

Popular colors

Today, black-and-white realism prevails among such images, which involves applying to the body an image that is as close as possible to the real appearance of a bear's paw, and made using black and gray pigments.

realistic tattoo

However, in the case when the tattoo is done in color, the masters and their clients resort to natural colors, such as brown and white (if the polar bear’s paw is depicted). Moreover, everything that accompanies the image of a bear limb can be absolutely any shade. Realistic images use mostly natural colors.

If the stylistic direction of the underwear pattern involves the use of many different shades of unnatural for the bear and its environment, it is important to choose exactly the colors that are suitable for a particular person. Colored surreal tattoos are often chosen by young men and women as a means of self-expression.

Stylistic directions

The paw of a bear is such a universal image that it can be entered into almost any style of tattoos:

  1. Bioorganics - the interweaving of natural elements, animals and the human body.
  2. Minimalism - in this case, the paw looks like its imprint. It is always performed in black and white.
  3. Realism - vivid color images made in very realistic techniques resemble a photograph only taken on skin.
  4. Oriental. Despite the fact that this style embodies Chinese mythology, there is a place for bear paws in it, because this strong animal is assigned the role of a protector in oriental legends. Here they are combined with waves, koi carps and other characteristic elements.
  5. Old school. This style is dominated by bright simple colors, outlined by clear thick contours. Old-school images of bear paws can be framed with ribbons with some inscriptions or contain plant elements.
  6. A thrash polka with a depiction of a bear's paws can echo newspaper clippings and chaotic red strokes that represent blood.
  7. The tribal was popular about 10 years ago. Images in this style are not so relevant right now, but the bear's paws made in this way look interesting and unusual.
black and white tattoo

In addition, the subcutaneous image can be made in such equally popular styles today, as a finish, black and white realism, sketching, geometry.


The choice of a tattoo is a very important and crucial moment, since its reduction is a painful, expensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, it is recommended to create individual sketches based on simple symbols, such as, for example, a bear's paw.

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